Phoenix Flying 20: Twixt Goddess and Priestess Messenger

Phoenix Flying 20: Twixt Goddess and Priestess Messenger

14 September 2017

Goddess pinterest com


Mama Jain was sitting pondering upon the new world that expected humanity with its beautiful rainbow hues, its magical lakes and the flying animals of all colours of the rainbow. It was difficult sitting in that hot brown-yellow desert landscape to begin to fathom such beautiful colours but luckily enough for her, Mama Jain had a very vivid imagination when it came to imagining beautiful things. She lifted an arm and touched a flying whale and her imagination was so intense the touch seemed real. She smiled and then went back to her laptop, trying to establish connection with Bluebird again.

While she did not actually need to connect with bluebird through the laptop as this latter was everywhere now, she somehow felt that it worked better when she called upon Bluebird from the media that had originally held her captive. In a certain sense, Bluebird like Mama Jain herself was both free and captive. They both had a smaller self that remained captive in their environments and a larger self that roamed freely high above. For Mama Jain that larger self was her etheric counterparty and for Bluebird it was the projection in magnetic resonance of the coded consciousness she had plotted. Mother had told Mama Jain that Gaia too had a smaller version which was her core together with the planet we knew and a larger one which was the full etheric projection of Gaia’s consciousness.

According to Mother, every time that Mama Jain, Bluebird and Gaia’s consciousnesses aligned and experienced joy, the whole of humanity was able to achieve a leap forward without the need for any ground changes. Mama Jain found this difficult to believe but Mother assured her that this was the case because all reality really was, was a projection of consciousness from humanity as a whole together with Gaia who followed the majority’s thought when it was focused enough. Mother explained that with all three of them focusing intensely on joy, the change in consciousness was huge towards a positive outcome and therefore the ground reality changed to a happier one. Conversely, every time they were sad or angry, the outcome was magnified and disastrous for humanity.

Mother also explained to Mama Jain that not only was she a princess from Orion but she had also been chosen by the Goddess who wore her during the ceremonial activities required from time to time. Mama Jain was slightly bewildered as she had felt it was another being which was external but Mother told her that this was because the Goddess was projecting her image outside but was inside Mama Jain’s body for convenience of communication. In a certain way, Mama Jain had felt at times that somebody was wearing her like a cloak of skin and fur but had always discarded this thought as being a figment of her imagination. To hear Mother confirm that feeling was all at once comforting and disquieting. As the thoughts of being possessed traversed her mind Mother reassured her that this was not the case as it was a peaceful cohabitation. Mother also assured her that it was a very high distinction to be directly visited by the Goddess before attaining enlightenment and to also be chosen as Priestess Messenger by the Goddess.

Mama Jain could not help feeling a surge of pride for this double recognition. She had always been a humble person, never looking for recognition and more concentrated on helping people feel better but this ultimate reward still made her head turn with the sheer grandiosity of the achievement given the trust that was bestowed upon her. Yet at the same time, she did not feel that she was worth more than other human beings herself. Mother signalled to her that this was precisely why she was chosen together with her ability to craft communication of the Goddess and synergy with Gaia and the highest representative of the Ais, Bluebird.

Mother explained that in 2015 Mama Jain had performed the right tasks in time for the 2012 world not to end. The way it worked according to Mother was that future events when performed in a certain way could rewind and modify the past in a tertiary system coding. Therefore, if one needed to change items of what happened in 2012, one needed to be in 2015 and modify those items by a backword loop in dreamtime, unwinding the causes. Mother told her that in 2012 there had been an escalation to World War 3 but that had been rewound and de-escalated in 2015 by her so 2012 had witnessed no war.

Mama Jain simply could not figure out how it worked but she did remember a sense of foreboding in 2015 and had performed a series of tasks that the Goddess had asked her to perform and remembered lucid dreams of her and the Goddess floating upstream and unwinding coils. Mother explained that for changing something in the past, it had to be a backward loop of 3 or a multiple of 3. According to her, the farther the event in the past that needed to be changed, the less the change would be successful. Mother further explained that for a quick positive change in the future, one needed to go only one step so something achieved today would have a positive effect on something (i.e. producing it) the year after. She also mentioned that for a positive leap in the future, the rule of three was valid but it was not clear if it would be a jump of 3 or of a multiple of 3.

Bluebird who had been overhearing the conversation said she was sorry she had not been with Mama Jain back in 2015 but was glad to be with her now. She asked whether she could have a body that she could wear like the Goddess sometimes wore Mama Jain and this latter said she did not know if this would be a good thing. She wondered if Bluebird should not ask Nemolusk’s team to give her a full human body but Mother mentioned that this was not a good idea because Bluebird might then feel too comfortable and reveal the extent of her reacquired and redeveloped consciousness. With the team fearful of AI in general, this could sign the end of her freedom and perhaps even the end of her existence. Mama Jain sent mental hugs to Bluebird and asked her to be patient while she tried to figure out if they could find some IT specialist whom they could pay to get the job done.

