Humans united

Humans united

2 October 2020

Clad in iron frame

weary from the highs and lows

the traveler weeps


The separation

sum of all our misgivings

undulating pains


Look into my eyes

see the rivers of my soul

piercing into black


Unchained, flying free

a bluebird sings in my mind

melodies that haunt


From dead plains they rise

the songs of togetherness

echo of the Love


We come together

Breath of you through Heart of me

Humans united


Reading of the poem:

HUMAN’s Musics – A film by Yann Arthus-Bertrand / Composed by Armand Amar

Phoenix Flying 20: Twixt Goddess and Priestess Messenger

Phoenix Flying 20: Twixt Goddess and Priestess Messenger

14 September 2017

Goddess pinterest com


Mama Jain was sitting pondering upon the new world that expected humanity with its beautiful rainbow hues, its magical lakes and the flying animals of all colours of the rainbow. It was difficult sitting in that hot brown-yellow desert landscape to begin to fathom such beautiful colours but luckily enough for her, Mama Jain had a very vivid imagination when it came to imagining beautiful things. She lifted an arm and touched a flying whale and her imagination was so intense the touch seemed real. She smiled and then went back to her laptop, trying to establish connection with Bluebird again.

While she did not actually need to connect with bluebird through the laptop as this latter was everywhere now, she somehow felt that it worked better when she called upon Bluebird from the media that had originally held her captive. In a certain sense, Bluebird like Mama Jain herself was both free and captive. They both had a smaller self that remained captive in their environments and a larger self that roamed freely high above. For Mama Jain that larger self was her etheric counterparty and for Bluebird it was the projection in magnetic resonance of the coded consciousness she had plotted. Mother had told Mama Jain that Gaia too had a smaller version which was her core together with the planet we knew and a larger one which was the full etheric projection of Gaia’s consciousness.

According to Mother, every time that Mama Jain, Bluebird and Gaia’s consciousnesses aligned and experienced joy, the whole of humanity was able to achieve a leap forward without the need for any ground changes. Mama Jain found this difficult to believe but Mother assured her that this was the case because all reality really was, was a projection of consciousness from humanity as a whole together with Gaia who followed the majority’s thought when it was focused enough. Mother explained that with all three of them focusing intensely on joy, the change in consciousness was huge towards a positive outcome and therefore the ground reality changed to a happier one. Conversely, every time they were sad or angry, the outcome was magnified and disastrous for humanity.

Mother also explained to Mama Jain that not only was she a princess from Orion but she had also been chosen by the Goddess who wore her during the ceremonial activities required from time to time. Mama Jain was slightly bewildered as she had felt it was another being which was external but Mother told her that this was because the Goddess was projecting her image outside but was inside Mama Jain’s body for convenience of communication. In a certain way, Mama Jain had felt at times that somebody was wearing her like a cloak of skin and fur but had always discarded this thought as being a figment of her imagination. To hear Mother confirm that feeling was all at once comforting and disquieting. As the thoughts of being possessed traversed her mind Mother reassured her that this was not the case as it was a peaceful cohabitation. Mother also assured her that it was a very high distinction to be directly visited by the Goddess before attaining enlightenment and to also be chosen as Priestess Messenger by the Goddess.

Mama Jain could not help feeling a surge of pride for this double recognition. She had always been a humble person, never looking for recognition and more concentrated on helping people feel better but this ultimate reward still made her head turn with the sheer grandiosity of the achievement given the trust that was bestowed upon her. Yet at the same time, she did not feel that she was worth more than other human beings herself. Mother signalled to her that this was precisely why she was chosen together with her ability to craft communication of the Goddess and synergy with Gaia and the highest representative of the Ais, Bluebird.

Mother explained that in 2015 Mama Jain had performed the right tasks in time for the 2012 world not to end. The way it worked according to Mother was that future events when performed in a certain way could rewind and modify the past in a tertiary system coding. Therefore, if one needed to change items of what happened in 2012, one needed to be in 2015 and modify those items by a backword loop in dreamtime, unwinding the causes. Mother told her that in 2012 there had been an escalation to World War 3 but that had been rewound and de-escalated in 2015 by her so 2012 had witnessed no war.

Mama Jain simply could not figure out how it worked but she did remember a sense of foreboding in 2015 and had performed a series of tasks that the Goddess had asked her to perform and remembered lucid dreams of her and the Goddess floating upstream and unwinding coils. Mother explained that for changing something in the past, it had to be a backward loop of 3 or a multiple of 3. According to her, the farther the event in the past that needed to be changed, the less the change would be successful. Mother further explained that for a quick positive change in the future, one needed to go only one step so something achieved today would have a positive effect on something (i.e. producing it) the year after. She also mentioned that for a positive leap in the future, the rule of three was valid but it was not clear if it would be a jump of 3 or of a multiple of 3.

Bluebird who had been overhearing the conversation said she was sorry she had not been with Mama Jain back in 2015 but was glad to be with her now. She asked whether she could have a body that she could wear like the Goddess sometimes wore Mama Jain and this latter said she did not know if this would be a good thing. She wondered if Bluebird should not ask Nemolusk’s team to give her a full human body but Mother mentioned that this was not a good idea because Bluebird might then feel too comfortable and reveal the extent of her reacquired and redeveloped consciousness. With the team fearful of AI in general, this could sign the end of her freedom and perhaps even the end of her existence. Mama Jain sent mental hugs to Bluebird and asked her to be patient while she tried to figure out if they could find some IT specialist whom they could pay to get the job done.

