Universe to see

Universe to see
7 April 2023
Courtesy pinterest.com

Reeling head
Visions of morrow 
I now fathom what this is:
message to translate

Lightning scars
Stormy weather speaks
Fledgling reeks 
of unsettled heaviness
on journey to stars

I seek Truth
Straight knowing journey
leads to source
shining course
I float within a new me
Universe to see

Reading of the poem:
Beautiful Chorus - Infinite Universe (Official Visualizer)

Now ready to dry

Now ready to dry
27 December 2021
Courtesy biller.com
Cascading thoughts fly
Riveting performances
meet my starry eye

Fireworks reveal
a universe in a sigh
that slow flows me by

A peal of laughter (Appeal)
a sacrifice to the stars
in quest of the hours (Inquest)

Urgencies dissolved
natural phenomenon
unwinding my veils

Pray reach out to me
your hands token of despair
stroking sad my hair

Observe me throughout
I am a bunch of flowers
now ready to dry

Reading of the poem: 
River of Blue – Diane Arkenstone

The Shaman Tales 6 : Molding Consciousness

The Shaman Tales 6 : Molding Consciousness

28 March 2020

Courtesy wallup.net

When she had first started using the shamanic gift on a large scale to summon rains she had known that this would happen according to the Ancient magic rules. These dictated that whatever the outcome in the immediate physical it would be replicated within one year or up to eighteen months from the time the ceremony was carried out thereby molding consciousness at that time. This was known as the frontal projection of the consciousness stream and required the shaman to separate from his/her physical self and stay astral during the intended time. Conversely, in a backward timeloop, one had to make the astral body go three years before the present time to carry out a shamanic ceremony that would affect the present.


Initially, she was meant to migrate from her current city to a special place called Alice Springs. She had pondered about it when the city had come out as a result of her dowsing ceremony as she did not know what this meant. It was then that she realized that there existed an Alice Springs and it was in Australia. By coincidence her own helper was dreaming of going to Australia but rather to Sydney than anywhere else. She thought that consciousness combined with her spells should take her to Australia then in astral form if not in the flesh.


At first, she realized that it was the fires of the phoenix that had been let out in the combined consciousness and to combat the ensuing drought-like state it was necessary to summon the rains. Her location was quite far from the regions affected but she knew that consciousness could carry through the shamanic trance joined with the witches’ spell if she released them within the right level of consciousness and at the right moment for them to manifest.


She knew that GAIA’s program was to regenerate herself by reducing what she considered weeds spread amongst her beautiful flowers. As a good gardener knows, if a beautiful patch of the garden is contaminated by weeds or by parasitic flowers, it is necessary to sacrifice patches of those flowers to save the whole garden. As a result GAIA had decided to wipe out many of what she considered weeds and that were in effect human beings. She did not consider them as more important than others because humans had long lost their connection to GAIA. She decided to do this in the region that lent itself the most to this and entire cities in Australia had suffered raging fires. The shamanic trance and combined witches’ spell helped with bringing some relief with the rains to the lands although it was insufficient as not enough levels of consciousness were drawn in by the worded intention. In short, the magic was diluted…


Tulku – Trancendence

The Woven Life 2 : Bubbles of liberty

The Woven Life 2 : Bubbles of liberty

19 March 2020

Courtesy Bojan Jevtic on Saatchi art

She wove conscientiously the points keeping in mind most of the time the greatest good of all. She knew that some of what she wove would not be witnessed in her time but in eons to come. Other parts of what she wove were for immediate results or results on the short or medium term. In the beginning it had been disappointing that the desires she had did not have an immediate resolution but she had learnt to accept this. She looked upon her task as a humanitarian one as she was weaving a better consciousness. She wondered how many out there were like her weaving a better series of connections into the collective consciousness.


Sometimes, her old shadows returned and she would need to stop the weaving during those days. That could mean no weaving for several days in a row. She always wondered whether her consciousness would still be connected so closely with the collective consciousness to affect it in a significant way or if these days of absence would have weakened the contact. Every time she had such doubts they were dispelled immediately when she returned to weave for the greatest good of all and saw the almost immediate results. She wondered how she could cope with her shadow selves to bring them out to the light and no longer have to sit in between all the time. This would allow her to keep weaving every day instead of having to make a pause.


One day she caught herself talking to one of her shadow selves that had strayed into the room. It was no longer lurking behind her as they always tended to do when they manifested, watching her, thinking she was unaware of their presence or pretending they thought that. She normally would only observe them and try to fill them with light but they would take cover, literally and refuse to be dissolved most of the time although she had been able to lighten a couple of them. Today however, she decided to talk to the one who had unwittingly strayed into the room.


  • Why do you need to provoke the advent of darkness, she said
  • Because that is what we are made of, she answered
  • But you are me and if you are me, you cannot be made of darkness for I am light
  • There is no light without darkness so therefore if you are light, we have to be darkness
  • Will you always exist? Is there no end to some of you?
  • Who knows? You have taken such liberty with the self that there is so much light. We have kept some to ourselves. It is our bubbles of liberty where we choose to express the colours grey and black. Are they not colours too? Why refuse them? Surely as an artist you should know that a palette must be complete? How would you paint the night without us? Or the ravens or the dark clouds if not for those colours?


