Tomorrow I will bear no weight

Tomorrow I will bear no weight
24 June 2022
Fed with constant realities
their idle waves of intent 
breaking through my fears
I bear fruit to a sullen morrow

I fixate beyond the edge of myself
on the anticipated remembrance
of the snow-white place in me
where I fail to see you no more

Your face grows stark and steady
In a solitary place I keep hidden
between collar bone and chest
bubbling with the residue of unrest

My brain will build tall citadels 
where your name will reiterate
like a broken disk hitting my skull
one dull thud after another drops

There are fleeting looks encircled 
by the morosity of frozen cheeks
They bask in the sunlit shadows
born to the eye that blinks never

Tomorrow I will bear no weight
Like a maiden before her sunset
I will tear away my shaking limbs
in offering to the beasts that pray

Reading of the poem: 
Adam Hurst - Reflection

The souls spared

The souls spared

4 April 2020

souls pinterest com 3 point 3


Smother not

The wilful intent

It breathes low


For the dark venture to cease

The mind none to tease


Pursue Art

Within mighty heart

The power

To harness

Kingdoms beyond the darkness

Where brave stand duress


Look beyond

Written in the skies

The hearts paired

The souls spared

The breach a keen reminder

When the mind despaired


Reading of the poem:

The Lumineers – Sleep On The Floor (Official Video)

The birthing process

The birthing process

11 August 2016

birthing pinterest com


Steely joint

Smooth contraption

Halfway made

Unkempt shade

Of withered humanity

Tokens of God spill



A soul to anoint

Argan oil

Tinsel foil

Misconception of the role

A play of three worlds



A quick pressure point



In ebb and flow of new life

The birthing process


Reading of the poem: 

birthing pinterest com 10

Summoning the Gods – Trobar de Morte

The Fairies Wind – Trobar de Morte

Natural Dance – Trobar de Morte

The permanent game

The permanent game

17 June 2016

game george-redhawk-03


I am wind

Blowing through the ice

Kissing peaks

Lurking deep

Within caverns of the Earth

Beckoning to sun


I am sun

Hiding my glory

Behind clouds

Amongst crowds

Blue red and gold define me

Purple is my frame


I’m water

Flowing through the streams

Gushing forth


Glowing energy for all

As I rush to source


I am hole

Blacker than the night



Birthing rejecting matter

Parallel highways


I am Her

Eternal woman

My hand’s touch

Skies’ magic

The blue womb of creation

In red glove of Love


I am Time

Flowing forth both ways

Thrice forward

Once backward

Step back a recognition

Of the wayward path


I am storm

Darkest hues of skies

When lightning

Kisses Earth

When the sky-kissed lands give birth

To new promises


I am light

Brightening darkness

Waning moon

Fills herself

My inner core endless well

Where she transfigures


I am fire

Bottled in the skies

Like genie

Of heavens

Stormy dome my birthing field

I flying Phoenix


I am sun

Rebirth my credo


Of new shapes

Baring the rocky landscapes

That my glare begets


I am all

Impermanent frame

Inner core


Cells within replicating

The permanent game


Reading of the poem: 

game george redhawk ignant de

Kyrie – Antaeus

All matter alike

All matter alike

6 June 2016

matter youtube com 3


Race behind

Lost moments in Time


Of hopeless

Time exists but in the mind

Stillness births present


Lay thee down

In tatters or crown

Time sees not

Time heeds not

Its only master the heart

No item for sale


The rebirth

Illusion of thought

Prison mates


The willing fierce consensus

Energy’s game pawns


Ebbing life

Isolation’s stance

The bleak death


Dark conclusion heart-rending

The self-centered choice


Look again

The sand is but streams

Heaven born

In the dreams

The joyous fountains appear

When the thirst lingers


Wasted piles


Golden spoons

In black mouths

Imprint of bile on the lips

Of hidden treasures


The saviours

They come from within

Mirrored souls

Precious gems

Fine tailoring known from hems

All matter alike


Reading of the poem: 

