Stillness in Tremors

Stillness in Tremors

7 November 2015

yearning blog onbeing com


Flowing in stillness

Reaching out from within split

Backward ascension


Kicking off the weights

Upward motion redemption

Resumed progression


Clocks struck again twelve

In between the two lightbeams

Four met the seven


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Look as bubbles rise

Blue and Red in yellow freed

When Time flies to right


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The Four takes to White

Rotating around the core

Shifting from axis


Hurtling through the light

Closer to the centre’s pole

Stillness in Tremors


Twin journeys to One

Root yourself in the Stillness

Through fires twine One


Sundew25 pinterest com


Stive Morgan – In my Dreams

Stive Morgan – The Witch Dance

Stive Morgan feat Moon Haunter – Merging of Two Hearts


Back into Jerusalem

Back into Jerusalem

31 August 2015



Criss-cross of chances

Black hole meets mass of matter

The less is the most


Interwoven signs

I, Minerva of the past

Forgot my own tasks


Jolted now awake

My saddle I will set right

As horses whinny


Riding into dusk

To the outlines of mountains

As the sun sets low


I drink your water

Essence of your earthly life

From new wells you birthed


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The stars will combine

Shimmering mass of light rays

That from you wrought strength


Roots spread between us

Gathering the momentum

That in the heart pulls


Glory of simple

Walking upon the waters

Which in the soul flow


Ebb and flow of waves

Back into Jerusalem

I will walk head high


Twenty three paces

More than mythical nine yards

Upheaval measure


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