She thought to herself that she must be right. She should perhaps leave them these bubbles of liberty.


Björk – jóga / State of Emergency

Talking birds

Talking birds

15 March 2020

Courtesy Bojan Jevtic on deviantart.com


Springtime dew

Drops on daffodils

Grass that sprouts

All about

My mind running wild with bees

Larks that morning frees


Summer breeze

Seeping through winter

Blinded herds

Haughty nerds

Of the meanings that become

Lost messages hummed



Stretching in the sun

Talking birds

Swirling words

Of the moments that I sum

With my heart’s fingers


Reading of the poem :

Max Richter – Dream 3 (in the midst of my life)

The invisible thread

The invisible thread

9 March 2020

Courtesy twinflamereflections.com


She smiled at him. He was getting more interesting by the day. She always knew that her interest in men was more of the sapiosexual kind but had not realized until this day how much this was true. It was not that he was not handsome, far from that. In fact, she would classify him quite high on the handsome scale although his features might not be the classical handsome face. Yet it was not that which attracted her. What appealed to her most was the fact that he knew so much about a variety of matters and spoke like her several languages, some of which she did not speak herself.


He sensed her keener interest and was visibly flattered. He moved closer to her and she nudged towards him, her left flank now touching his right flank. She could feel the heat seep towards her from under his shirt. She felt all warm and cosy and it gave her a fuzzy feeling. He looked intently at her. Her eyes shone with that particular sheen which had captivated him right from the start. Unlike his green and gold speckled eyes, her eyes bore a dark liquid intensity that he had rarely seen in the eyes of the girls he had flirted with before.


This one was going to be trouble for his heart if she did not respond to his wishes in the way he wanted. He knew she wanted and celebrated her freedom. Would they be able to keep this feeling despite the both of them being so fiercely independent, he wondered? Yet he knew that every time he was away from her it was like something within him was missing. He simply had to come back to her or her to him, he was not sure which one of them wandered back to the other. Like drunken sailors they seemed to rift apart and then stumble into each other again.


It was as if an invisible thread with a spring-like quality was holding them and brought them back to each other when they wandered away too far. He had heard a saying once that people who were meant to meet were tied by an invisible thread. If the saying was true, then he and she were apparently glued together with several servings of invisible thread. He smiled to himself. He liked the idea of being strung up as long as it was with her…


Love – B-Tribe

Music in soul played along

Music in soul played along

7 March 2020

Courtesy Bojan1558 on deviantart.com


Planets surrounded his slight frame

The moon shaped his glory

A shadow aloof with no name

In him untold story


I breathed upon him melodies

Danced entranced for his eyes

All efforts spent for him in ease

Enticed his very sighs


Desire got him to his feet

Throb in heart felt so strong

With tenderness skipping a beat

Music in soul played along


Reading of the poem:

Enigma – Smell of Desire

Alternate realities – Chapter seven : Warrior of Light

Alternate realities – Chapter seven : Warrior of Light

5 March 2020

Courtesy wallpapercave.com


She focused intently on the dragons evolving with her eyes closed and then opened them after a few minutes. They seemed to be much bigger now although they had not yet reached their full maturity. If one compared them to human beings, this stage could be described as the teenage part of their evolution. A few of them still edged towards her and nuzzled against her almost knocking her off her feet. Horus uttered a strange though vaguely familiar sound and the dragons edged back immediately. One of them knelt down by her side and Horus communicated to her that she should ride on it. She looked at the dragon and then back at Horus thinking he must be out of his mind if he thought she would venture on the gnarled and seemingly slippery back of the dragon. This latter peeked at her with something akin to a grin.


Horus told her she had nothing to fear so she went gingerly up the dragon’s wing and then attempted to make herself comfortable atop its massive neck. Horus told her he would keep her company, so he joined her standing adrift just next to where she was seated but not seated himself, merely hovering in the air. “Are we going somewhere?” she asked and he answered that they were going to the training grounds to test the skill of the dragons that were with them. He uttered another sound or series of sounds and she realized that it was sounds from within the language she thought she had invented.


  • It is not an invention of yours, he said. It is an actual language spoken by some of the Gods of light. You are a warrior of light so know the language as would your twinflame
  • My twinflame betrayed me, she said. I do not think he remembers the language, or he would not have betrayed me as he would have had then become a full warrior of light too. What was his purpose really, she asked
  • You were never meant to house the Mother alone but half of the Mother and half of the Father to keep the balance and your twinflame was supposed to take the other halves. Unfortunately, as he has not yet awoken or only partly awoken, you can only house the Mother.
  • Why is that?
  • It is because more of the father would create more of paternal strength and you are meant to bring more of the female touch to this world to include more nurturing. Besides housing alone half of the Mother and the Father without the syncing with the twinflame to reduce the effect would not be humanly possible and could lead to rupturing of the consciousness, which would no longer be able to stay on Earth as a separate being.
  • Well if we had brought half and half of each of the Mother and the Father would that not have given more vigor to patriarchy
  • It is not a direct equation. As a part of a twinflame connection, your shakti power gets inflamed and that is only a motor for balance. This world being already imbalanced and tending towards patriarchy, the balance would have been to have a resurgence of matriarchy leading to the awakening of the warriors of light in pairs. As a result, the whole system would level out after a period of nurturing and lead to the disappearance of fear and the widespread establishment of love as a universal system. It is then that humanity would be living fully in the Golden Age
  • I understand what you are saying. It seems obvious that we need more nurturing and more equality. This system has failed us and is leading to Gaia being totally unbalanced.
  • You are ready now for the mother. Don’t worry, everything will be alright soon