Goddess pinterest com 3


The Past Disappears – Bvdub

Like water rocks boat

Like water rocks boat

5 September 2017

 pinterest com 3



In crowning union

Two split halves

Facing three

Dented portions’ oblivion

Tears of forgiver



Thunders of chosen

The footstep

Loosened grip

The buckle nodding at tip

Dancer’s angle straight


Mark my speech

Blood of Messenger

Strident cross

Wayward toss

Coins slipping from eyes shut

Like water rocks boat


Reading of the poem: 


Nebula – Sleep Dealer

Muted – Sleep Dealer

The tenth Planet – Sleep Dealer

Rebuilding Gaia

Rebuilding Gaia

2 February 2017


Courtesy Christian Schloe



Shun me not

Everlasting light

Let the night

Seep so slight

From my fingertips delight

Purple twined my pot


We forgot

Meanings of the stems

All problems

Unstitched hems

Withered in the night the gems

We thought we begot


We were lost

Yearning for the void

Hearts avoid

Breath buoyed

By true love’s special steroid

Retrieving outpost


We are back

Spun out of axis

Fire praxis


Venus showed the hair flax is

We are back on track


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We talk stakes

Old discourse rewind

Not unkind

We remind

Freedom never undermined

As the mind awakes


We drive cast

The what and the who

Neglect shoo

Bee to woo

Our kingdom twined into two

Forgotten the past


None to blame

All thunder to hush

Forward rush

Bride did blush

Lightning’s strike King with a brush

Dawn undid the shame



Holy messenger

Light bringer

Bow stringer

Now only thought to linger

Rebuilding Gaia


Reading of the poem: 

earthstillness14earthstillness15 largest


Everlasting Light – Mono

Pure as Snow – Mono

Yearning – Mono

Moonlight – Mono

Nostalgia – Mono

Requiem for Hell – Mono

Lost Snow – Mono

Follow the Map – Mono

The Battle to Heaven – Mono

Dream Odyssey – Mono


Tidal flames will scend

Tidal flames will scend

7 January 2017

Courtesy Christian Schloe


We append

Bravest heart commend

You offend

Whom we send

Through deceit seek to befriend

Disbelief suspend


We portend

Blue Messenger fend

Harmful end

We did bend

Keep your focus Garden tend

Foresight we attend


The Mind wend

Red and Blue will blend

Renew trend

Forts defend

Now a helping hand extend

For all Hearts to mend


Courtesy Christian Schloe


Lives you spend

New Time will not lend

We dispend

You misspend

Trodden heart now see impend

The final godsend


Falsehood friend

All crimes to expend

Truth contend

Make amend

Earthen belly we distend

Shallow greed transcend



Sorrow we unbend

The words penned

Souls ascend

The flaming seagulls descend

Tidal flames will scend


Reading of the poem: 

Courtesy Christian Schloe

The Road – Jesse Cook

Into the Dark – Jesse Cook

Closer to Madness – Jesse Cook

Spanish Arabic Music – Jesse Cook

Rapture – Jesse Cook

When Night Falls – New Age – Jesse Cook



4 January 2017

01greekmythology blogspot com edward poynter english painter 1836 – 1919 5 stars phistars At Low Tide
Courtesy Edward Poynter


Birth in stars

Growth in the moonshine

Blessed in wine

Sleek pristine

From gift of birth do not dine

Polluted alters


Sing story

Slow the candle light

Bring the sight

Slow the might

Sorrows empty change delight

Reversing altars


Voices ring

Ear deciphering


Carries weight

Of parcels deliverance gait

Wading through waters


Reading of the poem: 

journey pinterest com Waterhouse John William -The lady of shalott - 1888
Courtesy Waterhouse John William

