The Silent Tree

The Silent Tree

21 June 2016

good and evil bhelas co uk garden-of-eden-tree-of-knowledge-of-good-and-evil-rzatlm63p


The Silent Tree

It bustles around

With keen promises of words

Hanging like dead fruit

Adrift the swaying leaves


The Silent Tree

It sheltered my frame

With a hundred drops of shade

Casting spells of dark

Amidst the scorching sun


The Silent Tree

I climbed its branches

Making merry of the ground

My hands tools of skies

Beyond reach of the mind


The Silent Tree

We had carved its bark

With tomorrows nevermore

Basking in todays

In fading centuries


The Silent Tree

We had cut its branches

When dying sun passed away

Snuffed out like candle

Within eye of the Storm


The Silent Tree

We both watched it fall

Its roots decaying  tunnels

Where the rats ran free

Through eras of regret


The Silent Tree

Its hushed memories

Shivered within my bosom

When the moon sang shrill

With voiceless agony


The Silent Tree

I shake off its leaves

From desperate clinging arms

That embraced me tight

Before I emerged free


Reading of the poem: 

tree woman 2

Death is a disease – Clint Mansell, Kronos Quartet, Mogwai

Xibalba – Clint Mansell, Kronos Quartet, Mogwai

Together we will live forever – Clint Mansell, Kronos Quartet, Mogwai

Exhaling stillness

Exhaling stillness

4 June 2016

dragon ign com Tomasz Alen Kopera
Courtesy Tomasz Alen Copera on


Restless Times

The road knows two sides

Straight ahead

Wall awaits

Pacing left right and center

Footsteps a quagmire


Burnt desire

Parchment of memories

Coded red

Bloodied lips

Utter words of safe havens

Peacocks and ravens


Middle way

Lost in centuries

When dragons

Founded grace

The knights adopting their pace

Upheld the old code


Angels sway

To tunes of morrows

When sorrows


The thunders of their low hum

As voices crackle


Knitted faith

Protects no longer

Knots untied


Widows and sons bereaving

The lost promises


Spear pierces

Its thrust solemn sigh

Exposed flank


Like a fluttering dove weeps

Exhaling stillness


Reading of the poem: 

devil grahamfineart com Tomasz Alen Copera
Courtesy Tomasz Alen Copera on

Man on Fire – Lisa Gerrard

Sorrow – Lisa Gerrard and Hans Zimmer

The Host of Seraphim – Lisa Gerrard & Dead Can Dance

Hello heartbreak my old friend

Hello Heartbreak my old friend

26 November 2015



Resurrecting thoughts

Within promises of flow

Other tidal waves


Stillness within chest

Spent are the breaths of dawn’s fight

In meagre treasures


Hovering silence

The wasted seconds breathing

Without the colours


hello webdesignai com


Listen to the Tunes

Cast upon the shores of sand

Vivid foresight shares


hello deviantart com broken_by_emanuelgreatgod-d4udnm7


Darkness always comes

When memories will gather

On the brink of ice


Searching in shadows

There is a point in the night

When the dark meets light


When the moon says shrill

Hello Heartbreak my old friend

Whisper to me soft


 hello clipartzebra com 2




Lake of Tears – To Blossom Blue


 Images courtesy webdesignai and


Winter’s promises وعود الشتاء

Winter’s promises

24 November 2015




Mist in horizon

Reverberating silence

White cloak of autumn


Sun in the blue skies

Golden rays of ice-clad warmth

Stillness in the breeze


Violet pinstripes

Edge of the pink-clad clamours

Indian summer song


Darkness of the night

Casket for the moonlight’s beams

Winter’s promises







وعود الشتاء

24 نوفمبر 2015


winter pinterest com.jpg


ضباب في الأفق

ردَد أصداء الصَمت



زرق شمس السَماء

الجليد الذَهبي

سكون النَسيم



حافة الصَخب الوردي

لحن صيف هندي


ظلام اللَيل

النَعش لضوء القمر

وعود الشِتاء

wallpaperup com 2.png




yaron pe’er-orion

In the House of Love

In the House of Love

1 November 2015

houseoflove mythicstories com



I drifted up stairs so small in their breadth

In my ears only sound of heartbeats rings

Guide me whether they be Lover or Seth

Confusion to empath mind always brings


And as I leapt to a most certain death

Shattered memories sheltered inside wings

Willing to breathe out my ever last breath

The song gift of you in my heart now sings


Mother gracefully offered her trunks’ fur

As I fell she caught me tended to fall

Softest she could though parts did pierce me through


In agony I opened eyes, saw her

All my promises she made me recall

Broken, whole, she pushed me in life anew

houseoflove thecupidandpsychepress wordpress com2 cupid-and-psyche-by-william-adolphe-bouguereau-1895


Let me be your Gipsy Love

Let me be your Gipsy Love

4 September 2015



As time folded neat

I ruffled its snow-white sheets

And danced in their midst


In between spaces

I pranced around in transport

Life cannot bind me


No pacing in mind

A step before the other

Promises to keep


Growing in the wild

I just will not be planted

In pot place me not


Open your heart’s bars

Let me be your Gipsy Love

Reinvent our souls


I will colour Life

Rainbows will be our dwelling

Soar with me higher

gipsy fineartamerica com (2)

A million kisses

A million kisses

8 August 2015


Stars scrambled in you

Meaningless puzzle, mind’s mess

Inner clockworks stir


A map of you prints

In my soul still life’s landscape



Ubiquity calls

To mind other sources flow

Gushing energy


Myriads of strings hold

Every nerve wired closely

To your frame’s workings


Tirelessly kneading

Electricity your tool

Clay turns live sculpture


Insides churn outside

Life’s miracles live on cliff

Bordering your name


The edge of you brings

Into my deepest recess

Promises of life


Ghostly lips will press

Like a tattoo on my nape

A million kisses

ecstasy Adam-Martinakis-soletosoulsex
Courtesy Adam Martinakis