Down goes the hammer

Down goes the hammer

14 February 2016

tomasz alen kopera 2 muro pinterest com
Courtesy Tomasz Alen Kopera on

Contrive me

With thoughts of Eden

We frolick

In gardens

Of our own twined creation

Mind’s alienation


Conjure me

Through work of magic

Playful lines


Fill me up with soul’s delight

Build our bodies shrines


Contour me

Read my forms like braille

Let hair down

Thoughts derail

I will be your favoured clown

Play pantomime’s spree


Tomasz Alen Kopera touchofart eu 2
Courtesy Tomasz Alen Kopera on


Demure me

I bow down quite low


Meek habit

In me Alice speaks so slow

Of fading rabbit


Endure me

I have words and puns

From pamphlets

Locked in pink

How they sink, oh how they sink

In forgotten ink


Inure me

Build my heart’s chambers

With spring’s walls

Flower dance

Emotion of wild that calls

For fairies to prance


tomasz-alen-kopera-aphrodisiacart01 wordpress com
Courtesy Tomasz Alen Kopera on .com


Secure me

A shoulder’s warm strength

Show me length

Of stories

Woven in the sun-kissed threads

Of lost golden fleece


Tenure me

Nothing has a price

Tag I’m it

Say it thrice

Ownership old all for rent

Down goes the hammer


Whole nine yards


Siren’s wake

The legs fake

The needles speak agony

Walking on thin ice


Reading of the poem: 

hammer theorderoftime com
Courtesy Salvador Dali on

Life for Rent – Dido

Sand in my shoes – Dido

One man’s dream – Yanni

Are we done hiding?

Are we done hiding ?

28 August 2015

hiding photoshop co uk
Courtesy photoshop co uk


Across time’s slumber

Within weave of web so deep

Our souls will step in


I know you read me

My voice a confused whisper

That your soul would hear


Your heart reaches out

Entangled in desire

Body through soul speaks


I feel your hunger

Ravishing every photon

That in me vibrates


Soul’s vision derails

Optical nerves’ wrong eyesight

Of pining unreal


Mind wanders to thoughts

Of your possibilities

Tangled past present


Close or far you weigh

This urge to delay outcomes

Of intricate tasks


Hush, let it shape slow

This second sight of union

Between our two forms


I see you, it fades

Intermittent visions shine

Are we done hiding?

hiding pinterest com 4