Overcoming thoughts of You

Overcoming thoughts of You

20 November 2016





The days fading fast

Into oblivion of nights

Detonation blast


The mind’s explosion

Into realms of darkness creep

Whispers of autumn


Widowed eyelids weep

Parting of the eyebrows raised

Holding soft the gaze


Remnants of spring’s path

Sun kissed blossoms now fading

The weeds invading


Gardens in simmers

Under a sun that glimmers

Dying rays wet kiss


Water down the hills

Dark tides flowing into sands

Ice into Islands


Ebb and flow pursue

Within the changing seasons

Shades of my mind’s blue


Hope of morrows faint

Reflux a lesson of tides

Tireless happenings


Rearranging stills

Breathing through invented gills

Dead canvas to paint


The brush strokes in clues

Overcoming thoughts of You

Bold red and blue hues


Reading of the poem: 


Soldier of Love – Sade

King of Sorrow – Sade

By Your Side – Sade

A walk on waters

A walk on waters

3 December 2015


rising pulsarmedia eu.jpg
Courtesy pulsarmedia.eu


Minds traces scented

Red roses blooming in thoughts

Whirlwinds of flowers


Blue skies float through me

Daisies and bluebells colours

Paint sun’s warmth in me


I dive into you

Explosion of red senses

You are everywhere


Purple stars twine me

Hazy red engulfs my frame

Amniotic Love


Shades of your presence

Crimson haunting through body

Pulsing vibrations


Silken ascension

Gliding through shimmering realms

Dividing waters


Twin leap through portals

The above meets the below

Synchronised flowing


Surging waterfalls

Swimming in between twin worlds

A bridge to elsewhere


Respite in brief touch

Shadowlands bluest tremors

Lost kingdoms’ crowning


Delicate jewels

Sunken ships of mind’s embers

A cave of treasures


Wings of vapours lift

Simmering coals bolster feet

The airborne ravens


A walk on waters

Weightlessness in destiny

Miracles in Heart


waters outofedenministries com
Courtesy  outofedenministries.com



Schiller feat Maya Saban – I miss you