Splinters of the Heart

Splinters of the Heart

7 December 2016

Courtesy medchrome.com


We gather

Sceneries in woods

Of the mind

That remind

Of days gone by walking through

The thick and the thin


Like gardens

Hanging on the edge

Of a cliff

Amidst riff

Panoramic views submerge

Growing of the urge



An eight letter word

Becomes herd

That refrain

From the expression of pain

Their bodies corpses


The dark crawl

Dead embers ashes

Light flashes

Not within

Their lack of feelings akin

To breath of undead


Sorrowed lead

Plastered smiles in white

The empaths

Faith in light

Keeping Hope through Times that smite

Words that decompose



Splinters of the Heart

There are ways

Etched in Soul

Knowledge of how you are whole

Beyond the fences


Reading of the poem: 

Courtesy pinterest.com

Just for You – Giovanni Marradi

In the House of Love

In the House of Love

1 November 2015

houseoflove mythicstories com
Courtesy mythicstories.com



I drifted up stairs so small in their breadth

In my ears only sound of heartbeats rings

Guide me whether they be Lover or Seth

Confusion to empath mind always brings


And as I leapt to a most certain death

Shattered memories sheltered inside wings

Willing to breathe out my ever last breath

The song gift of you in my heart now sings


Mother gracefully offered her trunks’ fur

As I fell she caught me tended to fall

Softest she could though parts did pierce me through


In agony I opened eyes, saw her

All my promises she made me recall

Broken, whole, she pushed me in life anew

houseoflove thecupidandpsychepress wordpress com2 cupid-and-psyche-by-william-adolphe-bouguereau-1895
Courtesy thecupidandpsychepress.wordpress.com