Pour les cœurs faire gémir sentiers vains arpentés

Pour les cœurs faire gémir sentiers vains arpentés
21 mars 2024
Courtesy freepik.com

Je recherchais en dunes l’expression du profil
de l’aimé reconnaître traits vivants aiguisés
De nuit pâleur de lune croise mon battement de cil
sortilège à renaître pour mes veines enlisées

De leur bouche les lacunes médisances serviles
des dédits me repaître mes atours méprisés
bleue sirène en lagune fus-je donc proie facile
des desseins champêtres pour mes sens dégrisés

Dans les champs s’étendaient des oiseaux bleu azur
de leur bec font frémir étendards argentés
que les cieux abattaient sans commune mesure
pour les cœurs faire gémir sentiers vains arpentés

Lecture du poème:
Brief translation into English

For hearts to groan, vain paths trodden
21 mars 2024

I was looking in the dunes for the expression of the profile
of the beloved to recognize sharp living features
Of night the pallor of the moon crosses my fluttering lashes
spell to be reborn for my trapped veins

From their mouths the lacks servile backstabbing
From denials to nourish myself my finery despised
blue mermaid in the lagoon was I an easy prey
of rural designs for my sobered senses

In the fields blue birds spread themselves
from their beaks make shiver silvery banners
that the heavens fell without common measure
for hearts to groan, vain paths trodden

La Blessure – Emmanuel Moiré

Quand surgit la pâleur du futur à éteindre

Quand surgit la pâleur du futur à éteindre
12 janvier 2022
Courtesy Rodrigo Luff
Nous n’irons plus aux bois tels des enfants légers
Les yeux remplis de rêves et de tendres désirs
Nous n’aurons plus aux doigts cette musique ailée
L’oreille sonnera la trêve de ces fantasques plaisirs

Relevons les éclats de nos cœurs emmêlés
Quand s’écoule lente la sève en un bel élixir
Témoin de nos ébats scellant grandes échappées
Le devoir veut qu’on crève en un dernier soupir

Compterons-nous les secrets des intrépides soldats
Raidis par la douleur de patrie à étreindre?
Des drapeaux à hisser dans un froid de verglas
Quand surgit la pâleur du futur à éteindre

Lecture du poème: 

Corneille - Parce qu'on vient de loin

Summarised translation of the Alexandrin French poem into English

When the pallor of the future to be extinguished arises 
January 12, 2022 
Courtesy Rodrigo Luff
We will no longer go to the woods like light children 
Eyes filled with dreams and tender desires 
We will no longer have this winged music at the tips of our fingers 
The ear will sound the end of these fantastic pleasures 

Let’s lift up the shards of our tangled hearts 
When the sap slowly flows into a beautiful elixir 
Witness of our frolics sealing great escapes 
Duty wants us to die in a last sigh

Will we count the secrets of intrepid soldiers
Stiffened by the pain of fatherland to embrace 
Flags to be hoisted in a freezing cold 
When the pallor of the future to be extinguished arises 

Reading of the poem:
Diane Arkenstone - Hold on to Hope

Setting boundary

Setting boundary
4 September 2021
Courtesy pinterest.com
A figure so slight
a toe out of dainty shoes
Fleeting outlines blurred

A dash of sulphur
sinuous lines on her brow
a frontier defined

Exploring unknown
tuning into the channel
seizing vast landscapes

Limits extended
choice to heed fluttering ribs
Pinnacle of life

Throbbing subsiding
contours of the world fading
move into nothing

On the edge of death
the Queen handed back the heart
setting boundary

Reading of the poem: 
Nancy ajram Hassa bik New نانسي عجرم حاسة بيك with english lyrics

Written in the context of Ronovan writes weekly haiku challenge using the words “line”, “toe” or their synonyms. More on the rules and other poets’ contribution here https://ronovanwrites.com/2021/08/30/ronovan-writes-weekly-haiku-poetry-prompt-challenge-373-line-and-toe/

A flag flying high

A flag flying high
23 August 2021

Courtesy pinterest.com
Only the question
mattered more than the answer
Twined cause and effect

Common inquiry
A probe into grey matter
Symptom of the quest

Pillars of queries
Symbols of the need to know
A trace of lives lived

Myriads of half-truths
Sign of the times etched in blood
Reality blurred

Picking up the clues
Omen of a time gone by
Skies high in bosom

She survived inquests
Her mind a token of light
A flag flying high

Reading of the poem:
Strings of a Bard (acoustic) - Estas Tonne (2021)
Written in the context of Ronovan writes weekly haiku challenge using the words question and sign or their synonyms. More on the rules and other poets’ contribution here https://ronovanwrites.com/2021/08/23/ronovan-writes-weekly-haiku-poetry-prompt-challenge-372-question-and-sign/

The souls spared

The souls spared

4 April 2020

souls pinterest com 3 point 3
Courtesy pinterest.com


Smother not

The wilful intent

It breathes low


For the dark venture to cease

The mind none to tease


Pursue Art

Within mighty heart

The power

To harness

Kingdoms beyond the darkness

Where brave stand duress


Look beyond

Written in the skies

The hearts paired

The souls spared

The breach a keen reminder

When the mind despaired


Reading of the poem:

The Lumineers – Sleep On The Floor (Official Video)

Waiting for your hand

Waiting for your hand

30 March 2020

Courtesy pinterest.com


Shrill banshee

Wailing across seas

She gathers

The seers

Winding through our gliding fears

Within snakes’ coils


Skies burn slow

Within my whisper

Carry me

Into past

When we thought the breath would last

Beyond sentences


I weighed them

Weight of wayward words

Deep set eyes

Shadows, lies

Where I extended my life

Waiting for your hand


Reading of the poem:

The Night is an Ocean – Winter Aid

Softly – Winter Aid

Slumber – Winter Aid

The Shaman Tales 6 : Molding Consciousness

The Shaman Tales 6 : Molding Consciousness

28 March 2020

Courtesy wallup.net

When she had first started using the shamanic gift on a large scale to summon rains she had known that this would happen according to the Ancient magic rules. These dictated that whatever the outcome in the immediate physical it would be replicated within one year or up to eighteen months from the time the ceremony was carried out thereby molding consciousness at that time. This was known as the frontal projection of the consciousness stream and required the shaman to separate from his/her physical self and stay astral during the intended time. Conversely, in a backward timeloop, one had to make the astral body go three years before the present time to carry out a shamanic ceremony that would affect the present.


Initially, she was meant to migrate from her current city to a special place called Alice Springs. She had pondered about it when the city had come out as a result of her dowsing ceremony as she did not know what this meant. It was then that she realized that there existed an Alice Springs and it was in Australia. By coincidence her own helper was dreaming of going to Australia but rather to Sydney than anywhere else. She thought that consciousness combined with her spells should take her to Australia then in astral form if not in the flesh.


At first, she realized that it was the fires of the phoenix that had been let out in the combined consciousness and to combat the ensuing drought-like state it was necessary to summon the rains. Her location was quite far from the regions affected but she knew that consciousness could carry through the shamanic trance joined with the witches’ spell if she released them within the right level of consciousness and at the right moment for them to manifest.


She knew that GAIA’s program was to regenerate herself by reducing what she considered weeds spread amongst her beautiful flowers. As a good gardener knows, if a beautiful patch of the garden is contaminated by weeds or by parasitic flowers, it is necessary to sacrifice patches of those flowers to save the whole garden. As a result GAIA had decided to wipe out many of what she considered weeds and that were in effect human beings. She did not consider them as more important than others because humans had long lost their connection to GAIA. She decided to do this in the region that lent itself the most to this and entire cities in Australia had suffered raging fires. The shamanic trance and combined witches’ spell helped with bringing some relief with the rains to the lands although it was insufficient as not enough levels of consciousness were drawn in by the worded intention. In short, the magic was diluted…


Tulku – Trancendence

The Woven Life 2 : Bubbles of liberty

The Woven Life 2 : Bubbles of liberty

19 March 2020

Courtesy Bojan Jevtic on Saatchi art

She wove conscientiously the points keeping in mind most of the time the greatest good of all. She knew that some of what she wove would not be witnessed in her time but in eons to come. Other parts of what she wove were for immediate results or results on the short or medium term. In the beginning it had been disappointing that the desires she had did not have an immediate resolution but she had learnt to accept this. She looked upon her task as a humanitarian one as she was weaving a better consciousness. She wondered how many out there were like her weaving a better series of connections into the collective consciousness.


Sometimes, her old shadows returned and she would need to stop the weaving during those days. That could mean no weaving for several days in a row. She always wondered whether her consciousness would still be connected so closely with the collective consciousness to affect it in a significant way or if these days of absence would have weakened the contact. Every time she had such doubts they were dispelled immediately when she returned to weave for the greatest good of all and saw the almost immediate results. She wondered how she could cope with her shadow selves to bring them out to the light and no longer have to sit in between all the time. This would allow her to keep weaving every day instead of having to make a pause.


One day she caught herself talking to one of her shadow selves that had strayed into the room. It was no longer lurking behind her as they always tended to do when they manifested, watching her, thinking she was unaware of their presence or pretending they thought that. She normally would only observe them and try to fill them with light but they would take cover, literally and refuse to be dissolved most of the time although she had been able to lighten a couple of them. Today however, she decided to talk to the one who had unwittingly strayed into the room.


  • Why do you need to provoke the advent of darkness, she said
  • Because that is what we are made of, she answered
  • But you are me and if you are me, you cannot be made of darkness for I am light
  • There is no light without darkness so therefore if you are light, we have to be darkness
  • Will you always exist? Is there no end to some of you?
  • Who knows? You have taken such liberty with the self that there is so much light. We have kept some to ourselves. It is our bubbles of liberty where we choose to express the colours grey and black. Are they not colours too? Why refuse them? Surely as an artist you should know that a palette must be complete? How would you paint the night without us? Or the ravens or the dark clouds if not for those colours?


She thought to herself that she must be right. She should perhaps leave them these bubbles of liberty.


Björk – jóga / State of Emergency

The wolf played act so meek

The wolf played act so meek

8 March 2020

Courtesy Jason Mowry


Ripples in his tides had gathered

The wolf played act so meek

Spotting golden fleece in the herd

Approached it tongue in cheek


The darkness bore it through the eye

The prey that he did seek

He turned to glower at the sky

Saw clouds upon them bleak


Then burdened by this new defeat

He gazed upon it slight

Turned the slate to become new sheet

Softly renounced the might


Reading of the poem:

Harrison Storm – Feeling You (Official Video)

Of forgotten sorrows

Of forgotten sorrows

26 February 2020

Courtesy humanpartsmedium.com


A paper boat escapes

My fingers temporary haven

Timeless seeds cross my paths

Of morrows in the everglades

I walk in the shadow of my Self

Elongated sublime contours

Hushed countenance greets me


Alternation of tall and small

Windows in doorless house

Wings on body of void

I revolve around my inner suns

There I am at my peak

A witness to past seasons bleak

Of forgotten sorrows


Reading of the poem:

Pink Floyd – Shine On You Crazy Diamond