The Cleopatra Tales 10: Elevating the sah

The Cleopatra Tales 10: Elevating the sah
24 February 2023
Rise up thou Geetha, this. Stand up thou mighty one being strong. Sit thou with the gods, do thou that which did Hathor in the great house in Annu.
Thou hast received thy sah, not shall be fettered thy foot in heaven, not shalt thou be turned back upon earth
Hail to thee, Geetha, on this thy day [when] thou art standing before Nut [as]
she cometh from the cast, [when] thou art endued with this thy sah among the souls.
[Her] duration of life is eternity, her limit of life is everlastingness in her sah.
I am a sah with her soul.

Reading of the Egyptian prayer / incantation
The River and the Sun – Diane Arkenstone

Shores undivided

Shores undivided

23 September 2018

shores deviantart com the_moon_goddess__edited__by_dferous-d5ek0y5


Square linings in thoughts

Scent of a heart set on fire

Perfume felt my pulse


In between woodlands

A gate swings North west and creaks

South a remembrance


Wind a rhythmic friend

Over treetops lone whistle

Beings in the wild


A silence heaves hard

My bosom a place of peace

In prayer penance


Twenty three sparrows

Memories of my journey

Carry them in tale


Wisdom a handful

Merging with the feminine

Shores undivided


Reading of the poem: 

Riverside – Agnes Obel


Do you hear me now ?

Do you hear me now ?

24 June 2018

Hear me Christian Schloe
Courtesy Christian Schloe


Wasted memories

Withered jasmine flowers cast

A pathway to home


Lilies in the pond

Roots swaying under water

Beckoning to stems


Yesterday’s trials

Reaching the otherworldly

Luminescent talks


Edge of sanity

Hovering in between worlds

Seeing the unseen


Ghost whispers in me

Beseeching wandering thoughts

A silent prayer


Sheltered happenings

Breathing into the ether

Do you hear me now ?


Reading of the poem: 

Adiyogi: The Source of Yoga – Original Music Video ft. Kailash Kher & Prasoon Joshi

The Cleopatra Tales 6: Soul memory healing prayer

The Cleopatra Tales 6: Soul memory healing prayer

18 September 2017



You can play this prayer if you need to heal trauma-based memories from this lifetime or from other lifetimes.  To do this, you need to lie down comfortably, empty your mind of worries and when you feel relaxed by taking deep breaths, you play this loud or with headphones on.

I hope it works for you as it works for me.

This prayer is more for cleansing consciousness of the hurt as the soul in the real sense of the term does not need healing (we tend to call that the oversoul) while what we call commonly soul and which is actually our consciousness may require healing.

Wishing you love and balance.

Reciting of the soul prayer:



Summoning her Frame

Summoning her Frame

1 September 2017

ET woman
ET woman; 8th aquarelle of aquarelle challenge



Place of Miracles

Where we pray

Where we stray

Spending light through sun’s array

Countenance at bay


Seething sand

Makes me obstacles

Which I grind

In my mind

Through memories I unwind

Past hidden unkind


Singing band

Grant me spectacles

Unknown fame

Face no name

Shimmering through light path tame

Summoning her frame


Reading of the poem: 

Flying Elephants (part 1) – Gregory Colbert

Flying Elephants (part 2) – Gregory Colbert

Ashes and Snow – Gregory Colbert

Prayer to the One

Prayer to the One

3 July 2017

spirit lambofgodglory


Mind aglow

Weaving through the flow

Land to sow

New rainbow

Heartbeats of anger to slow

Compassion to grow


Blow conceit

Bury the deceit

Three to greet

One to treat

The dark powers meet defeat

In the one way street


Hate to shun

Days roll into fun

Dread undone

Through the Sun

Remnants of darkness white spun

Prayer to the One


Reading of the poem: 

The Angels Voice – Diane Arkenstone

Age Quod Agis

Age Quod Agis

27 January 2017

I wanted to share with you a lesson learnt from an anecdote from my life and a prayer as a gift.

We often hear the motto “practice what you preach” and if you look around you, hardly anyone is really willing to do that. You can see this reluctance in every domain from the personal, to the social, to the political to the religious and even to the spiritual.

I don’t think I need to even go into the detail of how we fail this motto on all those levels. Suffice to say that if you look at the world and take a really good look, the examples are so clear they’re almost a slap in the face. You can of course turn the other cheek or believe me when I say that the examples of failing that motto are really numerous.