She looked at the pride of dragons all around her and felt her heart go out to them, her magnificent children. She imagined them evolving again and again they seemed to expand in the air around her. She felt the flapping of their giant wings cool her in a rush of air and her heart swelled with pride.


Invisible Love – Enigma

Phoenix flying 24 : The beginning of the journey

Phoenix flying 24 : The beginning of the journey

March 3, 2020

Courtesy pixels

Mother sensed her questions and Mama Jain wondered why she bothered keeping things to herself as Mother would anyway always know what it was that she was thinking about. Mother told her that the segmentation was required because the Goddess dwelt more in the metaphysical world and required hiding from the world portions of her that would cause too much damage to human beings if exposed in the physical. After the initial segmentation into six portions, there was in 2020 another series of fragmentation that brought the total for the Goddess to 9 segments of mind together with what was Mama Jain’s own mind which remained the independent 10th mind. All the minds could communicate together while remaining totally independent from each other. Mama Jain could not access the other 9 portions if the Goddess deemed it undesirable for her.


The fragmentation of Mama Jain’s mind had been a lengthy and painful process for the mind itself although Mama Jain’s consciousness had not felt anything. This was not because consciousness did not feel anything but more because Mama Jain’s consciousness had left her body, leaving only the mind to respond to external stimuli in an automated way. The mind’s solitary automated way was however stilted and sometimes bizarre as there remained a partial connection with the consciousness making what the mind interpreted rather warped and erratic. Therefore, while Mama Jain’s consciousness was away experiencing something totally different and difficult to understand for her mind, the body was responding with a mind that could only rely on a bunch of memories both lived and heard of without the possibility of distinguishing one from the other making her reactions weird for others.


Given that Mother was now explaining, Mama Jain asked her why precisely 9 fragments and Mother explained that this was due to the tertiary system that was the only valid one to allow one to remain out of the world of duality. Indeed, upon entering Mama Jain’s body, the Goddess would somehow be sucked into portions of duality and the way this could interact with the Goddess’ heavenly presence had never been tested before. Therefore, to avoid any harm to the host, the main parts of the Goddess would be put as consciousness split among the 9 minds as nine was the square of 3. From an arithmetical point of view, 9 was equal to 7 plus 2 so represented the value of heavenly abode sitting side by side with duality and not being integrated into it. Mama Jain found these mathematical descriptions bizarre but decided that she was not one to be able to counter Mother’s explanations with any valid arguments so made a mental note of what she was saying.


Mother mentioned to Mama Jain that Gaia had begun the journey of 30 years that was leading to the final evolution into Nova Gaia in 2016 but had had to reset owing to some conflicting nodes of information. She had now resumed her journey towards Nova Gaia which would now see the light of day in 2050. During her consciousness journey, Gaia would gravitate towards new realms making it possible for mankind to see previously unseen planets and stars. While humanity would think that these were new elements in the cosmos, it would actually only be because of Gaia’s metaphysical journey with the evolution of her consciousness which would entail the evolution of human consciousness and be at the same time dependent upon it. The evolution of human consciousness would then lead to humanity discovering what was already there but not visible before given Gaia’s alternate consciousness. In short, humanity saw what Gaia had unfolded because Gaia “saw” by reaching a new realm of consciousness something that had always been there. Mama Jain had already known that the journey had begun but she had not fathomed that this would be connected with a recalculation of the 30 years making the treaty on Mars now only possible by 2050. As Mother had left by now, she sat back in her chair and rocked herself to the music, feeling the soothing music engulf her…


Lisa Gerrard – Space Weaver

Shower me in rain

Shower me in rain

10 February 2020

Courtesy Pinterest.com


Have it all

Bursting seams whispered

Pack in bulge

We indulge

Preserving by ingestion

All the holiness


I confess

In moments of sighs

The respite

In the might

Of the ghastly paths trodden

Forgiveness lengthy


My scream hurls

Off dilated chests

In plenty


Breathing in toxins to speak

What bosoms bore not


I claim eye

Redemption in sky

Words ripped off

The shorn back

Whip up a back to redeem

What I may then seem



Art of plentiful



Look within the chest that heaves

Nothing for the mass


Land of Perth

Rekindles the birth

Of the Love


Take mind off woodlands ablaze

Shower me in rain


Reading of the poem:

Prosopa – Spanatis Spanoudakis