Together again

Together again

30 May 2016

norns robertcorneliusphotography com


The coastline

Shimmers under sun

Wanton gleam

Daylight dream

Some things are more than they seem

Compounded interest


Your shadow

Crossing over mine

Dark omen

Of chances

Piercing looks replace glances



The story

Reads infinity

Tags misplaced

The soul braced

To your bedside I had raced

The shivering Tides


Silver moon

Overlooks the creek

Where we speak

Silent thoughts

Petals of flowers in pots

Manure of morrows


They will grow

The fading whispers

Of past Times

When we dreamt

All that dissolved and was meant

To be or to waste


Broken haste

Picking up pieces


Songs playing

The soul to soul obeying

Together again


Reading of the poem: 

blue tango bassedef com

Kites Background theme music

No trade where no fear

No trade where no fear

7 May 2016

trade pinterest com 3

Silent stream

World of inversion


Whirling fast

Desperation to the last

Of fading monsters


Strident scream

World of perversion

Black to white

The weak smite

The kings walk slow in tatters

While the knaves bear crowns


Inside out

The miracles wane

Fading pain

New desire

Unending cycle matters

The caves of my mind


Light splatters

Cavities of eyes

I see them

The dark hordes

Silhouettes cut against gleam

Of waning moonbeam


They depict

With our quaking fears

Shades of grey

Loss decay

Down once more into the fray

Battle creation


Upside down

Kafka they remind

Those patterns

Bleak lanterns

Rising of the dead who drowns

Though the hand extends


We will see

The victorious ends

Rise of tides

That repeat

Endless the ways of defeat

When hearts speak sorrow


White pages

They speak to me scores



The trail of lives now ended

When agony won


We are one

Our beauty so clear

Fine crystal


The end of slavery’s ring

No trade where no fear


Reading of the poem: 

twirling animalpicturesociety com.jpg

My Favourite Faded Fantasy – Damien Rice

I don’t want to change you – Damien Rice

The Blower’s Daughter – Damien Rice

A play of the tides

A play of the tides

6 May 2016

water fivefourandaquarter wordpress com


Feathers in landscapes

Like small balls of white cotton

Spread on green meadows


The sun in the skies

Shimmering on the green lands

Extending deserts


Forgotten waters

Surge beyond the barren shores

A play of the tides


Reading of the poem: 

angel facebook com

I sogni non finiscono all’alba – Giuliano Scolesi

Dream – Giuliano Scolesi

Delphys, la matrice – Giuliano Scolesi

Follow flight of birds

Follow flight of birds

4 March 2016

bride loverofsadness net


Mother wakes

Shaking off the crusts

From past wounds

Stretching taut

We receive havoc we brought

With our tiny hands


Tall splendour

She unfolds her gait

Ninth wonder

Defines her

Moving through Eleventh gate

Lava and thunder


Molten breath

She trembles and heaves

With the tides

As she rides

Brings upon us Mercy’s death

Split faith her stallion


birds thedemobay com


The blind screech

They cling to tatters

Dying leech

Mind flatters

While the seeing heart scatters

The law of Talion


birds sunnysup com


The children

Survivors of wreck

They sail lone

No captain

Only ghosts upon the deck

As they whimper lost


birds pooyingka com


We reborn

From scattered blue coil


Past glory

Huddled in ship hear story

Of ancestors’ toil




Now rejoice

I will remind you

How we fled


Leaving behind us sorrow

Shedding it like leaves


Nasal voice

Through Time’s loudspeaker

Calls for me

Warning shrill

It transforms to wing my gill

Splitting the ethers


Hurry child

Follow flight of birds

They head South

Where waters

Split through the red desert storms

Basking in two suns


Reading of the poem: 

birds sott net

Terra Firma – Delerium

Myth – Delerium

Just a Dream – Delerium

Wisdom – Delerium

Lamentation – Delerium

Aria – Delerium

Angelicus / Epiphany – Delerium

The Sky – Delerium feat. Kristy Thirsk

Till the End of Time – Delerium


The passage of sunken Time

The passage of sunken Time

26 February 2016



Scorching skies

Lighting up the night

Blazing warmth

Red heavens

Colours fusing in opposed

One and Contrary


Life arbitrary

Chancing upon smoke


Ashes strewn

Within the logs that we poke

Memories of havens


Black ravens

Announce the coals’ path


Souls in flight

Flames licking as they quiver

Suspended visions



Crossing out the tides

Backward seas

Stenciled hope

Carbon copy as I grope

In empty insides


The ice melts

Rivers of wonder

Heartbeats’ light

White thunder

Northern star that sets me right

As the space rock pelts


Pick pieces

Cherry on the cake

As I slice

Life’s relish

I often have the same dish

Served stale in arrears


Break the fears

We breathe in circles

Our echoes

Drums beating

The passage of sunken Time

Handing heart I mime


Reading of the poem: 


