Alice did wondrously land

Alice did wondrously land

12 August 2016

Alice deviantart com comes_alice_to_the_wonderland___new_collection_by_wesley_souza-d61n2xh
Courtesy Wesley Souza on

Out of hats

Birthed the best rabbits

To follow

Trees’ hollow

The tumbling an experience

Otherworldly tales


The mind fails

When seeking lessons

In solemn

Straight-faced chalk

Classrooms for chicken that baulk

From the screeching hens


Lions dens

The cubs profuse meat

Feast to beat

Flesh and blood

Souls carry within the flood

Of the hearts matters


Ink splatters

From rooftops that leak

Dead that speak

Through my tongue

Dangling from heavens now wrung

Their bodies my kite


Bitter fight

Before birth in light

I let go

The failed care

The threads that tie slowly tear

Balloons now lift off


Weak hearts scoff

The mighty forgive

No Malice

In my hand

Alice did wondrously land

In the none sense band


Reading of the poem: 

hatter deviantart com alice_and_hatter_wallpaper_by_shaydedxlightning
Courtesy Saydedxlightning on


Alice in Wonderland – Vitaliy Zavadskyy

Little Lady in a Large World – Thomas Van Oosting

Alice’s Theme – Danny Elfman