What is this madness?

What is this madness?

19 August 2015


Courtesy snoron.com
Courtesy snoron.com


I wake before dawn

Having slept at its onset

Verily refreshed


If you are handler

Let my body be handles

That you may hold me


Thoughts of you suffuse

My very core as they light

Every handle’s fires


I became candle

That you may see in the dark

During your journeys


I became your feet

That I may lift your being

To the highest states


Elevated, free

You trod upon me never

We flew in heavens


Like your cloak of skies

I sleep with your sweet setting

Within me you rise


The suns wilting, skulk

At this radiance of you

As your soul unfolds


The moon unabashed

Held mirror to your image

And stole your silver


Sun and moon conspired

In wake of your glorious light

To cast you shadows


What is this madness

That day is night, night is day

And you stay the One?

fire diaforetiko gr fire-woman-felice-monda
Courtesy diaforetiko.gr