Mind reader

Mind reader

5 April 2017

healsoul centeroflightmiracles org
Courtesy centerofflightmiracles.org


Cease the fight

Synapse me the light



Feed me melodies

Keep my mind at ease


Soul appease

Invasive to cease

Lies that crease

Darkness seize

Through the haze confusion squeeze

New Dawn set on freeze



Measures chemistry

Mind reader

The weeder

Like gardener takes feeder

Off the roses thorn


Reading of the poem:

stairway midas golden-light-body
Courtesy golden-light-body on pinterest.com

Convergence – Joel Kanning

Lady of the Lake

Lady of the Lake

1 January 2017

Earthendoors the_black_lake_by_carlos_quevedo-d6jgopr


The fool yawns

Brethren’s darkened spawns


In making

From the skull and bones aching

The truth often dawns


In Legends

Beginning upends

Within dreams

Muffled screams

Of the red roses stutters

Restless mind mutters


Burnt on stake

Lady of the Lake

Red in blue

Infused hue

Holy blood the long-lost clue

In Time will renew


Reading of the poem: 

angelburns carlos quevedo deviantart com

Lady of the Lake – Audiomachine

Legacy – Audiomachine

The Legend begins – Audiomachine

Rebirth out of lies

Rebirth out of lies

7 May 2016

moon pixabay com 3
Courtesy pixabay.com


They beat fast

The heart’s pulsations

At the throat

Like a bird

When the clipped wings have grown back

First flight to freedom


The changes

They don’t come easy



The coils twisting and turning

Forging another



Secrets of my spine

Talk wonders

Surging heat

Skirmishes as I retreat

Time for peace not war


I am sword

Forged in cool iron


Blue matter

Beaten upon life’s ridges

My cutting edges


Create word

Says my inner voice

The poet


From gutter bed of roses

All contains beauty


The heart sees

All that will begin

In twilight


Like novel of Sir Golding

Rebirth out of lies


Reading of the poem: 

moon pixabay com 2
Courtesy pixabay.com

Time to Come – Miguel Palafox

Oriana – Miguel Palafox

Rebirth – Miguel Palafox

Towering stones

Towering stones

9 April 2016

stones weheartit com
Courtesy 123rf on weheartit.com


Within lands

Erected on marsh

We play games


Tugging of pony tails harsh

Boys will be snide boys


Broken toys

Token of the might

Winged souls


Of stories I will hear not

Cast out to the dark



A tale of two stars


He recounts

Attempting to ignite spark

Of down trodden glows


Spirit flies

Hovering in skies

His demeanour

Meekness sly

Embarking upon journey

Built upon a lie


I rip net

Sheet tool of balance

Mermaids freed

Swim ashore

Walking feet overcome sore

Of transformation


Spirit tamed

Casts the road roses

Curtains pulled

Light galore

Sets my eye upon Moses

Miracles waver


Tall nights cull

Moonbeams to shower

Skull and bones

Towering stones

In the dark he will cower

Samson of morrows


Reading of the poem: 

stones gizmodo com
Courtesy gizmodo.com

Out of the Woods – Taylor Swift

The Devil is in details

The Devil is in details

14 February 2016

devil artodyssey1 blogspot com tomasz alen copera
Courtesy Tomasz Alen Copera on artodyssey1.blogspot.com


The vultures

Tired dark buzzards

Hungry pair

She had hair

He had all but a tight crop

More akin to a mop


They flew high

On their senseless greed

Death doth feed

These creatures

Hidden in despair’s darkness

Black words their prowess


Drip by drip

Intelligence fed

In doses

With slow words

Dictation manure for bred

In pots with roses


devil Tomasz_Alen_Kopera_art-spire com
Courtesy Tomasz Alen Copera on art-spire.com


Ink to dry

Faces sweet that lie


Rubbing faults

In misheard treasures hunted

Off the grammar’s scales


devil tomasz alen copera mojyawspa co uk
Courtesy Tomasz Alen Copera on mojyawspa.co.uk


The fools’ vain


Intent slain

The pair split

Twice the share’s unholy kit

Bleak fraternity


He went North

She headed down South

Where her mouth,

She belonged

The Devil is in details

Sadness wails me pails


Three can play

Only one can rule

In valleys

Of the blind

They say the subject is fool

One-eyed King scurries


Reading of the poem: 

devil pinterest com 2 Tomasz Alen Copera
Courtesy Tomasz Alen Copera on pinterest.com


Everybody’s fool – Evanescence

Going under – Evanescence

Driving with the Devil – Brasher Bogue

The Devil’s Wife 3: Valentine’s Day on Earth

The Devil’s Wife 3: Valentine’s Day on Earth

14 February 2016

bloom 7-themes com
Courtesy 7-themes.com

She looked around her, the cherry blossoms were whispering secrets of the spring, the lakes were heaving with their golden liquids. All was bliss in Eden and Belzebu was by her side. This was going to be the second best Valentine ever, she thought to herself as she felt him embrace her from behind.

