All matter alike

All matter alike

6 June 2016

matter youtube com 3


Race behind

Lost moments in Time


Of hopeless

Time exists but in the mind

Stillness births present


Lay thee down

In tatters or crown

Time sees not

Time heeds not

Its only master the heart

No item for sale


The rebirth

Illusion of thought

Prison mates


The willing fierce consensus

Energy’s game pawns


Ebbing life

Isolation’s stance

The bleak death


Dark conclusion heart-rending

The self-centered choice


Look again

The sand is but streams

Heaven born

In the dreams

The joyous fountains appear

When the thirst lingers


Wasted piles


Golden spoons

In black mouths

Imprint of bile on the lips

Of hidden treasures


The saviours

They come from within

Mirrored souls

Precious gems

Fine tailoring known from hems

All matter alike


Reading of the poem: 

matter youtube com 2

If will come tomorrow – Stive Morgan

Close to Heaven – Stive Morgan

Song for Life – Stive Morgan

Embraser la gourde de soif qui se meurt / Set ablaze the flask with a dying thirst

Embraser la gourde de soif qui se meurt

(Translated into a sonnet in English available below or here)

1-2 avril 2016

within whiteciycinema com


Le vois-tu couler le lac des désirs

Empli de mon miel couleur ambroisie ?

Magie est scellée en pacte de plaisirs

Château dans le ciel demeure fantaisie


De corps emmêlés le fil d’un saisir

Contourner le fiel de hordes frénésie

Le cœur est fêlé en mal d’élixirs

Saluer l’autel mourir d’hérésie


Contez-moi fleurette du bout de doigté

Je règnerai en sourde dédain des clameurs

Les perles que l’on jette à cochons cités


Cette tâche qu’elle est lourde ma trame des mille heures

Faire face à disette taire nerfs excités

Embraser la gourde de soif qui se meurt


Lecture du poème: 

embraser pundendalnerve com au


Une dernière cigarette – Saint Privat

Un, deux, trois – Saint Privat

Poisson Rouge – Saint Privat




Set ablaze the flask with a dying thirst

1-2 April 2016

embraser forums nexusmods com


Do you see it sink the lake of desires

Filled with my honey coloured ambrosia?

The magic is sealed in pact of pleasures

Castle in the Sky remains fantasy (home of fantasy)


From tangled bodies a sole thread now seize

Bypassing the gall of the frenzied hordes

The heart is now cracked from sought elixirs

To greet the altar die of heresy


Tell me tales of flirts fine tips recited

I will reign silent disdaining clamours

The beads that are thrown to the pigs cited


This burdensome task weft of thousand hours

Facing scarcity silence throbbing nerves

Set ablaze the flask with a dying thirst


Reading of the poem: 

embraser imooo com

Impossible Love – Melody Gardot

Baby I’m a Fool – Melody Gardot

If I Tell You I Love You – Melody Gardot

Kissing ghosts

Kissing ghosts

20 March 2016

ghosts glamelia-s ru


Night-time breathes

Essence of outlines


In the air

Between the dark and the light

Forms hidden in sight



Between Earth and skies


Shades of grey

They gather close where I lay

In between spaces


Dreamtime strikes

A chord deep within

Like clockwork

I start task

Glory of netherworld’s breed

Ravenous their seed


Feeding child

Of honey and milk

There are queues

For the old

A thin line of remembrance

Before dark penance


We starve soul

Through bouts and binges

When bodies

Swell and burst

Saturated with the feed

Recollecting thirst


Of quenching

Thirst for inner realm

I know tales

Of sirens

They drink the oceans to brink

Of silent despair


With their hearts

I sit in solace

Stone for stone

Rigid talk

I forecast the first ripple

When feelings will stir


The lines blur

Draw false conclusions

Am I carved

Are they set

We open lines of regret

In marble we cloak


My blue veins

They shudder dark ink

From bosom

Every day

I raise hope but in dread sink

When clocks mark dark hour


Random call

It wakes me to sight

Of unnamed

Kissing ghosts

I compose odes to the light

That trickles through me


Reading of the poem: 

ghosts aliexpress com

Duduk of the North [Gladiator] – Hans Zimmer & Djivan Gasparyan

Distant Lands – Djivan Gasparyan Arman Chakmakian

Kapuit Manushak (Blue Violet) – Duduk Djivan Gasparyan

Eye will see you blow the hatred’s Flames

Eye will see you blow the hatred’s Flames

5 November 2015

  close photonin com


Out of the waters of your prayers

I, child of the blue come in naked simplicity


Look into the infinite my veil

Feel my Grace open your Heart at the Touch of my Face


Take the silent drop that falls withered

Open your heart and release the waterfalls anew


Eye watched Abel and Cain together

Walk down in Peace from rocky mountains to my valleys


The Hawk from above sees all with Heart

Watch as its message through dancing form flows in the falls


silence gaiaonline com normal_angelinwater

Wings are made for shelter and uplift

Seek not just waterfalls be of all the healing flow


Eye will see you blow the hatred’s Flames

As tomorrow will rise in the desert’s land Bright


Darkness now Light the beast tamed fly White

From confined prisons plunge into forgiveness waters


Drown in my blue thirst or reach for skies

Float in my mercy, see your twin, together now fly


Eyes have many wishes in rainbows

Walk to the meeting point, my skies’ lands of tomorrow

 Blue playingwiththeuniverse blogspot com 2


Images courtesy, and

Ana bekoach sub en español

Schubert – Ave Maria

The morning of Hope – Sobhe Omid – Hamad Zamani

Tree of Life – Lacrimosa

The Elements raged

The Elements raged

21 September 2015

ark etherealmermaid com


Dark sleep confused me

Between nightmares and sweet dreams

I left sanity


Slip of the shaking

Error of human folly

I doubted your face


elements deviantart com the_power_of_the_elements_by_sweetlittlevampire-d4cqgi4


The Elements raged

The Earth tilted on axis

As I forsook you


Your body double

Hurling itself with fervour

Shattered netherworld


elements twitter com


Piercing through the space

Drinking up oceans’ waters

With our combined thirst


I danced in the salt

Left from our ravenous splurge

You showered me rain


elements twitter com 2


Music now ablaze

Set fire to my mind’s ears

That your heartbeat hear


Rising from lost grace

With you in meadows of green

I witness your face


elements twinflameconnection com


Gazing with wonder

At the Truth of your features

I gift you my Heart


Lost in our embrace

Oblivious of world around

Exchanging letters


elements theevolutionofdog com

You live deep in me

You live deep in me

14 September 2015

twin judithkusel wordpress com


Steadfast is your Love

Through the oceans it survives

The turbulent floods


A Knight knows valour

Courage is his dominion

Love his only scope


Bear in soul our flag

Distant volcano’s thunder

It spells my Love. Hark!


Jesters may hop, dance

Their sight mere entertainment

Their presence confined


Only your pure Heart

Can feed to me the solace

That my Heart thirsts for


My arrow strikes straight

Cupid arms my Heart’s eyesight

With whispers of you


This bond outlives Time

Though I may not see your Face

You live deep in me

twin9 deviantart com

Juliet’s dream – Abel Korzeniowski