In the City of Angels

In the City of Angels
14 December 2022
Courtesy of Idris Heral
I glimpsed once
An array of lights
They glittered
Like bright orbs
The border they rode absorbs
Impressions shattered

That World set
In the rising sun
As I whirled
Towards night
Within me consumed the fight 
Of ages replayed

Count with me
The moons are seven
They revolve
Within Space
Spheres rotate towards Heaven
Places I rewind

My heart bears
The weight of old Tales
They come through 
My lit eyes
Like a whisper their light flies
Towards southern skies

The songs beat
At my aged Temples
They give forth
Waning heat
Dying warmth makes me repeat
Litany of loss

They come through 
Epiphany carved
On my chest
I control
In the City of Angels
They hone through me soul

Reading of the poem:
Shinnobu – Seventh Heaven

A goodbye to royalty

A goodbye to royalty
20 November 2020  
Dwindling spot of light
sinking in the skies
Ebb of the sun’s rays
Wane moon rises high
Dribble of silver oozing
a stream runs through night
Reflux of the breeze
Bubbles of air in river
Flow of the current
Three weave the stories
Their fingers points of flux gush
with oncoming rush
The stars now retreat
The winds drop on rising tides
The throngs flood the gates
Drift in the bees’ hive
A goodbye to royalty
stages in decay

Reading of the poem:
Azam Ali - Ritual

Written in the context of Ronovan Writes weekly Haiku challenge using the words “ebb” “flow” and their synonyms. For rules and other contributions, follow this link

I crossed the river

I crossed the river

10 December 2015


darkside  fastcocreate com



Breathless and aching

Every fibre agony

Sanctuary’s walk


Mismatched memories

Winding pathways and meadows

Dollhouses and trains


Tremors in whispers

A cold call to wrong numbers

Dialling the waves


Oceans hung on cliffs

Between skies and the valleys

Cheating gravity


darkside adventupreneur com




Clockwork ticking core numbers

Precision like sword


Caterpillar crawled

On leaf flying to nowhere

Reddened veins that flared


darkside humansarefree com



Tick tock said the clock

Nightingales like mocking birds

Sang shrill the needles


A leap through thin air

Ashen leaf fell to the ground

The night carried me


Hushed party zone cries

In midnight’s celebration

Of butterflies’ wings


I crossed the river

Wound up in dark blue shadows

Other side of Time


darkside ayahuasca-vision-by-paulo-jales-2
Courtesy Paul Jales on


The Dark Side of Time – Eric Serra


I cannot sleep the night through

I cannot sleep the night through

7 December 2015


starlight dailymotion com



Before break of dawn

Luminescence stirs me up

With traces of you


I follow the trails

Passive tracks in starlit steps

The walk to nowhere


starlight korinnathemaiden com (2)



Like a lost atom

Rotating in my own world

Eons from myself


You breathe into me

Through dreamtime that lies across

The rivers divide


starlight theicewoman tumblr com



We walk in shadows

In between dark and the light

Separate glances


Whirring like clockwork

In between what’s you and me

The moving fences


starlight theartofkorinnayolasite com



Wrestling with chaos

I cannot sleep the night through

Battles of moonlight


A day will soon rise

When sleep will be no longer

The waking Times shine


starlight pinterest com 5


Angels Fall – Breaking Benjamin

Theory of a Deadman – Angel

Dying within me / Mourant en mon être

Dying within me

31 July 2015

angels 10

Butterfly flutters

Its wings not of season’s taste

Find themselves stripped off

The clockwork whirred on

Prototype adjustments set

Prolonging still life

The flame rekindled

Withstood only mid-season

Dying within me

Ashes stirred ablaze

Reborn out of nothingness

Seethed eternal life


wings torn loverofsadness net

Mourant en mon être

31 juillet 2015

wings maitrerenardinfo wordpress com

Papillon s’agite

Ses ailes de saison d’hier

Se trouvent déchiquetées


La mécanique tourne

Rajusté le prototype

Prolongeant vie morte


Le feu ranimé

Dura seulement mi-saison

Mourant en mon être


Cendres vivifiées

Rejaillissant du néant

Gorgées d’éternel

Clockwork Lady Ian Daniels
Courtesy Lady Ian Daniels