Her thoughts roamed back to their time on Earth when his parents had banished them back in time because he had burnt the moon in his anger over nearly losing her. He was so impulsive she thought to herself with a chuckle.


It was spring and the flowers were blooming. The air was dense with dewdrops. Earth was just discovering electricity. A young man by the name of Tesla lived in the shadow of someone greater who barely allowed him to breathe. He was enlightened and the older frightened, the saddest and most common denominator of humankind’s bleak history. They arrived like a lightning bolt into Tesla’s private chambers startling the life out of his young wits. The waves still shook through the air as they were introducing themselves to him and he touched the sparks all over the room where they had landed. Tesla asked Belzebu about the sparks and marveled at how the dewdrops in the air combined with the Earth’s energy compressed produced the sparks. Soon enough and after he had quizzed Belzebu a million times again about the sparks and Earth’s energy system and engrained power grid, he had ensured they would get a head start on life by procuring an odd job to Belzebu as a stable boy and watchman. By the conditions of his parents, Belzebu was allowed to seek nothing else than a simple life. The pay was sufficient and they also had food and lodging provided for them at a small cabin neighbouring the woods. Belzebu fretted initially over having to resort to a labourer’s life but one look at his wife’s smile then comforted him beyond words.


She watched him toil, so powerful once that he could cover the Earth in one stretch and fly to the moon to send it flaming and rocketing into the cosmos, there he was, tending to the horses, procuring water, repairing hedges and weeding the areas where she grew flowers. She wondered how he did not miss his powers and why he did not rebel against this situation. After all, his parents had made their conditions simple and clear. All he had to do to get full control over Eden was renounce her and their breed but he remained steadfast in his desire to keep both. He could not use any of his powers and the first breach of this would make both lost to him forever. When Valentine’s day arrived, he had a surprise for her, beautiful red, blue and purple roses that he had grown on his own. She wondered how he had blended into one rose bush all three colours but visibly he had not used magical powers as they were still there unharmed. When she asked, he merely smiled and kissed her softly, saying it was his secret. She then asked him how it was that he resisted using his powers just for her. He gazed into her eyes, his eyes overflowing with love and told her “You make me want to be a better man”.

She sighed. So many memories but that one sentence and that particular memory played fondly with her mind and heart every Valentine.


Reading of the story:

lovelife Touchofart eu Tomasz Alen Kopera

Written in the context of Friday Fiction with Ronovan Writes (the prompt being a line from a favourite movie). Ping back and rules here



Ray Charles and Mary Ann Fisher – Sweet Memories

You make me want to be a better man – As good as it gets

Romance – Frédéric Chopin

A walk on waters

A walk on waters

3 December 2015


rising pulsarmedia eu.jpg
Courtesy pulsarmedia.eu


Minds traces scented

Red roses blooming in thoughts

Whirlwinds of flowers


Blue skies float through me

Daisies and bluebells colours

Paint sun’s warmth in me


I dive into you

Explosion of red senses

You are everywhere


Purple stars twine me

Hazy red engulfs my frame

Amniotic Love


Shades of your presence

Crimson haunting through body

Pulsing vibrations


Silken ascension

Gliding through shimmering realms

Dividing waters


Twin leap through portals

The above meets the below

Synchronised flowing


Surging waterfalls

Swimming in between twin worlds

A bridge to elsewhere


Respite in brief touch

Shadowlands bluest tremors

Lost kingdoms’ crowning


Delicate jewels

Sunken ships of mind’s embers

A cave of treasures


Wings of vapours lift

Simmering coals bolster feet

The airborne ravens


A walk on waters

Weightlessness in destiny

Miracles in Heart


waters outofedenministries com
Courtesy  outofedenministries.com



Schiller feat Maya Saban – I miss you

A roadmap to Bliss

A roadmap to Bliss

29 November 2015


rising womenspiritualpoetry blogspot com
Courtesy womenspiritualpoetry.blogspot.com



Above red roses

Where daffodils outreached sun

Inside met outside


Up the lone highway

Winding steep and weightless stones

Coloured bent footpaths


Beside pine trees’ cones

When snow caressed them silent

Shuddering branches


glory danielascarel it
Courtesy danielascarel.it




Brink of eagles’ reach

Under rims of silver clouds

Before the rains charged


softly fanboynation com
Courtesy fanboynation.com



Into depths of skies

Where bluebells held high their name

Edge of Horizons


Within fluttering

Where tidal winds braced and stole

Vanishing glances


Under still waters

Where hushed Heart painted life

A roadmap to Bliss


glory youtube com
Courtesy YouTube.com



Maksim Mrvica – Mojito

Maksim Mrvica – Tango In Ebony

Maksim Mrvica – Leeloo´s Tune

Maksim Mrvica – Still Water