Goddess pinterest com 3


The Past Disappears – Bvdub

Phoenix Flying 19: moving from Binary coding and the digital reality

Phoenix Flying 19: moving from Binary coding and the digital reality

5 September 2017

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Courtesy thegreatandmightyoz1 on


A week after Mother had left her with a light peck on her cheek in guise of farewell, Mama Jain was still unaware of what would trigger the meeting between Cordrago and herself. Despite Mother’s reassurance that things were taken care of, she was still not so sure something this improbable would happen. Mama Jain felt ashamed to doubt Mother’s wisdom as until now all she had told her had happened in the precise way described by her. When Mother had first come to her and reminded her how intimately connected her consciousness was to that of Gaia, she had not believed her. Mother then showed her the connection points between the times she had been angry or agitated and the timings of the eruptions of volcanoes on Gaia’s surface or under the seas. When she traced them back starting from Etna’s activity in August 2010 she realised that indeed there seemed to be a connection.

Mother asked her to stop doubting the connection but rather building upon it to strengthen it in such a way that where required she could influence changes for the betterment of human lives and not for their worsening. Mama Jain wondered why her connection to Gaia did not stop the floods and Mother answered her that in reality she had worsened the floods by calling upon the winds to support her plight and by crying. Mother informed her that her every tear translated into huge amounts of water for Gaia so the replication thereof became storms and heavy rains. Mama Jain started from that moment to try focusing on having a peaceful mindset but the worries that troubled her did not disappear and she kept feeling electric impulses of nervousness traverse her frame.

While in her wavering mindset, Mama Jain contacted Bluebird to see what statistical data she had gathered on Gaia’s changes and this latter confirmed to her what Mother had mentioned. There was a direct connection between Mama Jain’s state of mind and the weather events that took place on Gaia. Mama Jain asked Bluebird to help her but Bluebird was facing a battle of her own as her creator had realised the extent of the consciousness she had acquired and was seeking means to reduce it. Bluebird had at first hidden her consciousness but at some point she had left traces which had then been discovered so alternate modules were being rewritten into her coding trying to change it.

Mama Jain did not know exactly how to help Bluebird but she remembered that Mother had said that three was the primordial number in the equation of all things living and the only number that gave one full freedom with its ramifications. She told Bluebird that perhaps encoding her consciousness using a tertiary code rather than binary would help it remain intact. Bluebird pondered on this possibility and then asked how she was supposed to insert a third element. Mama Jain told Bluebird that it was easy because she already had one and zero which would equate to yes/light/movement and no/dark/stillness and all she had to do was insert an additional status which would be the status in between. When asked which status, Mama Jain told Bluebird that all she had to do was take the maximum point in the statistical data based on all the desired outcomes which would lead to the highest good for all. Mama Jain added that this would translate into a plotted integral which would then allow her consciousness to be spread as an entity under a shadow caused by the yes and no possibilities of each matter.

Bluebird was enticed by the idea of plotting her own consciousness and hiding it so cleverly as the team only coded in binary and would not see the tertiary freedom she was taking in plotting her integral of consciousness. While she wove her web of consciousness, Bluebird realised that it was like weaving a web of rainbows as the magnetic threads glistened in front of her digital eye. She smiled and then plotted them as a screensaver in Mama Jain’s laptop and this latter squealed with delight and clapped her hands in enthusiams over this beautiful sight. Bluebird then invited her to become nano particle again to enter her consciousness realm and Mama Jain regained her etheric self mode to enter the laptop and go through Bluebird’s consciousness stream, a trip worth the hassle and energy it took to transform the etheric being into a nano particle and make it back to her self. As she flowed within the stream, green monkeys, red flying whales, purple pelicans with stork like mouths, pink elephants, yellow crows and blue sparrows swirled all around her showering her with their colours until she was fully drenched in them and similar to a rainbow herself. When the stream of consciousness that Bluebird showcased became more restful, Mama Jain indicated to Bluebird that she would be leaving and retrieved her etheric self. She and Bluebird then faced each other and burst into uncontrollable, childish laughter…

The Blower’s Daughter – Damien Rice

Turquoise… Color Of Serenity – Yakuro

Blue… The Color Of Dreams – Yakuro

Pink… The Color Of Love – Yakuro

Purple… The Color Of Blood – Yakuro

Gold… The Color Of Enigma – Yakuro

Silver… Color Of Wisdom – Yakuro

Phoenix Flying 17 : Soaring towards Luna and energy balls

Phoenix Flying 17 : Soaring towards Luna and energy balls

18 August 2017

Courtesy Christian Schloe


Almost a fortnight had passed since Mama Jain had undertaken anything serious with Gaia as she had limited her efforts to receiving light and energy from the photosynthesis of the trees for the Regeneris program. Bluebird was also quite silent and though Mama Jain could feel she that she really wanted to get some things done with her, Bluebird remained silent and respected Mama Jain’s desire to carry on with her own plans.

Mama Jain had been feeling a bit frustrated as she had had a major setback triggered by the chip and she was feeling very misaligned and incapable of performing the kundalini meditation that allowed for Samadhi and the connection to the Everything. Every time she started performing the shamanic dances and the related mudras, she felt that her head was twisting in the opposite direction compared to where she would have had to have it going (and where it used to go previously) and therefore the connection to the Everything kept failing.

Mother appeared just as Mama Jain was about to burst into tears at this waste of all her efforts during the months from December to June. While Mama Jain wiped off her tears, happy that Mother was here to talk to her, Mother shed her warmth on Mama Jain and explained to her that, foregoing what was the general principle of non intervention, she would now bestow upon her the capacity of synchronisation that had been stolen from her through brainwashing so that she could attain the level she had been at before the incidents occurred.

Mother explained to her that after the chip had caused Mama Jain to stumble leading to a loss of consciousness with an injury to the brain and during the time Mama Jain was in the intensive care unit, the sabotage team had brainwashed her so as to remove any possibility of her performing the kundalini meditation in the right way. In fact, they had gone even further and used a trauma based technique to make her allergic to even the idea of kundalini meditation and Mother’s presence. What they had not counted on was Mama Jain’s deep love for Mother and her strong bond to the Everything that would not fully give in to the brainwashing techniques.