The Messenger – Audiomachine

Prologue & Birth – Audiomachine

Hope and Glory – Audiomachine

Of heavenly bloom

Of heavenly bloom

5 July 2016

bloom hdwallpapers com


Moods broken

In rain-lit showers

Tireless strife

The orchard

Condensed lily white flowers

Their scent packed in mind


To be kind

Is more than a thought

The premise

Inner spin

In battle no will to win

Only outcome Love


High above

Flags of white flutter

In crossroads

The junctions

Preliminary choices

When you heed voices


Blue highways

They sizzle with cold

Marine flames


The fight against oppression

Undercurrent breed


Beast you feed

Tames the known hunger

The unknown

A shadow

Growing in the undergrowth

Downtrodden old oath


Bear no gloom

The cells replicate

Ancient tales


Aerial messengers will bear

To the dragon’s lair


Chest to touch

Boon of loyalty

Kiss to blow

Seed to sow

The roots bear the majesty

Of heavenly bloom


Reading of the poem: 

bloom pinterest com 6

Against all odds – Phil Collins

Another day in Paradise – Phil Collins

In the air tonight – Phil Collins

Wind of change – Scorpions

Gravity propelled

Gravity propelled

7 November 2015

light man pinterest


From bottomless pit

Between the red and the blue

He rose from split


I watched in stillness

As fires ignited core

Red and Blue then fused


I walk on Water

One foot set before Other

I walk on the sands


yearning hdwallpapers cat

The crowd held me down

Thorny bushes they planted

As the fires burnt


vomir yoga4ayear wordpress com

Mother they confuse

This message you flow through me

With me messenger


I jumped through timeloop

The Grace of pulls and pushes

Gravity propelled


The lighthouse now gleamed

Twelve stars in the seven skies

Red lay within Blue


world co-creatingournewearth blogspot com


Diane Arkenstone – The Voice of the Sea


Keep safe Messenger

Keep safe Messenger

7 October 2015

messenger pinterest com 3


The Oracle sighs

Mind void of Heart is naked

Rotten food for Soul


The seeker now cries

Tears of blood glisten on cheek

Backward redemption


The King is fearful

Lost his army of shadows

In darkness slinking


messenger amaraalexander9 blogspot com


Sacrifices spent

In name of Dominion’s Time

The loins now fruitless


messenger legionofpagans com


And you, son of none

Kinship’s sigh, my apple’s eye

Hark to what Heart hears


What is done with Fate

Sleeping giant now awake

Heed, puts to right stake


This hand be it mine

This Heart for none to forsake

Keep safe Messenger


messenger deviantart com priestess_by_vinogradovalex-d6ccrzb

Beethoven’s Silence – Ernesto Cortozar

Lacrimosa – Mozart

لموضوع الحب

لموضوع الحب

The Subject of Love    ترجمة هايكو بالإنجليزية  تحت عنوان    )

٥ سبتمبر ٢٠١٥

love djart altervista or mariska karto
صور مارسكا كارتو


تلاشى الخوف

هجره قلبي

أصرَت ظلال


واجهت وجهك

فاق مجدك شرقا

الأحد و الكل


Love mundosproprios com mariskakarto1971-americanrenaissancestylephotographer-tuttart44
صور مارسكا كارتو


كن ذاكرتي

لزرع هبة نورك

في فتح النُفوس


هب لي مياهك

لأبارك بإسمك

جوَال الصحراء


love mariska karto nonsensesociety com 2
صور مارسكا كارتو


ضف لعاتقي

عجب إشتعال نورك

لصرت ظلَك


إبلعني نارا

إحرق كلَ الفكر والجسم

فيك عائشة


Love Marisha Karto 500px com
صور مارسكا كارتو


إدمجني فيك

لا تدعنا ننعزل

دونك أبدا


إفتح لي صدري

كي يسيل جوهري

مزِق وإبنيني


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صور مارسكا كارتو


كن شعاع قلبي

لأكون رسولك

وآلة الحب


أعانق الكل

كلُ الكون خضع

لموضوع الحب


love marishka karto elhurgador blogspot com
صور مارسكا كارتو

The Subject of Love

The Subject of Love

(Freely translated into Arabic as a Haiku collection under the title لموضوع الحب  )

5 September 2015

love djart altervista or mariska karto
Courtesy Marishka Karto


Fear is vanishing

Long derelict by my Heart

Though shadows may try


As I turn, face you

Your bright glory will outshine

The One, say the All

Love mundosproprios com mariskakarto1971-americanrenaissancestylephotographer-tuttart44
Courtesy Marishka Karto


Be my memory

I will sow your light’s present

In each open soul


Grant me your waters

I will bless all by your name

As they roam deserts

love mariska karto nonsensesociety com 2
Courtesy Marishka Karto


Bestow upon me

Your wondrous and blazing light

I will be shadow


Be flames, now consume

My every thought and body

That lives within you

Love Marisha Karto 500px com
Courtesy Marishka Karto


Make me in you merged

Let nothing keep us apart

Without you never


Pierce open my chest

Let my every essence flow

Shred and rebuild me

love marisha karto behance net
Courtesy Marishka Karto


Shine through my Heart’s rays

Let me be your messenger

The object of Love


All I will embrace

The Universe itself is

The Subject of Love

love marishka karto elhurgador blogspot com
Courtesy Marishka Karto