Taking a step back, I realised that I had always wondered whether one could actually truly live this motto even when faced with dire personal circumstances and the wise ones will always caution you “be careful what you wish for” because you might just get it. Now laden with lessons but never with regret, I stand wiser and know that while in that distorted pattern of mathematics that one tries to term economics the past is not an indicator of future performance, it stands very true on the level of all that is natural, including for humans. The past is an indicator of what went wrong if your present is not quite what you wanted it to be. While not all may be able to see beyond and understand what could possibly go wrong in the now, some whom we may call visionary are given to see without seeing what could go wrong in what we are doing now. Some may wish to speak the truth seen and some may just hold their peace.

Another motto that I really like and that comes to me from my childhood school called “Good Shepherd Convent” in India is “Age Quod Agis” and I think it is a beautiful motto so I thought that I should share it as well with you. I would add that whatever you are doing, do it with Love which would equate to doing it the right way. If Love cannot be a part of what you are doing, then you are not doing the right thing altogether.

I pray that we will always learn from our past be it today or tomorrow and would like to gift you this prayer in the form of an intent to overcome karma, to retrieve soul memory and to heal from not just the past but also from any future afflictions. If you like it and it resonates with you, please feel free to share it and/or to link to it within your blogs or other social media.

Reading of the prayer – 

Courtesy Christian Schloe

Dragon Heart – The Old Code

Overcoming Karma, soul memory healing prayer – Geetha Balvannanathan

Sing to me

Sing to me

17 October 2016

Courtesy Carlos Quevedo


Sing to me

Of the night’s prayers

Of dull eyes

Shining bright

When the seeker finds the Light

Within depths of Dark


Sing to me

Of lonely bosoms

That live twined

In the Love

Under the wings of the Dove

Within desert storms


Sing to me

Of rivers of gold

That shimmer

In the cold

A promise of warmth untold

Of ways of the old


Sing to me

Of heavenly blooms

That grow slow

With dewdrops

Melting ice from mountain tops

In heathen places


Sing to me

Of a bright new dawn

Meeting eyes

As I yawn

Sun kissed horizons meet light

After dark of night


Sing to me

I will then sing back

Piper’s tunes

New moon runes

Waking into new glory

Founding the story


Reading of the poem: 

Courtesy Carlos Quevedo

Dante’s Prayer – Loreena McKennitt

Night Ride Across the Caucasus – Loreena Mc Kennitt

The Mystic Dream – Loreena Mc Kennitt

Primitive reorganised

Primitive reorganised

2 September 2016

streams pinterest com 4 (2)


Futile world

Throbbing to the beat

Of unseen

Hands too keen

To smite rather than unite

Split not gather sheep


Buried deep

Resolutions dead

Woolly head

Wobbly knees

Eye barely grasps what it sees

The mind lost distant


Quick to bite

A dog eat dog world

Wolves galore

Woman whore

The man with the largest jaws

Rabies a constant


Stand at ease

Your meek mind appease

None to please

Weak to tease

I gave up flicking through fleas

On bedraggled skin


Holy din

The prayer excuse

Will to use

Right abuse

Curdled blood my veins perfuse

Madness does bemuse


Skipping through

Primitive reorganised

Leaping frogs

Follow lead

The rest sit wallow in greed

They burn in two suns


Reading of the poem: 

streams pinterest com 6

Tribal – Instinct Primitif Intidhar Kammarti

Orange Rose – Instinct Primitif

Voyage en Orient – Instinct Primitif


Blue Green Loss

Blue Green Loss

30 July 2016

bluegreenloss deviantart com io_jupiter_moon_by_guillebot-d73qq86
Courtesy Guillebot on


Rivers run

To a stilting halt

Taste of salt


To thunders of Ocean near

What I once held dear


Twin suns rise

On new born landscapes

Dark-fed apes


Of mind sinking purple sea

Jupiter rising


Rolling free

The stones pick up moss

Blue green loss

Scorches peak

For the fallen silent plea

Prayer of the meek


Reading of the poem: 

bluegreenloss deviantart com jupiter_rising_by_flewdesigns-d72f3vl
Courtesy Flewdesigns on

The Gospels – Thomas Feiner