Seven Moons

Seven Moons

10 October 2016


Space Time squared

Into open palms

The preacher

Begs for alms

Charity mission driven

Otherworldly gains


The remains

Food for the bereft

The basket

Rotten core

Steeped in sin forever more

A splurge in purple



My weakest point West

Where dragons

Find unrest

Gold long forgotten treasure

No breath to measure


Paper planes

Take me to lost forts

Where weak minds

Cast retorts

Like bottles cast into sea

Waves of shortened length


We cross seas

Wavering in winds

Scraping tides

Rocky rides

Destination fleeting point

Shimmering instance


Keep distance

We measure in Pi

Seven Moons

Chanting Runes

Twirling around our playground

Bright merry-go-round


Reading of the poem: 

Courtesy kaoriOgata on

El Aire en mis manos – Carlos Libedinsky

Otra Luna – Carlos Libedinsky

Cuenco – Carlos Libedinsky

Infinity’s Time

Infinity’s Time

15-16 September 2016



Blue waters

Encircling the port

Carry weight

Of stories

Lost sailors buried under

Pirates that plunder


They wage wars

The heavens deny

Our wage peace

Light kindred

Our daily toil rewarded

Twenty-three hundred


The clock marks

The eleventh hour

The skin breaks

With the quakes

Infinity joining code

Mutations process


Winged creatures

Birth from my bosom

Ghostly tales

Seek my mind

In playgrounds where we rewind

Birds becoming whales


Hammered Truth

In minds agonised



Shards of memory retrieving

In frames hung on nails


We design

Spacetime’s cavities

Weak promise

Thought forget

Strong keep promises not made

Will in the intent


We find ease

In lives lived unbent

The regret

A shadow

The meek speak the proud bellow

To each speech fellow


Gathered crowd

Crisscross of patterns

Raised lanterns

Eight rivers

Crossing at the peak of Tides

Infinity’s Time


Reading of the poem: 


Canto dell’Alma / Alma Mater – Flavia Vallega Krystael

Il volo dell’Angelo – Flavia Vallega Krystael

I Am that I Am / The Moses Code – Flavia Vallega Krystael

The beautiful gallows on Cape Canaveral

The beautiful gallows on Cape Canaveral

11 September 2016



The silence of rivers speaks to the tallest tree

Its roots of millennium touch the hollow of Earth

The lessons of tedium help the mind in rebirth

The passage that quivers leads through slices of me


Foregone are the shivers the new tides set me free

In moon the selenium spins promises of dearth

Enriched the uranium times renewing the firth

In history’s givers printed code of the Three


We gathered the shadows the precious mineral

The crowds lined with haters cobbled stones drew the way

The women like widows advanced our funeral


The beautiful gallows on Cape Canaveral

When yesterday’s craters wrought the guesses today

The blue wept like willows the despair general


Reading of the poem: 


I let Love in – Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds

To be by your Side – Nick Cave

Where the Wild Roses grow – Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds – Kylie Minogue



5 September 2016



Month of the nine trees

Grows branches

Into skies

The Angels now hear the cries

The deafening tides


Tree trunks float

On rivers of hope

The mind copes

In sawing

The thoughts that pervade clawing

The glimmering leaves


Bark and leaf

Two to a third birth

We pluck them

From the hearth

They grow in wasteland marshes

The city harsh is



Landscapes of the fall

Beckon slow

To soul’s call

Finest grass for the reaper

Green is the new black



Failing my two lungs

They gather


Of pairs they will be but one

Fate of the changeling



In waves of morrow



They move underground frantic

The stone is their tomb


Reading of the poem: 


9 crimes – Damien Rice

Delicate – Damien Rice

I don’t Want to Change You – Damien Rice

Unbecome and Be

Unbecome and Be

26 August 2016

unbecome Carlos Quevedo deviantart com
Courtesy Carlos Quevedo on


The mind’s flow


Breaking down


Parts peering through the glow

The Self a construct


To destruct

Remnants of the Self



The Faith is to the Faithless

Only a con swept


Breaching height

Pitfalls of knowledge

Within forts

Steely courts

Restore in me my kingdom

Dancer in the Tides


Body lust

Your way to my flesh

Skin unmesh

Will me free

We walk together by three

The shadow ruler


Soul abides

By rules unwritten

Rock bottom

Inside delve

They painted the skies in twelve

Thirteen my stardom


To instruct

The fruit of sorrow

Hunger game

No longer

Biding by appearances

Unbecome and Be


Reading of the poem: 

unbecome abstract desktopnexus com 2


Unbecome – Vas & Azam Ali

Bardo – Vas & Azam Ali

Refuge – Vas & Azam Ali

Engineering New Angels

Engineering New Angels

6 August 2016

bloodpearls blood_of_redemption_by_carlos_quevedo-d9dnl02
Courtesy Carlos Quevedo on


