Stillness in Tremors

Stillness in Tremors

7 November 2015

yearning blog onbeing com


Flowing in stillness

Reaching out from within split

Backward ascension


Kicking off the weights

Upward motion redemption

Resumed progression


Clocks struck again twelve

In between the two lightbeams

Four met the seven


writing s298photobucket com Yuki Urushibara from Dragonrain com

Look as bubbles rise

Blue and Red in yellow freed

When Time flies to right


mask crookedbrains net

The Four takes to White

Rotating around the core

Shifting from axis


Hurtling through the light

Closer to the centre’s pole

Stillness in Tremors


Twin journeys to One

Root yourself in the Stillness

Through fires twine One


Sundew25 pinterest com


Stive Morgan – In my Dreams

Stive Morgan – The Witch Dance

Stive Morgan feat Moon Haunter – Merging of Two Hearts


Eye will see you blow the hatred’s Flames

Eye will see you blow the hatred’s Flames

5 November 2015

  close photonin com


Out of the waters of your prayers

I, child of the blue come in naked simplicity


Look into the infinite my veil

Feel my Grace open your Heart at the Touch of my Face


Take the silent drop that falls withered

Open your heart and release the waterfalls anew


Eye watched Abel and Cain together

Walk down in Peace from rocky mountains to my valleys


The Hawk from above sees all with Heart

Watch as its message through dancing form flows in the falls


silence gaiaonline com normal_angelinwater

Wings are made for shelter and uplift

Seek not just waterfalls be of all the healing flow


Eye will see you blow the hatred’s Flames

As tomorrow will rise in the desert’s land Bright


Darkness now Light the beast tamed fly White

From confined prisons plunge into forgiveness waters


Drown in my blue thirst or reach for skies

Float in my mercy, see your twin, together now fly


Eyes have many wishes in rainbows

Walk to the meeting point, my skies’ lands of tomorrow

 Blue playingwiththeuniverse blogspot com 2


Images courtesy, and

Ana bekoach sub en español

Schubert – Ave Maria

The morning of Hope – Sobhe Omid – Hamad Zamani

Tree of Life – Lacrimosa

Yellow Sunflower

Yellow Sunflower
31 October 2015

horizon blisstree com

Yellow Sunflower
Always turns towards the sun
When it scorches most

It is the nature
Of flowers that draw on sun
To set it ablaze

Sunflowers retain
Through dazzling yellow pitch black
That draws in sun’s rays

Even sun must die
Small deaths over horizon
But rise shine again

Bliss woman of endor com

Frills for our Future

Frills for our Future

26 October 2015

Silhouette of a man in Costa del Sol, Spain


Your silent call shrill

Piercing through my ice-clad form

Reinventing words


Look to horizons

There is a line in the sky

Where Blue meets the Red


frills theatlantic com (2)


Energy surges

Taking us to peak of soul



frills nextavenue org (2)


You are primal mate

I know your every shape shift

By my life you dance


Morrows will rise bright

As we flow into the light

Sensorial pulse


Show me how the waves

Will surrender to my shores

Bubbling with the Love


Tree of life awaits

As the music settles smooth

Will you call my name?


Rocks you cast upon

Our heavenly forms’ angers

Your foam met my lace


Frills for our Future

So untie the fastenings

Perhaps will it bliss


frills pinterest com (2)