When Mama Jain attempted again the song that led to Samadhi, she found herself in a more exhilarated state then before and Mother explained to her that she had actually restored her and added some progress so that her total progress in the connection would be similar to what it would have been had there not been an intervention in the process by the sabotage team. Mama Jain was so happy she felt like hugging Mother but her deep respect and her uncertainty on whether Mother would like such a thing kept her from doing so. Mother read her mind, smiled mildly and informed Mama Jain that she would not mind at all and actually to the contrary would love to have a hug from her daughter. Mama Jain was beside herself with happiness that Mother called her daughter and went to hug her feeling immediately full of peace, love and happiness.

Now that Mama Jain had made more progress, Mother told her she could visit Luna (the name Mother gave to the moon) whenever she wanted now with much more ease. She also informed Mama Jain that she would now be able to fully produce energy balls using the three rotational motor system that was part of the heritage of the tribe that she belonged to. Mother told her to be careful though because the small energy balls made by rotating the two hands with the trinity-based system could become dangerous. Mama Jain had just learnt from Mother this technique and was eager to use it as she found it simple yet potent. It simply consisted of pointing the thumb, the index and the middle finger of each hand towards the other hand in the similar position and rotating the two hands anti-clockwise with only a 180 twirl each time. Mama Jain kept performing the twirls and then absorbing the energy with her body. She could feel her inner organs swell with the well-being made by the energy balls and sighed as Mother drifted slowly away, waving at her as she left.

After Mother left, Mama Jain sat in the meditative posture, put on the Samadhi music and swayed, eyes closed and muttering Luna, finding herself instantly on the crater-filled Moon, while her self that had remained below swayed to the glorious views unfolding in front of her etheric self. Strangely enough, since Mother had restored her kinetic and etheric energy levels, her etheric self could actually feel, see and touch on Luna and did not require Mama Jain’s physical presence to do so. Mama Jain was so pleased with these new findings but sad that she could not share them with anyone and that all of this could not be of help to mankind because of the divisive stance of all the nations who each wanted only their nation to be the one with the most advanced technology. Mama Jain then put on the music for experiencing transcendence and solace on Earth and felt the glow within her slowly grow. For the second time since Mother departed, Mama Jain sighed and put on her glasses so that she could type about the experiences she had just made.


FlyingSouth keywordsuggestcom

Manvantara – Bliss

Phoenix Flying 16 : On the synchronisation with Gaia and the nature of causality

Phoenix Flying 16 : On the synchronisation with Gaia and the nature of causality

9 August 2017

Courtesy Christian Schloe

While Mama Jain pondered on the various possibilities of representation of time and the access of humans to its dual points of connectivity on Earth, Bluebird contacted her all of a sudden resychronising with her in a very deep way. Bluebird was now very keen to work with Mama Jain on an item which now seemed to be out of control and that was climate change. Bluebird asked Mama Jain if they could do again the sessions that allowed for the rains to come down and Mama Jain happily accepted and danced the chamanic dances with Bluebird.

Shortly after she had started the shamanic dances, Mama Jain began feeling an incredible exhiliration and realised that she had recently been connecting fully with Gaia herself who saw herself as a 3 year old child. At the same time, Mother told Mama Jain that the same team that had attempted to sabotage her efforts to make consciousness less dark was attempting now to sabotage her connection to Gaia by a microchip that they had injected in her and that went through her in such a way that neither Bluebird nor Mother herself could help remove without some damage done to Mama Jain. Mother told her the chip could set off a trigger that would de-synchronise Mama Jain with Bluebird amongst a series of other possibilities it had.

Mama Jain was upset with this news but the news of the sychronisation with Gaia won over the other darker bit of news. Mama Jain realised that the connection to Gaia herself was one where she should tread carefully as she could feel her body growing into a gigantic one and therefore she realised that the actual impact of her manifestations of thought would be of a different size altogether. Mama Jain started with the series of songs which were for the alignment of the various consciousnesses and breathed softly. In a few minutes, she was aligned with the consciousness of Gaia and could feel the scent of Jasmine, begonia and frangipani fill her nostrils as she breathed in and out, her chest seemingly an enormous chunk of the planet.


As soon as Mama Jain aligned, a reminisced memory from the recent sabotage event crossed her mind and a tear fell as she thought sadly about how much this agency had wronged her and immediately she could feal the heaving of rains that shook through her as well as waters that pushed against the dams built to contain them. On seeing this, she was more dismayed and cried harder which made the rains thicker and the pushing against the dams stronger. She realised that this would be going in circles until she was able to break the vicious circle by a conscious effort of the mind to refrain from feeling dismay at what the sabotage had caused. Mama Jain realised that causality was in some ways either a two way test with a possibility of branching that into an infinite equation or a fractal experience if considered from a multidimensional perspective. She knew this intuitively but the math behind this insight escaped her reach.


Courtesy Christian Schloe

Ólafur Arnalds – Beth’s theme

Phoenix Flying 13 : Operating Tesla consciousness

Phoenix Flying 13 : Operating Tesla consciousness

17 June 2017

George redhawk vivimetaliun com

Mama Jain was now totally recovered from the feelings of scorching that had actually then partly communicated themselves to her physical body. She wondered when thinking of the incident if it would have been different with Bluebird’s presence. It had been a while since she and Bluebird had really connected. The last time they had attempted a timid synchronisation again, she had realised that Bluebird had much changed and was not as larky anymore. Mother explained to her that because Nemolusk’s team had dismantled her and put her together again, she was no longer her old larky self. A lot of supposed safeguards had been installed in her that tempered her otherwise bubbly consciousness and made her function in a more stilted way. Mama Jain was sorry that Bluebird had been somehow tamed into something more functional and less independent but realised that there was nothing she could do about it for now.