Images courtesy

Wardruna Naudir

Wardruna – Völuspa

Wardruna – Bjarkan

Wardruna – Helvegen

Through Time I float

Through Time I float

30 December 2015

floating pinterest com


Of Pearls

They entwine

Circling my throat

Freefall of white tears

Candles of light breathe low

Into bright morrows soul wakes

None walk within jaded white strides

Striped feathers sought in a safe blemish

Will of Heart strives in penance to slow Times

Mind from Heart spacing rejects tarnish

Moon beckons through rising of tides

Ghosts of spirit will quell snakes

Blank hiss that subsides slow

Withdrawal dries fears

Through Time I float

Now combine

The twirls



floating thebeautifullist com



Where are you – Coil



Life sprouts from passing

Life sprouts from passing

29 December 2015

sprout hdwyn com
Courtesy hdwyn


Wading its way up

Into winter horizons

The sun reeked of change


Shadow of moon wept

Translucent mark in the skies

Ghost of yesterday


Your heart slow stammered

Strong were the upcoming tides

That would wash ashore


Rejoice for this pause

The calm before the storm’s dark

Winter will see through


sprout photoshopcreative co uk Marko Cvrkovic _life_and_death_by_machiavellicro-d4mnuqz
Courtesy Marko Cvrkovic on


Spring will speak of peace

In the whispers of the leaves

Growing on brown stems


Blue flowers will bloom

Upon the reddened meadows

Contrast of colours


Hearts will know of green

Beating under lush crimson



In between faces

Recognition but a sign

Renewal of Times


sprout neatorama com


Summer will breathe bliss

Lazy hays that stretch outwards

Into new spaces


In between the cracks

Rivers of yesteryears’ gloom

Surfacing bubbles


The day will break night

Glorious winged serenity

Guardian of the realms


Bubbles will burst breath

Rancid spots on sheet of white

Agonising past


sprout flickr com
Courtesy flickr com


Autumns will bear sheaths

For all daggers of seasons

Stilling mildewed breath


The fog and the wind

United in scattering

Closing paths of fear


The wheat rolled in piles

A bounty for two morrows

Constructing solace


We will knead them bread

From the death of the treasons

Life sprouts from passing


sprout tes com samsara-cycle-of-life-and-death



The Calm Before The Storm – Arcana

Wings of Gabriel – Arcana

Serenity – Arcana

For my Love – Arcana

I will Heal your Soul

I will Heal your Soul

27 December 2015

healsoul dreamhealer wordpress com


I see your sorrow

In muted crying of mind

As despair rises


Lay your sword and shield

Let love be only dagger

Piercing gently Heart


Sit by my rivers

Bank on rising tides’ glory

Sing to your shadows


healsoul earthempaths net


Lay down weary head

Speak to me of your troubles

Let me wash your woes


healsoul youtube com


Embrace the feeling

Emerging from nothingness

Into Love’s glory


I will Heal your Soul

Swell blossoms of moonlit eyes

Crescents of morrows


When sunshine rises

Within dark of your valleys

You will feel the warmth


healsoul soulkissed com au


Sarah Jaffe – Swelling

Read me a story

Read me a story

8 December 2015


story digital-art-gallery com

Read me a story

Of crimson Tides’ arrival

Upon beating shores


Lull me to that hiss

The thoughts of morrows churning

Incandescent coal


story tiffthetimetraveller com


Read me a story

Of Times and of Music’s step

Walked in the starlight


Wake me to that bliss

Unmistakable yearning

Shadowing my soul


story merryfarmer net


Read me a story

Of lovers that never die

Etched in the morrows


Shake me lest I miss

Painful though sweet the birthing

Of my inner foal


story poncier org


Tell me a Story – Phillip Phillips

Get up Get Down – Phillip Phillips

Gone, Gone, Gone – Phillip Phillips

Home – Phillip Phillips



Before it escapes my reach

Before it escapes my reach

7 December 2015


dawn larrydwwilf wordpress com



This vanishing world

I want to swallow its fluff

Morrows’ candy threads


Let them glue me pink

Upon my eternal blue

Rainbows’ beginnings


Deep within my soul

I want to lock its treasures

Relish them in chest


dance asianetindia com



The throbbing stillness

Lies wake in me through Night’s sleep

Breath in me serene


dance asianetindia com 2



The Sun rises East

Waking new Worlds to the Dawn

That births in Sorrows


Farewell to the world

Heaves in my blossoming Heart

As it lulls the Tides


I touch it fading

Before it escapes my reach

Into Oblivion



dawn pinterest com




Before the Dawn – Evanescence




I thought I should share what sunrise looks like from my balcony so added this as an afterthought. I am yet to take a full video of the time from night to dawn and transform it into a timelapse piece. Meanwhile I hope you like the below:
