Blossoms of your breath

Blossoms of your breath

16 March 2017

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Haughty mare


In riddles I bare

Heart to swear

Hard to tear

Patched through dragons entering lair

A bosom to spare


Soul’s delight

Gathers me insight

See the light

In twilight

When lovers breathe through the night

Bodies’ trance in flight


June in hay

Summer’s haunting day

Ghost of May

Sudden death

On grounds of convenience lay

Blossoms of your breath


Reading of the poem: 

nine justjared com 4 breathed

Let’s Meet – Michelle Gurevich

Blue Eyes Unchanged – Michelle Gurevich

My familiar unfamiliar – Michelle Gurevich

The web grows

The web grows

July 1, 2016

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The forbidden

Lies in reprisal

Of instinct

Gut feeling

Sending our senses reeling

Into dark recess


We sink fast

Into bad habits

Compressed fears


Our minds fill with convenience

Putting up pretence


Our love life

Made of fear of strife

Square models

Thought patterns

Conformity our mind yearns

Being like others


Life smothers

When lived in inches

The will dead

Like the Heart

Compromise our daily bread

Look to Love instead



The only wise choice


We then voice

What could have been said before

When chance knocks no more


Angels’ traits

Slowly dissolving

The web grows

Rarely shows

The chains around revolving

Graveyards, build of straits


Reading of the poem: 

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Love show – Morcheeba

Otherwise – Morcheeba

The Sea – Morcheeba