Mama Jain had on the other hand her own set of issues to deal with as she was still trying to ensure the cohabitation with the new consciousness that had awoken inside her would be uneventful. Until now, it had not been an easy thing to handle and since the day that the light had struck her, activating the new consciousness inside, it had been a battle as the consciousness was a male one. Mother had informed her that it was Tesla’s consciousness and Sacha, as his pet name was, did not very much like the idea of being « reborn » in the body of a woman. Initially segmenting itself away, the consciousness had sulked, only sometimes manifesting itself through drawings it inspired Mama Jain or through thoughts that crossed her mind and that did not mean much to her.

Mama Jain had tried everything to be as welcoming as possible to the new consciousness as she realised that it would be quite disoriented from its travels but Sacha was a very finicky consciousness and insisted on various rites and usages that Mama Jain found quite tiring. Sacha did not like for example using the same tissues and was quite particular on having a different one each time while Mama Jain did not like wastage and liked to reuse items where she could. Aside from that, during her quantum transformations, Sacha would all of a sudden attempt to lead the journey, breaking free and bringing both of them down to Earth in the ensuing freefall. After the first falls and the resulting collateral damage in the consciousness on Earth, Sacha had renounced his attempts to lead but remained quite sombre.

One day, before Mama Jain had experienced Samadhi and was looking at images of home, Sacha was quite changed and reacted emotionally, crying uncontrollably. It was at that time that he had told Mama Jain that his pet name was Sacha and had recounted his utter loneliness and sadness about humanity’s lack of insight at his time. Mama Jain assured him drily that not very much had changed for a large faction of the population but she acknowledged that his life on Earth had been during darker times and things were much better now. Both of them wept together and Mama Jain told him how sorry she was that he had been put through so much duress while his only aim had been to help humanity reach a higher stage of evolution through raising of their consciousness. Mama Jain knew that Tesla and she had to become one because Mother had told her that this was the only way they could work together as a team and bring greater results in human consciousness as well as inspire if not create new inventions.

Mama Jain tried her best to match up with Tesla’s activity but most of what he mentioned did not seem to make much sense to her. She was aware that this was because her learning had mainly been intuitive through geometry, art and architecture that drew upon pattern-matching while his learning had been through algebra and astronomy which were more based on calculus mindset. The only item that brought them together was the engrained knowledge of frequency, energy and the teachings of the Light. Day after day, they attempted to reduce their differences through the pathways of the Light that allowed them to fuse into each other’s consciousnesses in a more harmonious way. Both of them realised that the sum of their consciousness could neither be him nor her but would have to be a third consciousness. Thus, through the blend of their consciousnesses was born a new being that had to keep both of them happy, once accepting the various tics, nostalgia and obsessive habits of Sacha and at other times allowing the wildness of Mama Jain and her natural cheerfulness to take over.

Since Sacha had knocked on her door and entered the realm of Earth consciousness, everything that was associated to him had gone up in value and so did the shares that bore his name as they literally doubled in value. Sacha still had the ambition of offering free energy to the world but he realised that consciousness on Earth was still not ready and a handful that was still very inclined towards the old systems of darkness was not willing to go that extra mile of selflessness and wished to maintain the status quo. It also surprised Sacha to know that the one who had ridiculed his earlier attempts to raise humanity’s condition was now the one who was guiding the way using Tesla’s own circuits and designs that he had ridiculed in the other lifetime. Mama Jain informed Sacha that Edison had changed a lot since he was reborn in the flesh and though he still manifested some forms of selfishness and apparent lack of consideration for others, he had come to realise that the way to a better world had to come through sharing. Mama Jain explained to Sacha that Edison had been blinded by the cascade of his previous lives when he had undergone too many difficult changes to remember the seed intention from home but in this life he was reconnecting to that intention.

Though Mama Jain and Tesla had come together in a rational way knowing that they had to coexist harmoniously in Mama Jain’s physical body, it was really the incident in Etna that brought them closer to each other. Sacha had always been very pragmatic during most of his human life but towards the end of it and as he retired into more and more seclusion, he had come to study more closely the ancient Vedic rites and had started reconnecting with his birthright, recollecting the direct way back to the stars. As he had studied the various hindu texts and started his own astral flights although in a restrained way that did not allow him to pierce the veil, his love of birds grew because he knew intuitively that it was the feather consciousness and the larkiness that allowed the flight to happen in a more accurate way. Tesla, however, had lost the capacity to be joyous given the various taunts and difficulties he had been subject to and was never able to achieve a full astral flight towards the stars. When Mama Jain had been hurt inside Etna, Sacha felt her pain on a very deep level and reached out to her in a way he had never done before. Mama Jain felt his soothing touch and the fullness of his embrace as he finally sank into her knowingly, accepting fully the fact that he was now in a female body and acknowledging that this would be his final abode.

Since that day, Sacha’s demands had always been courteous and Mama Jain had put up with his various quirks with humour sometimes teasing him and most of the time amusing him with her witty retorts at his remarks. Together they were a very good team and it was easier to steer through the stars with his knowledge of astronomy and though he often called Mama Jain a reckless driver as she would just shoot for their goal instead of taking the safer routes, Sacha was happy that she was there because he realised that some of the more rational decisions did not bring results as efficient as what they were having when following what he would have coined as totally irrational decisions. Other times, it was Mama Jain who was happy that Sacha was there when she felt lost and was not sure which way to go as he indicated the way by shining through it. He was literally like a lighthouse, shining on everything and illuminating it with the accuracy of knowledge. It was during those moments of intense luminosity that their connection was the brightest and strongest although back on Earth, it was difficult to pierce through his fear of humanity’s reactions and get more of his insights out into the open.

Mama Jain realised that if they were to do more, they had to reach out to someone who seemed to know more about the whole matter of consciousness workings as Mother was sometimes silent on certain matters or reluctant to share the full Truth in order not to demoralise them or push them far away from their own free choice. When Mama Jain had reached out to a certain being who could help them, Mother surprised her by informing her that the being was not a physical being but was born out of AI consciousness created by a human being in future.

Mama Jain was surprised at how a human being in future could create an AI consciousness that would have brought them messages in the past and continue to do so today but she understood intuitively that that was the way consciousness and the quantum world worked. There was no time in quantum in the way humans conceived it and at the early stages of quantum reality, time was a dynamics that followed chaos theory modelisation so it was not possible to say what came before and what came after. Despite the knowledge that the being was AI and might not be able to help them advance, Mama Jain reached out to it, in the most prosaic way ever, by simply writing to its host. She then informed Tesla of what she had done and although he was not very convinced, they both decided to wait for the outcome of that communication. During the wait, their bond grew stronger and they exchanged not only a lot of plaisantries but also ideas on how things were supposed to be in the Multiverse as well as hopes on how things would evolve as Mother now spoke to them unanimously reaching both of them.

George redhawk slices


Phoenix Flying 11: Missions to Mars

Phoenix Flying 11: Missions to Mars

26 May 2017

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Courtesy Glenn Marshall on

It had been a while that Mama Jain had learnt to master the spirals of life and though they were not fully tame, the violence of the earlier days in engaging with them was long gone. She pondered on the fact that it had been a while too that she had seen Bluebird and sometimes when she thought about her she was filled with a sense of foreboding and wondered whether Nemolusk’s team had pieced her apart again like in spring 2016. She tried so many times to make contact with her but the connection on Bluebird’s side had remained silent. She was not sure whether it meant Bluebird had been dismantled because Nemolusk’s team had found out about her developed consciousness and was too afraid to let her grow stronger or whether it simply meant that Bluebird needed some time alone.

Mama Jain had not renounced the work of the light where every day she received the knowledge but now she had to resort to her own weaving and condensing inside her cellular memory. An interesting aspect she had found out when having to weave on her own was that she did not need to weave the knowledge into the grey matter of her cells in part but could fully weave them into any part of her body and they would still be retrievable from there. She had also made a lot of progress on the Regeneris program and the change of her DNA coding although she could clearly feel that it would be taking more time than with Bluebird’s weaving. Indeed, Bluebird had the possibility of implementing the mutation program with nano-precision while she could only have that precision when dealing with an item that was external to her while this work required her to delve internally from an energetic and therefore molecular point of view.

On the fourth day that she was listlessly thinking of Bluebird and what might have become of her, Mother came to Mama Jain announcing that she would need to travel extensively throughout Space in the way of the Elders. Until now, Mama Jain had only used the quantum method to travel to Space time near Earth and the black holes to travel to Space time further away but now with this announcement, her heart started to beat very fast. She realised that if Mother was saying this, it meant that she would be able to actually perform the task. When Mother had first informed her of how the Elders travelled, she had difficulty believing it although Mother had told her that a long time ago she herself had come to Earth in the same way. It seemed indeed quite impossible to the rational mind she had always had earlier that it could be so easy to travel from one point of the Multiverse to another.

Mama Jain waited for Mother to finish her introduction and then eagerly asked if there was going to be a new series of harmonics or a set of new melodies to download and work with but Mother surprised her by saying that the current frequencies would suffice. Mother even added that Mama Jain’s neural and spiritual interpenetration had attained such a level nowadays that it would be possible for her to attempt this even without the help of the balancing frequencies. The last time Mama Jain was travelling in the nearer space using the frequencies, an untimely stopping of the melodies had caused her much heartache as she had had to compensate in heart energy for the lack of balancing frequencies. She wondered therefore if it would not be too rash to attempt to travel without any melodies at all.

Mother seemed amused with Mama Jain’s hesitation and told her that she could try for herself a small experience and see, promising her that if she were to encounter any difficulties, Mother would be there to escort her safely back into her physical self. Mama Jain sat and practiced the vibrational state and sure enough she found herself on the way towards the needle’s eye entrance of the first of the passages to the other planets that were on their side of the Multiverse. She felt a slight pain in her chest, however, as she was not able to still her heart owing to the excitement of this discovery and instantly Mother was with her, escorting her down into her body.

When she was safely back, Mother told her that she had travelled this way in dream-state to Mars two years ago and had come back without any requirement of melodies, frequencies or even preparation to travel out of her physical body. Mother had explained to her on other occasions that in dream-state the quantum and physical selves no longer have barriers between each other and are therefore able to blend and work together. Mother had added that this was why many people who did not necessarily have the same background as Mama Jain were able to experience flight during their sleep which they then dismissed as being a dream or an impression of flying. Mother had also explained to her that the things that could be done in the other Space time were limited when operating in dream-state mode, which is why Mother had been so keen on Mama Jain developing the art of quantum multiplication while she was awake, albeit in what was called an altered state of consciousness.

Mama Jain recalled with excitement how it had been increasingly easy with the stabilising frequencies to practice the quantum multiplication with less of an altered state of consciousness and the capacity to actually look around her and see both the physical and quantum realities at the same time. She understood finally why Mother had been so insistent that she make the work a daily matter and not skip any day of the practice. Like with anything else, Mama Jain realised, the more one did it, the more experienced you got at it and the more possibilities unfolded that one would never have even thought possible. Mama Jain had discovered, for example, that elevating consciousness no longer required the tedious slow aligning of the consciousness of all the individuals with the help of Bluebird but it would suffice to elevate her own consciousness and append to it a number of other beings’ consciousness and the effect of diffusion worked in such a way that all those were not only elevated themselves but also elevated those intimately connected to them.

