Alice did wondrously land

Alice did wondrously land

12 August 2016

Alice deviantart com comes_alice_to_the_wonderland___new_collection_by_wesley_souza-d61n2xh
Courtesy Wesley Souza on

Out of hats

Birthed the best rabbits

To follow

Trees’ hollow

The tumbling an experience

Otherworldly tales


The mind fails

When seeking lessons

In solemn

Straight-faced chalk

Classrooms for chicken that baulk

From the screeching hens


Lions dens

The cubs profuse meat

Feast to beat

Flesh and blood

Souls carry within the flood

Of the hearts matters


Ink splatters

From rooftops that leak

Dead that speak

Through my tongue

Dangling from heavens now wrung

Their bodies my kite


Bitter fight

Before birth in light

I let go

The failed care

The threads that tie slowly tear

Balloons now lift off


Weak hearts scoff

The mighty forgive

No Malice

In my hand

Alice did wondrously land

In the none sense band


Reading of the poem: 

hatter deviantart com alice_and_hatter_wallpaper_by_shaydedxlightning
Courtesy Saydedxlightning on


Alice in Wonderland – Vitaliy Zavadskyy

Little Lady in a Large World – Thomas Van Oosting

Alice’s Theme – Danny Elfman


Miracles in the palm of my hand

Miracles in the palm of my hand

23 November 2015

blue jattdissite


As seconds’ drifting Time within sand

Seeping through the gaps in the places within my clutch


Shapes shifting through morrows now disband

Invasion now quietened, subdued the old seasoned Dutch


Wars in memories’ echo waged

Intentions thrust upon the space of strife now mental


The boiling point steams creation raged

Recipes for metamorphosis elemental


The sword rests upon dark woodened land

In words the pillar, the power, the firm rock thus such


I lean upon you make no demand

The nearness enhances sweetness you would say as much


Miracles in the palm of my hand

Awaiting the injured for vibrations’ healing touch



Blue playingwiththeuniverse blogspot com 2



Trobar de Morte – Rise and Fall

Trobar de Morte – El Vals de las Hadas de Otoño

Trobar de Morte – Yule : The End of the Darkness

Trobar de Morte – Esperit de Recerca

Trobar de Morte – Excalibur

Trobar de Morte – Aqualuna

Trobar de Morte – In Nomine Filius Mortis


Dance with me Lover

Dance with me Lover

31 October 2015



Serene and replete

I see your glorious face

In the looking glass


Your eyes rainbow stream

Speak to me of rain-kissed days

When they fell silent


I reach out for you

Molten lava is your hand

Reaching for my waist


Rapt in close contact

I rest my head on your neck

While we twirl in Love

 IMG_1272 IMG_1282


With chest facing chest

Resuming the old weavings

Synchronised movements


On we twirl entwined

My space filled by your treading

Centres interlocked


Dance with me Lover

This night like every other

Heart the soul consoles


Unpractised patterns

Woven in split-second grace

Within me your Heart


What is this madness?

What is this madness?

19 August 2015




I wake before dawn

Having slept at its onset

Verily refreshed


If you are handler

Let my body be handles

That you may hold me


Thoughts of you suffuse

My very core as they light

Every handle’s fires


I became candle

That you may see in the dark

During your journeys


I became your feet

That I may lift your being

To the highest states


Elevated, free

You trod upon me never

We flew in heavens


Like your cloak of skies

I sleep with your sweet setting

Within me you rise


The suns wilting, skulk

At this radiance of you

As your soul unfolds


The moon unabashed

Held mirror to your image

And stole your silver


Sun and moon conspired

In wake of your glorious light

To cast you shadows


What is this madness

That day is night, night is day

And you stay the One?

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