

15 May 2018

Hush George Redhawk


Hush she said and the woods were silent. The pitter-patter of raindrops a deafening sound covering her waning heartbeat. Hush she said and the rain softly subsided, an occasional drop on a leaf resounding like a thud in her head. Hush she said and the leaves ceased caressing the wind, their whispers fading into the rising dusk. Hush she said and the blood in her veins slowed tenfold until she could hear the drip like a background music to the occasional flap of wings of a cawing crow shaking off the rain. Hush she said and the darkness engulfed her with its palpable silence like a long forgotten and well-worn cloak. Hush she said her eyes finally closing, her soul softly embracing the dark night.


Reading of the short story: 

Wilderness – Adam Hurst



The for never more

The for never more

8 September 2016



The gowns flow

Like rivers of lime


The seventh crime

Nine gates carry to the rhyme

That unfolds in Heart


Renewed start

In seasons squared root

The owls hoot

To the moon

They speak of wish dead too soon

In folds of the night


Brief respite

Encounters of lips

In the dark

Shadows lisp

Unheard names before the lark

Chirps to the unseen


Ravens bleed

Velvet of the night

They hop low

Like a crow

Three blackbirds join in the show

Clipped wings fly too slow



Gleaning compromised

By free will

Flown downhill

Through the aisle like corpse reeling

Loss of the feeling


Wrapping up

Loose ends that flutter

Gifts resist

Grim gutter

Words that Heart will not utter

The fornever more


Reading of the poem: 


I’ll remember you – Sophie Zelmani

Waiting for the Miracle to come – Sophie Zelmani

Stay with my Heart – Sophie Zelmani


Healing lines my Heart

Healing lines my Heart

10 November 2015




Walk unto altars

No sacrifice but the Grace

Of Blue requiems


Sing the nightingale

Twenty sparrows talked to crows

Of deserts’ pirates


Walk across the dunes

To the solitary grounds

Where angels wept tears


Enter your Temple

Within the sands of Time’s flow

Flaming bush whispers


Walk over the waters

Ebb and flow will set you free

Humble is the Pi


Breathe into the Ground

The fumes of tomorrow’s Life

As I set the Breath


bellerophon mythische-wezens webklik nl

Walk into the skies

Let the airborne meet the Tunes

Silenced Chimera


Red was the sea’s glint

As she touched the sky-bred Flames

Breathing in the rain


Walk astride the Times

When her hair loose hung in grapes

Wine for the living


Blue was the sky’s Breath

Wings crossed the Ocean’s timelapse

A second coming


Walk under the stones

Crushing is the morrow’s grief

If countdown went wrong


More than a sole Head

Bellerophon my hand’s art

Healing lines my Heart


bellerophon 01greekmythology blogspot com pegasus_versus_chimera_jpg

Lord of the Rings – The Grace of Undómiel

Solitary Ground – Epica

This is the Time – Epica