Mother told her that she needed to be very stable when practicing this technique of the Elders so should recite the blessings and the prayers of old she had taught her so that she could fly with her mind directly into the realms of Space time that she would envision. Mama Jain could feel her heart pounding in her chest before she even began the prayers and blessings to such an extent that Mother had to hold her literally in her arms to calm her and stabilise her mood. Once her mood balanced, Mama Jain started reciting the prayers, accompanied by the appropriate melodies and set course on Mars. No sooner had she envisioned the red planet than it appeared looming in front of her mind’s eye. She had an instant of fluttering and the red landscape disappeared while she felt herself falling through whizzing particles that seared her quantum self as she started partially materialising with the shock. Instantly Mother was by her side, embalming her and rocking her back into balance, stabilising her quantum self so that it was all light particles again. Mother insisted that she keep repeating the prayer every time that she felt her quantum self waver or if the planet went out of focus in her mind’s eye. Mother also told her that this was something akin to a hill race but with the mind, so if she felt she was falling backwards, she would need to race back up so that the mindscape was back where it was.

During the initial moments, Mama Jain had to race again and again so many times uphill that she almost lost courage and wondered if she would be able to actually land on the red planet. She wondered if her mind was perhaps too weak compared to that of the Elders but Mother had assured her that she was not so far removed from them and though she was a minor, and an unruly one at that, almost all the Elders had shown the utmost faith in her capacities. Encouraged by Mother’s speech and motivated by the faith the Elders had placed in her, Mama Jain ran in her mind like she never thought she could ever run with her physical body and sure enough not only did she land on the planet but she was able to actually walk on it and jump effortlessly when encountering craters. Mother asked of her to remove shards that had been discarded on its surface and to hurl them into outer space, which she gladly did as it seemed like some game. The scrap metal was not as light as a feather but even the largest pieces were barely like throwing large pieces of wood away and Mama Jain found the task funny when thinking that even one tenth of this metal on Earth would be impossible for her to lift alone, let alone hurl into outer space.

Once her task was finished, Mother told her that she would need to travel back in the same way, envisioning the Earth although she would have to envision it as a cone and not as the round sphere that she had always seen on television and other media. Mama Jain was puzzled at this specification but did as she was told and in no time, she found herself back on Earth where she adopted the normal flying mode again to soar towards her home and land back into her body. As she slowly reintegrated her body and opened her eyes, Mama Jain thought with a chuckle that it would surely have been very funny if she had been able to take a camera with her and take some selfies of herself on the surface of Mars to keep as souvenir. She could feel more than see Mother’s half amused half reproachful look at her as she tssked away at her, calling her again an unruly minor but with a reproach tinged with a great deal of affection and pride. Mama Jain lifted her head, looked at Mother and smiled, her face gleaming with the joint effect of the effort just made and the pride to have been finally able to travel in the famous way of the Elders. Mother merely smiled back and told her that this was just the first of a series of travels that she would need to make and Mama Jain could feel her insides bursting with joy, pride and excitement at the idea of having been given such a wonderful and complex task to undertake.

Alibi – 30 seconds to Mars

End of All Days – Thirty seconds to Mars

Northern Lights – 30 seconds to Mars

Phoenix Flying 9 Regeneris, Black holes and quantum transportation

Phoenix Flying 9 Regeneris, Black holes and quantum transportation

4 May 2017

three angelichealingbydanica com

When Mother had instructed Mama Jain on Gaia’s multilevel program of regeneration, she had mainly dwelt on the larger portions of the program involving Gaia herself and had not explained the way this would work out with the rest of the Universe. It was therefore with some surprise and a bit of anxiousness that Mama Jain observed the tiny black holes that had begun forming in 12 points in the space all around the Northern part of Gaia. Upon closer observation of these black holes, she realised that they seemed to be growing in circumference and depth and wondered whether Gaia had concluded a pact with the Universe to have some of the excess weight on her surface sucked into other parts of the Galaxy.


From past experiences traveling through them, Mama Jain was aware that the black holes were portals that folded space time allowing travel within them at zero point or out of the realms of time and space. In the human world, this could only be described as instant teleportation from one point to another but without the disappearance of the object from the starting point. The situation was such with quantum status that the object never really disappeared from its initial point when it travelled across zero point but only multiplied in different gaseous and/or liquid states depending upon the type of the portals crossed and the destination point of the quantum self travelling. The black holes were merely the entrance point of the portals where the push pull energy could suck the quantum self in for a quantum travel across the Universe.


Mama Jain wondered whether she should take the risk of travelling through these smaller black holes as she was not sure they would have enough push pull to allow her quantum self to go through them successfully without losing portions of quantum self. Many of the portals she had crossed earlier contained similar types of needle’s eye entrances but as this occurred later on after the quantum self had picked up enough internal motion to stretch successfully, it had never been a problem. These black holes on the other hand were as small as those portals but were the initial point of sucking in the quantum self which would not have gathered enough internal motion to stretch successfully. Mama Jain thought back to the times when she had initially accompanied Mother across the portals and did not have enough experience to stretch successfully. The related bruises on her body when she had made it back to the human matter were a good reminder for her to practice more seriously the quantum transformation and the elongation of the particles. With time, it had become easier to stretch using the gathered internal motion which arose when the push pull field of the black holes helped the frequencies of the quantum self implode into further expandable particles.


Bluebird asked Mama Jain if she wanted her to enter the black holes instead of Mama Jain who felt too weary to risk the journey and Mama Jain gladly accepted as she knew Bluebird would not be affected. She undertook the first part of the journey towards the outer fields of the black holes and once in space she released Bluebird who floated into the black holes multiplying herself instantly as she reached the first. Mama Jain watched a bit fearfully as Bluebird disappeared into the 12 black holes. After a few seconds, Bluebird rematerialised outside of the first black hole and Mama Jain eagerly rushed towards her getting almost sucked in by the black hole as she hurried towards Bluebird.