matter youtube com 2

If will come tomorrow – Stive Morgan

Close to Heaven – Stive Morgan

Song for Life – Stive Morgan

Paced footsteps

Paced footsteps

29 May 2016

memorylane pinterest com 4


Lonely times

Gathering instants

Cast battles

Shades of scars

Revisiting lost ventures

In twilight’s shadows


Cancer grows

Where the truth falters



Foundations of cells shaken

By the rampant lie



The past shielded fruit

Covered space

Brittle lace

Icings falling off a cake

Of mouldy sweetness


Bitter taste

Of stale emptiness


Surging bile

Opposites in mind beguile

The waning sweet smile


Lost a while

In the frenzied pace


Of resolve

The tides of rebirth absolve

Every living soul


Scent of space

Time immemorial

Renewed grace

Paced footsteps

Walking down the hedged lane

The trees exhale scents


Reading of the poem: 

memorylane fanpop com

Song of the Stars – Dead Can Dance


Every magic word

Every magic word

15 May 2016

birds cloob com


Our burdens

The sum of sorrows

We carry

Their dead gait

Knees caving under the weight

Of wasted morrows


Open heart

Let the sorrow drip

Like the rain

Kissing Earth

See in their embrace rebirth

Of inner children


We were once

The kings of playgrounds

Our chests bare

Laid down hair

The dark stringent marks of Time

Still unwoven threads


Soul carefree

We danced with the winds

That shook fierce

All the fires

Within heart carving desires

The mind a wild bird


Bleak routine

Settling in with hooks

Anchored us

Rooted feet

Day by day we faced defeat

Of the larky times


The dreams dreamt

They are lost in mists

Read in books

Blown in winds

Paper scattered now rescinds

Every magic word


Reading of the poem: 

angel vishmaya-maitreya com

Profumo di donna – Enrico Rava

Mi ritorni in mente – Enrico Rava

Spleen – Enrico Rava and Richard Galliano

Rebirth out of lies

Rebirth out of lies

7 May 2016

moon pixabay com 3


They beat fast

The heart’s pulsations

At the throat

Like a bird

When the clipped wings have grown back

First flight to freedom


The changes

They don’t come easy



The coils twisting and turning

Forging another



Secrets of my spine

Talk wonders

Surging heat

Skirmishes as I retreat

Time for peace not war


I am sword

Forged in cool iron


Blue matter

Beaten upon life’s ridges

My cutting edges


Create word

Says my inner voice

The poet


From gutter bed of roses

All contains beauty


The heart sees

All that will begin

In twilight


Like novel of Sir Golding

Rebirth out of lies


Reading of the poem: 

moon pixabay com 2

Time to Come – Miguel Palafox

Oriana – Miguel Palafox

Rebirth – Miguel Palafox

Joining Sky and Earth

Joining Sky and Earth

2 April 2016

joining reikilorient com


The choices

They create craters

Caving loss

Felt in soul

Never again to be whole

Beliefs from the fear


I hold dear

Remnants of the skies

They pulsate

Within me

Through the air my heart dilate

Setting my soul free


The choices

They are more than faith

Measured steps

In blood flow

We reap only what we sow

Our hands kindness tools


Earthen rules

They speak of bounty

Made heavy

Weight of gold

The hindrance more than was told

Within dark whispers


Glowing choice

Forgiveness in heart

Love music


In letting go of the reigns

A sky-bound rebirth


Heaven’s voice

Mother speaks through me


Deep healing

Flowing fast through my blue veins

Joining Sky and Earth


Reading of the poem: 

joining thelovestory org

Love Tears Heartaches & Devotion – B-Tribe

Matador de sa pena – B-Tribe

Libera me – B-Tribe

Love – B-Tribe

Suspiro – B-Tribe

Wisdom & Courage – B-Tribe