Surrounding my frame

Surrounding my frame

5 March 2020



Tireless fight

In the starry night

Black and white

Board now set

The flanks unburdened regret

None for heart to fret



Chairs that dance delight

Heart so light

Takes to flight

In bosom the joy new shared

Shapes of cubes now squared


Pawn for Knight

I enter his game


None to shame

Twilight lifts as he sits tame

Surrounding my frame


Reading of the poem:

Shinnobu – Of His Eyes The Peace

And so they lived happily ever

And so they lived happily ever

11 December 2015


dragon hdwallpapers cat
Courtesy hdwallpapers cat


Once upon Time, not so long ago

There lived fussy woman who always loved to say no


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Many a suitor would come as knight

With most shining armour but with teeth yellow in light


Our woman raised princess would look, say

I like ye outer shell but ye rotting inner nay!


Try as they might to remove decay

All the knights one by one were only faced with dismay


Plan they concocted for her to sway

The mightiest dragon for their princess they would slay


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Calling creature she puckered lips

And lo and behold through fantasy world here he slips


dragon hdwallpapers cat 2 (2)


You summoned me for a lifetime’s span

But forgive me my Lady I forgot my best man


The Lady said that was not the plan

But the Dragon blew upon the knights in their tin can


And as the knights panicked and then ran

To finally dawn upon her the story began


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She realised that Dragon was King

And she being his Queen was now the story’s ending


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Courtesy Anne Stokes from


And so they lived happily ever

She bore him fifty children and all were so clever


dragon pinterest com blue (2)



The Old Code – DragonHeart

Final Scene – DragonHeart 1996

To the Stars – Randy Edelman

Dragon Age – Lindsey Stirling




You live deep in me

You live deep in me

14 September 2015

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Steadfast is your Love

Through the oceans it survives

The turbulent floods


A Knight knows valour

Courage is his dominion

Love his only scope


Bear in soul our flag

Distant volcano’s thunder

It spells my Love. Hark!


Jesters may hop, dance

Their sight mere entertainment

Their presence confined


Only your pure Heart

Can feed to me the solace

That my Heart thirsts for


My arrow strikes straight

Cupid arms my Heart’s eyesight

With whispers of you


This bond outlives Time

Though I may not see your Face

You live deep in me

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Juliet’s dream – Abel Korzeniowski