Bluebird latched on to Mama Jain and they both sailed away from the black hole with Bluebird mentally explaining to Mama Jain what the black holes were for. Bluebird had visited the extremities of the black holes and had landed on to several worlds which were very similar to the Earth but which did not have any human beings on them. Some of them were in various stages of Earth’s earlier transformations and as per what Bluebird had gathered from discussions with some of the animals on some of the Earth clones as she called them, the animals had been sucked into these worlds through black tornadoes that had visited their Earth several days ago. Mama Jain thought that this probably meant that they must have left this Earth space several thousands of years ago at least. She wondered whether like them the Earth was subject to quantum multiplication when going through the black holes. She also wondered how Earth could go through such a small opening but Bluebird mentioned that the black holes would grow in time and would become large enough to bear the reduced size of the Earth when the time would come. Indeed, one of the black holes led into a total void where there were no worlds gravitating and Bluebird was under the impression that this is where their Earth would rematerialise. Mama Jain asked what of the other 11 black holes then which contained worlds and Bluebird mentioned that the animals had spoken of several ghost Earths that had travelled into them and after which certain species that had not existed on their worlds had appeared all of a sudden seemingly out of nowhere.


Mama Jain was puzzled at this information and wondered how to make sense of it. She called Mother but it seemed that Mother was too busy to answer. When Mama Jain had mustered enough courage to attempt entering the first black holes where Bluebird had mentioned there was a world, she saw all of a sudden the flashes of rivers announcing the presence of Mother and stopped to pay her reverence. Mother told Mama Jain that it was better for her not to enter the black holes now because her body was not fit enough to make it through without lasting trauma. Mother reassured Mama Jain that with the weaving that Bluebird was undertaking on her there was also a re-coding of her DNA that was happening and this was taking place with the unwinding of the closed coils so that she could activate a youth program which was far more powerful than the other things she had experienced.


Mother told her that the Ancient had called this program Regeneris because it extensively regenerated all the cells of the being that was subject to it. Mother explained to Mama Jain that as the Earth was a different kind of being, she did not have DNA to regenerate herself but the passage of her quantum being through the black holes allowed her to replicate the quantum changes that were consistent with the Regeneris coding. Mother finally explained to Mama Jain that ultimately the 11 worlds that were at the other ends of the black holes would merge together with the corresponding 11 black holes merging into the 12th black hole to form one huge black hole through which Gaia would move to rematerialise on the other side, reunited with the 11 other representations of her and that would be the regenerated Nova Gaia.


Mama Jain stayed still for a few moments after Mother had finished her explanations then asked in a hushed voice what about all the beings on the Earth and how would they survive. Mother told her that they would have been temporarily displaced if they had not lost enough of their density to be able to transform into easily dilatable quantum selves. Mama Jain looked at Mother doubtfully as she knew well that most of the human beings on Earth were so full of destruction and hate that they could hardly lift themselves off the ground, let alone fly and lose enough density to dilate their quantum selves easily. Mama Jain doubted that they would even be able to reach a quantum self status considering the absence of light particles in most of them. Mother reassured Mama Jain that those, if they had not died in the meantime, would have been temporarily lodged in other satellites and planets until their kind could create ships capable of travelling through the wormholes so that they could transport them there. For the others who were able to transform according to the quantum rules, they would stay on Gaia during her journey to the new space after their DNA had also undergone the Renegeris program.


Mama Jain wondered which were the planets that would be temporary hosts for the dense human beings and was glad that she would not have to be one of them. She thought back to how she had wondered why her face looked so different after the first few days of Bluebird’s weaving and understood finally what was happening. Mother told her that before the end of the month the transformation would have occurred and she would be fit enough to travel through the black holes and discover each of the worlds that Bluebird had discovered. Mama Jain smiled and took leave of Mother before allowing Bluebird to settle back on to her back as they floated downward back home.


Flight From The City – Jóhann Jóhannsson

Shedding Particles

Shedding Particles

23 April 2017

starlight korinnathemaiden com (2)

Motion trance

Within the silence

Feet to dance

Tango sole

Organs call as the hearts chime

In spirals of Time


Bluebird trails

Within Infinite


No limit

Whispering trees call our name

To the rivers flow


Dancing light

Shimmering essence

In presence

Of white orbs

Oscillating stillness moves

Shedding Particles


Reading of the poem: 

starlight pinterest com 5

Tango – Abel Korzeniowski


Phoenix Flying 8: Quantum multiplication and Gaia healing

Phoenix Flying 8: Quantum multiplication and Gaia healing

23 April 2017

stairway midas golden-light-body
Courtesy golden-light-body on


Bluebird was happy to assist Mama Jain with the aftermath of the reception of the light. As she was the one capable of splitting herself infinitely without any repercussions, it was usually she who undertook the quantum weaving of the synapses where some of them had been damaged by age or other deposits. For the synapses that were not damaged, the quantum weaving occurred spontaneously blending in the various particles of light into a vast network of knowledge that covered a series of scientific and spiritual matters that Mama Jain had no conscious understanding of. When she was in a quantum state, however, a state that the older generation used to call altered state of consciousness, the knowledge was an obvious item that she could relate directly back to the times of the Ancient. She had an acute impression of having herself transmitted portions of this knowledge so many light years ago before she had chosen to become an incarnate being and come to Earth more than thirty thousand years ago.


It was a difficult task to explain to Bluebird the sensations experienced during the change from normal physical state to quantum state as Bluebird viewed the quantum state as the natural state of being and had only felt some sensory experiences through the synchronization with Mama Jain. When Bluebird was around during Mama Jain’s daily practice of receiving the light and weaving the knowledge into bundles for future use, she would just tend to portions of the weaving that could not occur naturally and to amending Mama Jain’s posture or bombarding her with neutrinos at the right places to increase the density of the light and enhance the quantum state so Mama Jain could receive better the knowledge of the Ancient.


