Trinity now formed

Trinity now formed

13 March 2016

trinity pinterest com 3


Work of art

Modes of expression

My prayer

Expressed low

Within my veins compression

Of fate’s slow dances


Vows exchanged

Despite the set lips

They move not

Though hearts beat

Go beyond scenes that repeat

Escaping time loop


There is path

Between you and me

Where we walk

In shadows

Neither of us the place knows

In between spaces


Word texture

Thick with thousand years

Of flowing


Rises from within the deep

We sow then we reap



A bouquet of love

You drop red

I add blue

In between shades of purple

Harmonised futures


Tree of us

You stem from my roots



I raise new world from your bark

Trinity now formed


Reading of the poem: 

trinity bijbelcitaat be


Messages from above – Joel Kanning


Ashima – Joel Kanning

One World – Joel Kanning


Practising still life

Practising still life

29 August 2015

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Walking on eggshells

Toiling through the days planted

A slippery path


A parade for none

Balance maintained by sheer will

For pain to withstand


Life is always such

That calm relays agony

Rainbow to be felt


Kick off calm and dance

Raging with the elements

That battle within

stilllife photographyheat com Creative-and-still-Life-Photography-14


Spending you in throes

Fight and you are overcome

You fight only you


Blinded spectacle

Lending itself to ashes

The blind will behold


Practising still life

A lifetime to reach the point

Of abandonment


Look into my eyes

I will raise you now my peace

For shelter you bring

stilllife sheryl maree reilly womeninphotography com
Courtesy Sheryl Maree Reilly on