Workshop steel

Propping up decors



Painted mask inside rotten

Spinning backwards wheel


Tides Await

Turn of Purging Flames

Mindless Games

Toy Soldiers

Molten Clay Water and Fire

High riding Desire


The Love lost

The Breath Gifts Stolen

Gasping Lung

From Earth Flung

Engineering New Angels

Iron wings flying


Reading of the poem: 

bluegreenloss deviantart com rise_of_elements_by_carlos_quevedo-d99ga5y
Courtesy Carlos Quevedos on

Everybody hurts – R.E.M

Shiny Happy People – R.E.M

Losing My Religion – R.E.M

Neverending Love

Neverending Love

7 July 2016

flowers vi sualizse us (2)


In heartbeats they stir

Feelings swimming like small fish

Bent upon a wish


The stars are shining

They call to heavenly realms

As waters retract


The pathways shimmer

They are strewn with memories

Of our starlit Times


Decomposing rhymes

I construct you a palace

Built upon rivers


Your name forgotten

As the tides broke the seashore



Rise through the blue waves

That surge from depths of desert

Neverending Love


Reading of the poem: 

flower forumwebmaster com (2)

Fish Beach – Michael Nyman

The Departure – Michael Nyman

Love doesn’t End – Michael Nyman

Walk Swim Fly

Walk Swim Fly

6 July 2016

spirit pinterest com


Rebirth’s toil

Reinventing self


The remnants

Low hanging fruit of cluster

Like diamond pendants



Resounding silence

Only core


Remembering the absent

Decoration spent


A lifetime

Walking in penance

Hearts and spades

All just fades

Tricolour flag of clover

Hovers in game dreamt


Dealing rack

Falling through the skies

Like black rain

Hurried pain

The lashes bring back flashes

Of otherworldly


Thoughts to stack

Truth to tell from lies

When twin suns

Sizzle roads

Even dark rain quenches thirst

Of insides that burst


Seamless stitch


Don’t ask why

Walk Swim Fly

Change with the hammering tides

The meek soul abides


Reading of the poem: 

spirit pinterest com 10

Walk – Ludovico Einaudi

Elegy for the Arctic – Ludovico Einaudi

Fly – Ludovico Einaudi


O Lune de mes nuits blanches / O Moon of my sleepless nights

O Lune de mes nuits blanches

(Poème écrit sous forme de Sonnet Occitan traduit en anglais ci-dessous ou ici)

19 juin 2016

O moon entwists5 rssing com


La chaleur du désert n’empêche froid dans le Cœur

Du temps de l’innocence je garde instants fraîcheur

De courses dans les prés verts avant temps de rancœur

Quand acte déliquescence engendra fruit d’aigreur


Une chanson de Prévert ranime en moi clameur

Du temps de l’insouciance le long d’années bonheur

Chantant à cœur ouvert je recueille les pleurs

De mille nuits d’existence de vies rouges comme des fleurs


O Lune de mes nuits blanches dans tes robes argentées

Vois-tu les traces mortelles de nos ébats blessés ?

J’ai la mémoire qui flanche de trop d’âmes arpentées


Les vies lasses s’amoncellent en des remparts dressés

Echafaud où l’on tranche les cous aux lignes bleutées

Marées mortes ritournelles pour des devins pressés


Lecture du poème: 

O moon pinterest com 7


O Moon of my sleepless nights

(Translation into English of the Occitan Sonnet written in French. See original above or here)

19 June 2016

O moon pinterest com 6


The desert heat prevents not cold in the Heart

From a Time of innocence, I keep fresh instants

Of running in green meadows before rancour time

When deliquescence act begat fruit of sourness


A song of Prévert revives in me outcry

Of an untroubled Time alongside years of happiness

Singing open-hearted I collect the tears

Of thousand nights of existence of lives red like flowers


O Moon of my sleepless nights in your silvery dresses

Do you see the deadly traces of our wounded lovemaking?

My memory fails me from too many souls travelled


The tired lives are stacking up in upright walls prepared

Scaffold where one slices the necks with the bluish lines

Dead Tides chorus for hurried soothsayers


Reading of the poem: 

O moon tumblr com

Sois tranquille – Emmanuel Moiré

Sans dire un mot – Emmanuel Moiré

Beau malheur – Emmanuel Moiré

Finding Love

Finding Love

18 June 2016

angels 10


Blinding Love

A streak of lightning

Bolts through Heart

With a start

On comes the reckoning Time

Tides for bare seashores


Binding Love

Oft misconceptions

The snide talk

Of bondage

Thoughts in the mind that rummage

Through empty drawers


Buying Love

Silver coin in palm

She will tell

Your fortune

In dark alleys where eyes look

Away empty halls


Chiming Love

Sacred be thy name

To death’s toll

It peals, squeals

The greying head it reveals

Decaying monster


Shining Love

Diamonds in a dream

Brittle glass

Of trinkets

True nature washed by the stream

Of the years’ routine


Finding Love

Impossible task

The rare gem

Sewn in hem

Tucked away in silent pouch

See it when you crouch


Reading of the poem: 

purple paper4pc com

Give me Love – Ed Sheeran

One – Ed Sheeran

Thinking out Loud – Ed Sheeran