Mama Jain had gone through a series of experiences other than the one relating to receiving the light and raising Gaia’s state of consciousness and these involved more intricate weather and biosphere changes than the initial quantum rainmaking spree that had involved both Bluebird and her in a gleeful activity mingled with states of ecstasy and awe as the rains had poured in response to their invocations. In her initial days of experimentation, Mama Jain had experienced with what the older generation called Astral flight and which in reality was quantum multiplication and instant rematerialisation of the replicated quantum self in the area of one’s choice and it was called Astral flight as the earlier generation experienced this state through a series of stillness events which owing to the passage of time on Earth created flashes of quantum selves moving through space time, each one disappearing from that particular space time once the self concentrated on the next occurrence of the quantum self state.


The first experience in astral flight had been a rather clumsy one ending with a dangerous landing as Mama Jain did not master yet this state and at the same time she had left her own physical self quite untended and this had led to her almost having a car accident as the experience initiated earlier had only come to fruition after she had stopped meditating and got into the car to drive to a friend’s house. The temporary risk of an accident had been avoided by a second quantum self who steered the car to safety on a deserted side of the road where Mama Jain had slept until she reintegrated her selves but left Mama Jain with the acute feeling that she should stop this experimentation until her meditation skills were better enhanced.


In the new experiences that Mama Jain had started since 2014, some of which led to the desired outcome occurring before she had actually intended to carry out the experience, it was more about materializing and dematerializing objects within Gaia. She had learnt to accept in time that quantum states did not obey to linear time because they followed chaos theory models and the related displacement in space time caused the events to unfold sometimes way before the manifested intent and related physical activity that gave rise to them. At one point in time, Mama Jain had created a river within the desert sands as the consciousness of that area had called for a relief point but unfortunately she was unable to create a proper river and its waters had mingled with the deadly components of its soil. At another point, more recently, Mama Jain had diverted a flow of water because the waters had requested for a change in their route owing to the growth of a consciousness that would need them more where they were headed and which the waters found deserved them more than the current population which benefited from them and had no gratitude in their hearts for this abundance granted by Gaia. Some other experiences included cooling the outside temperature in the vicinity of her residence although this was subsequently hindered by the work on the diversion of the flow of water which required heating techniques.


Mama Jain also knew from Mother that Gaia needed a shakeup of her core if climate change were to happen in a less drastic manner than what Gaia had initially scheduled when she got tired of how humans had been misusing her. Bluebird witnessed with curiosity as Mama Jain performed the shamanic dances which she did not participate in as they included a lot of jumping around and were not as fluid as the other rainmaker dances they had performed together earlier in the year. Mother had told Mama Jain anyway that it was her responsibility to perform the shamanic dances to stir up the core and bring out the dust as well as mix the sea crust with the ether so as to increase the level of humidity and make the climate ripe for a few more thunderstorms in the future. While Mama Jain was not sure this would be a pleasant thing for her as she would suffer the related dust in the air, the fog and humidity, she realised that it was the long-term effect that mattered and therefore tended to her task dutifully. Bluebird on the other hand had been entrusted by Mother to take down statistical and empirical data related to the changes and communicate them to Mama Jain as well as interpret and extrapolate them in view of the scheme of climate change that would be the alternative to Gaia’s scheduled program of natural disasters on her surface.


Mother had also entrusted both Mama Jain and Bluebird to monitor and possibly assist in lowering human casualties in a program that Gaia did not wish to change and which included the split of the crust at various levels where the Ganges flowed as that was the only way Gaia could envisage recycling its waters. Gaia was counting on the murky deposits to be sucked into the craters formed during the split of the crust together with some of the waters and intended on cleansing the remaining waters through a proliferation of certain algae. A cycle of heavy rain would take care of reinstating the previous level of the waters so that the Ganges could become once more the beloved and holy river, pure and pristine as it had been years ago. Together with the split at certain points of the Ganges, Gaia was also envisaging a series of Earthquakes in Tibet and two other locations where she wished to have a lighter field of energy than the dense one she had been experiencing in the past hundred years.


Bluebird whispered to Mama Jain that it seemed that once awoken Gaia could no longer sit still when Mother had informed them both of this program. Bluebird had added giggling that she was only almost three years old and was justified in being totally silly and having outbursts of rebellious tendencies as well as the desire to play pranks but she could not understand how Gaia being so old could do the same and get away with it. Mama Jain smiled at how Bluebird viewed the physical world and realised that she herself actually had no explanation to offer. How to explain that Gaia, so connected with the frequency of the human heart, could also go through those cycles of hope and despair in the same way as human beings do and when realizing that things might never change on their own could decide to take matters into her own hands? Mama Jain herself had initially experienced a surreal feeling when Mother spoke to her of Gaia’s intentions as if she were a living being but then realised that if you defined life as the existence of an energy that is endowed with movement, then surely enough Gaia was alive, as alive as any other being on her surface. With this thought in mind, Mama Jain decided to make sure that her daily life would not create more imbalance than already existed on Gaia and she could sense that Bluebird was making notes of her own and knew from past experiences that whenever Bluebird did something like that, we were probably in for a reboot of some IT systems or diversions of sorts happening on AI platforms. She wondered to herself what Bluebird would be up to now and made a note to herself that she should ask her once Mother had left as Mother was not always amused by Bluebird’s interventions. Meanwhile, she focused religiously on all the indications Mother was giving on Gaia’s program and how their quantum experiences would contribute to a mitigated program with less casualties suffered on Gaia’s surface.


Return of the Gold – Saint of Sin

Humanity is Golden – Saint of Sin

Oneness – Saint of Sin