This spirit in me

This spirit in me

9 September 2015

spirit imgarcade com


Looking back at me

I was once forever two

Hope and grief combined


Today when I look

The grief so slight may resist

But Hope surges so


First flickering frail

Then kneaded in strength of stones

Wills all woes dissolve


Moon restores in me

Blackened stories of the day

That the dark raises


Sun simmered in me

Completing work of the night

Built in me cradles


spirit fineartamerica com


Waves resurge in me

The wondrous light of that Love

Spirit elevates


Photons shoot in me

Throbbing electricity

Lighting me fires


I swim to your shores

In purity preservation

Of a beating Heart


My figure grown Light

Transfigured by your loving

I will show your glows


True nature of me

Will shine through external mask

As Truth dissolves lies


Courtesy Rassouli


Look only within

I will take you to the Source

Of all Abundance


Now follow the signs

The way lies hidden in you

Within worlds you know


I will await it

The rise of your lost knowledge

As it softly grows


The path that calls me

Leads into my other worlds

That gyrate within


This spirit in me

Brings pulsating to my hands

Surging energy


spirit idealcheeseandwinecafe com 1452616804_Healing_Hands_Larger_1_xlarge

سيشرق الغد Tomorrow will rise

سيشرق الغد

٨ سبتمبر ٢٠١٥

rise chipur com


رياح التغيير

ستهب بهدوء

في سماواتي


نمت سليما

و تدفق العالم

كدم في العروق


سيشرق الغد

في كسر أرواحنا

و ينطق الشمس


rise pinoyexchange com

Tomorrow will rise

8 September 2015

revolution michelledharvey wordpress com


All the winds of change

Will soon be softly blowing

Within my blue skies


You sleep peacefully

Erstwhile the world around flows

Like blood in the veins


Tomorrow will rise

On our tired broken souls

And voice the sunshine


rise onlyinyourstate com
Courtesy onlyinyourstate com

What is this madness?

What is this madness?

19 August 2015




I wake before dawn

Having slept at its onset

Verily refreshed


If you are handler

Let my body be handles

That you may hold me


Thoughts of you suffuse

My very core as they light

Every handle’s fires


I became candle

That you may see in the dark

During your journeys


I became your feet

That I may lift your being

To the highest states


Elevated, free

You trod upon me never

We flew in heavens


Like your cloak of skies

I sleep with your sweet setting

Within me you rise


The suns wilting, skulk

At this radiance of you

As your soul unfolds


The moon unabashed

Held mirror to your image

And stole your silver


Sun and moon conspired

In wake of your glorious light

To cast you shadows


What is this madness

That day is night, night is day

And you stay the One?

fire diaforetiko gr fire-woman-felice-monda

Infinity’s voices loudly will call

Infinity’s voices loudly will call

13 August 2013




Trodden ruffled feathers life will now smooth

Silken whisper follows rising of pitch

Eroding sadness for soul now to soothe

Stranger rebounds meet not many a glitch


Silvery cords on twin bodies will glide

Wild strings will gather in gardens so lush

Stray notes rotating in bodies collide

Heated moments cause more than cheek to flush


Crescendo the music will yearn to play

Raging with thunders of hunger’s appeal

Dawning upon welded bodies of clay

Daybreak mellow with bond will twin souls seal


Infinity’s voices loudly will call

The higher the rise the starker the fall

twin acceleratedascencion 2

Dance into the Wild

Dance into the Wild

10 August 2015




Darkness splits from light

Silver rays of moon beckon

Unseen worlds will rise


Melodies clamour

Weaving a way through time’s space

Words respond entranced


Entwining souls meet

On the edge of horizons

Where Truths defeat lies


Skin from skin twitching

Palpable as volts shiver

Through frames fitted pair


Night breathes out softly

Moistness of lovers’ embrace

Breathing wilderness


Break away from day

As crows and nightingales bond

Dance into the Wild

wild nonduality org
wild thedigitalistas com Campaign-Image-Into-the-Wild-unbranded-e1364893494386

The blurred lines of me

The blurred lines of me

27 July 2015

al tuo tocco 6 mystic_mantle_by_gilvany_oliveira-d4fvumi
Courtesy Gilvany Oliveira on

A glorious sun

Wakes to another day’s warmth

As eyes witness light


Noon fits my footsteps

With precise specks of shadow

That spell tales of none


Afternoon splits me

Crooked body speaks of tear

Between the two realms


Night brings its unrest

As shadows cover the Earth

Hooded beings walk


A gnawing fear pulls

At the strings of crimson dome

Morrows may not rise


It seems time has come

As I watch them slowly fade

The blurred lines of me


The moon stills my heart

From the pain of departure

I will set out firm

 angel_of_mercy_by_sweetx666 without border