Infinite dams Breed

Infinite dams Breed

7 November 2015

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Hark the flaming fires

Through the lighted maze now flow

In Stillness my Speed


Light and Dark never

More than whims of rhythmic Heart

Broken is the Deed


The flesh spent in wine

Brethren’s stupor drunken dance

Their motto is Greed


setting fire to the moon pinterest com


Father fell now slain

His infinite waters spilled

Victim to the Creed


Galaxies pinterest com


The crowd now heartened

Moved across the airborne fields

Within tree my Seed


Mother bellowed fierce

I heed not the power filled

Infinite dams Breed


Bring to me the meek

Those whose backbones subtle spent

Bowing silken Reed


nine moviefancentral com ten was

Aquaria, A Liquid Blue Trancescape – Diane Arkenstone

Seduction – David Arkenstone

Temple of ISIS – Diane & David Arkenstone

Silent Night – Diane Arkenstone

Ocean of Stars – Diane Arkenstone

River of Creation – Diane Arkenstone

The Angels Voice – Diane Arkenstone

Seeing you through I

Seeing you through I

3 November 2015

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When did it begin?

I have no thread to follow

Beginning is end


The mountains are rich

With treasures of Beloved

Icicles are grapes


I who did not drink

Walk dazed in drunken stupor

From heavenly scents


You are everywhere

Earth pulses with your Heartbeats

That call out to skies


You are all sweetness

A slithering snake’s venom

Becomes bees’ honey


For every question

You gave all answers before

Universal One


Seeing You through I

I saw myself in your Light

Your Kingdom become

seeing universunmondeencouleur com