Raven Time

Raven Time

23 October 2017

raven time christian schloe


Riddles flow

From the fevered brow

Listen now

I will show

The snow peaks in deserts glow

Mountainous the sands


Invoked lands

Awoken the cold


Now unfold

Hidden glaciers uprising

People surprising


She awoke

To new millenium

The clock struck

Raven Time

Their two tongues watered my rhyme

Spilt in canticles


Reading of the poem:

The Longing – Rumi

The greatest divide

The greatest divide

5 September 2016

Courtesy pinterest.com



Flicker on the clock

Three three three

Wake-up call

Mind goes through all I recall

The buzz of the fall


Dark flashes

The light particles

Spirits haunt

Old temples

The paper burning crumples

The weight of my words


Gathered herds

Reckoning of Times


Through needles

Unbridled journey speeding

Through fabric of space


My wrapping


The loyal

Calm await

They perceive the long lost gait

Whispers of my mind


Circles squared

Answers in the Pi

We research

Fruits of lie

Geometry distorted

In withering planes



The greatest divide

I pierce Heart

In knowledge

Walking on rim of sky’s edge

Soul immemorial


Reading of the poem: 

Courtesy pinterest.com

Gurdjieff – De Hartmann Vol 04: Meditation, par Alain Kremski

Gurdjieff – De Hartmann Vol 01: Voyage vers des lieux inaccessibles, Alain Kremski

Gurdjieff – De Hartmann Vol 03: Recit de la resurrection du Christ, Alain Kremski

I crossed the river

I crossed the river

10 December 2015


darkside  fastcocreate com
Courtesy fastcocreate.com



Breathless and aching

Every fibre agony

Sanctuary’s walk


Mismatched memories

Winding pathways and meadows

Dollhouses and trains


Tremors in whispers

A cold call to wrong numbers

Dialling the waves


Oceans hung on cliffs

Between skies and the valleys

Cheating gravity


darkside adventupreneur com
Courtesy adventupreneur.com




Clockwork ticking core numbers

Precision like sword


Caterpillar crawled

On leaf flying to nowhere

Reddened veins that flared


darkside humansarefree com
Courtesy humansarefree.com



Tick tock said the clock

Nightingales like mocking birds

Sang shrill the needles


A leap through thin air

Ashen leaf fell to the ground

The night carried me


Hushed party zone cries

In midnight’s celebration

Of butterflies’ wings


I crossed the river

Wound up in dark blue shadows

Other side of Time


darkside ayahuasca-vision-by-paulo-jales-2
Courtesy Paul Jales on ayahuasca-vision.com


The Dark Side of Time – Eric Serra


Hit and miss never

Hit and miss never

5 December 2015


miss pinterest com 4
Courtesy pinterest.com



Lilies on my hand

Burgeoning with the green leaves

Waters in my Heart


The soul burning white

Through unmistakable blues

I miss the night skies


The road paved in ink

Inglorious dark pathways

To somewhere amiss


miss Brooke Shaden pinterest com
Courtesy Brooke Shaden on pinterest.com



Where soul would wander

Bathed in the forgetfulness

That I miss the most


Clarity struck hard

Gone was the blissful soft sleep

Missing is dreamtime


Clock me to midnight

Point my needles up and straight

Hit and miss never



miss pinterest com
Courtesy pinterest.com



Evanescence – Bring me to Life



This post is part of SoCS

Hit and miss never – Linda Gill prompt word “miss” for December 5, 2015


The River of Time

The River of Time

27 October 2015

river artsemerson com
Courtesy artemerson.com


Heavenly skies spoke

Of times when Angels flowed free

Blue lights in the skies


river movies wn com
Courtesy movies.wn.com


Halt not the Time’s flow

Cast upon the green pastures

Worlds isolated


Rising from the Blue

A fall within the waters

Split the waters halved


 river decider com


Swimming up Rivers

Mind yearned for the Knowledge bite

As I chewed the Hours


Resolute madness

Prometheus in maiden

Lighting own fires


Scorching flames lapped high

Into the tender skins’ ways

That ground kept losing


Molten lava poured

From every pore of my skin

With the pain oozing


river mardecortesbaja com 2
Courtesy mardecortesbaja.com


He shed my skin free

It floated unencumbered

Loosely fitting seams


The River of Time

Picked up the sizzling pieces

And cloaked me cooling


river lassofthemovies com
Courtesy lassofthemovies.blogspot.com


I flowed with the clock

Backward loops kept me adrift

As I fetched your skin


river ferdyonfilms com
Courtesy ferdyonfilms.com









Break through the Heartpath

Break through the Heartpath

25 September 2015

heartpath heartpathhealing com
Courtesy heartpathhealing.com


Remnants of the fears

Distill images of Grey

Fluttering corpses


The whole pursued void

Mindless landscapes ticked the clocks

As the now, soft, whirred


Gyrating stillness

Where movement met the frozen

That in soul pulsates

heartpath facebook com
Courtesy hearthealing on Facebook.com


The part pursued Heart

Dissecting pieces of Soul

Isolated play

heartpath flowwithjo com2
Courtesy flowwithjo.cm


Hurtling witnesses

Heartbeats’ irregular stance

Oozing into change


And the edges cracked

Shattered pieces, dangers’ shards

Love gushing open


Pick up the pieces

Enter tomorrow’s bliss State

Break through the Heartpath

heartpath cio-scholen nl
Courtesy cio-scholen.nl

Winding down the clocks

Winding down the clocks

13 September 2015

time pinterest com 5
Courtesy pinterest.com


Stepping back in Time

To morrows reinvented

Retracing the past


Dreamtime assists me

I fly weightless in the sky

Tied to no senses


time christyrogers com
Courtesy Christy Lee Rogers on christyrogers.com


The moonlight watches

As I filter the sunshine

Within my apron


The void reservoirs

Screech emptiness within me

As their fires chill


At loss for exchange

Trembling, beseeching for peace

I empty my pains


time christyrogers com2
Courtesy Christy Lee Rogers on christyrogers.com


Lustful and gory

The floor lapped up every drop

Shed my thickest blood


Winding down the clocks

I walked into a Time’s Age

When I stood Brave Heart


time pinterest com 7
Courtesy pinterest.com