Frozen Times

Frozen Times

11 September 2016

Courtesy Jesus on


Pitch black hurts

The sensitive eyes

Reeling move

On blackboards

Revealing tempo of groove

Distilling the whites


Flying kites

Hover above me

Thin slices

Of glories

They regenerate delights

Of childhood stories


Hold with me

My grasp on them weak

I dare not

Even speak

As the ropes pulsate with throb

Of the blackened mob


Body loss

Puppeteers rewind

In twin peaks

Riddled streaks

Measures of hue man eat he

Shredded dignity


Lines to cross

In between jigsaw

Puzzle me not

We forgot

The clear-cut lines of the law

Lesser of evils


Weigh me down

Burden of anvils

Beat upon

Lost forlorn

The making of the sword less

Soulful from soulless


Talk to me

From withering caves

Your mouth shrine

Frozen times

The words fed to the wordless

Soul forever mine


Reading of the poem: 

Courtesy Jesus on

Death is not the end – Nick Cave

Into my Arms – Nick Cave

Till the End of the World – Nick Cave


Mother’s spirits had risen

Mother’s spirits had risen

28 November 2015


rising youtube com 3


The sun regained cold

Petunias withered up

White and pink faces

Soft pastels played in my Heart

A bridge of purple faded


Jia Lu 2014 Dhyāna” oil on canvas 20×24 inches


Citrus evergreen

Haunted by orange speckles

Bore timid blossoms

A shade of penance hung low

Within branches of my thoughts


rising youtube com


Hibiscus rose red

Tussled with bougainvillea

Prominent flowers

The crimson in my mind’s shades

Spoke of bleeding memories


rising deviantart com spirit_rising_by_chvacher-d1kfqdh


Frangipani bloomed

Delicate orange on white

Its scent thief of Hearts

Captured throb within ribcage

Sought bloom’s renewed tenderness


rising knightofleo tumblr com



Grass ran through Earth’s brown

Carpet of fresh green kingdoms

Grasshoppers’ domain

Mother’s sprits had risen

Winding through me a new hope


rising youtube com2


The moon rose silver

Exhaling through jasmine’s breath

Faint springtime’s treasures

Hushed feeling of renewal

Coursed through my Heart lily white


rising pinterest com



Amethystium – Enchantment

Amethystium..Treasure ( Isabliss )(Stine Mari Langstrand)

Amethystium – Strangely Beautiful



You who know my Heart

You who know my Heart

15 October 2015

 you thoughtcatalog com


Confusion of minds

Let loose mists upon the Hearts

That in Love were set


you 7-themes com


Bring me skies’ atoms

Let me knit you stars blankets

To keep out the cold


you spoky tvnet lv


Breathe in Tomorrow

Where Heart beats fully, only

In precincts of Love


simplicity globallightminds com


Shades of yesterday

Forgotten by tireless soul

That in past had strived


you tumblr com


Life flows not backwards

All rivers upstream won’t flow

Respite name darkens


souls pinterest com 4


From front to flipside

Every area in flames

Caught in your loving


drowning wifflegif com


Heartbeats throb faster

Two in one will live ever

As the souls will twirl


you chaoswallpapers com (2)


The fingers sealed it

Promise by your kiss followed

Into depths of me


 you rolepages com


Gaze into my eyes

How could I forsake your touch?

You who know my Heart


 you deviantart com the_key_to_a_broken_heart_by_gypsyh-d2zbws2


Ten is renewal

Heavens open by our will

For our Kingdom come


you mindbodyspiritualawareness com

Perhaps loving is leaving

Perhaps loving is leaving

2 September 2015

swan feelgrafix com


The winds blow chilly

When the days fill with silence

And sun only sets


The evening breeze

Fights its way to howling plain

Where spirits fly free


In gyrating dance

Chill meets with warmth relentless

Throb in ear races


Warm airborne displays

Reverberating through space

Ring harsh to pained ears


Soothing melodies

Of distant smooth orchestras

Play of jazz acid


swans fanpop com

Healing occlusion

Chewing on the memories

Will frees so hasten


Sporadic succumbs

To a lady called Constance

Who in mind swells slow


Faceless and ardent

She shall read a book of names

Uncovering you


Spelling you out loud

I rebuild your nerve structure

As it fills my eyes


swans fanpop com 2

As my heart fluttered

You swam under my lashes

Tainted my cheeks black


The landscapes melted

Cool water met with high flames

That surged in my soul


Two swans necked gracious

Symbiotic reunion

Bond everlasting


My eye observed thrilled

Orange on black on snow-white

That rainbow hues dwarves


Alas swans did part

Perhaps loving is leaving

Another rebirth

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