Ocean greets me kin

Ocean greets me kin

24 March 2020


This is not a play

Tragedy nor comedy

This is a life’s toil


I splatter the drops

The waters in rivulets

Aspire for bay


Ocean greets me kin

Movement of waves like my skin

A body of clay



Reading of the poem:


Written in the context of Ronovan writes weekly Haiku 298 using the words bay and play. For rules and more poems follow this link.


Gurdjieff – De Hartmann Vol 12: Prière Pour La Miséricorde, Alain Kremski

Growing sunshine pours

Growing sunshine pours

16 May 2017

light in5d com (2)
Courtesy in5d.com


Hark listen

The bark whispers thin

Winding through

Willow tree

Speaking of when we ran free

Children of the Blue


Who is who

We know not answer

Question posed


The winding wells tell secrets

Of Love and regrets


Wash my skin

Hone my growing fin

Morrows kin

Usher in

True light invading my doors

Growing sunshine pours


Reading of the poem: 

balance loveandlightportal com
Courtesy loveandlightportal.com

No Love Lost – Bvdub

Morning Rituals – Bvdub

My Sun shines through your Rain – Bvdub


Love in what you do

Love in what you do

22 January 2017

Courtesy Christian Schloe


Breathing hiss

Lungs rustling papers

Chained within

Free without

The heart in tears the mind stout

Dichotomy’s kin





Mocking moth

Reverie converted sloth

Society’s skin


Breathing bliss

Renewed revision

Seeing right

In the light

Contours define the shapes sight

Love in what you do


Reading of the poem: 

Courtesy Christian Schloe

Let Go – As Seas Exhale

Grief and Dust – As Seas Exhale

Not All Of Us Can Do Great Things…but We Can Do Small Things With Great Love – As Seas Exhale

Molten core

Molten core

1 May 2016

leap electricobjects com
Courtesy electricobjects.com

The choices

They abound in life

Each footstep

A pathway

Leading to other futures

The road now chosen


I listen

To voice of angels

They talk light

Blue balance

Hushed sound of every instance

When eye renewed sight


Never more

Will the guides depart

Combined kin


Their flesh a drop of ocean

The part from the whole


The choices

They represent life

Each archway

A bent sky

The falling rain that nurtures

When the dark clouds cry


They glisten

The suntanned creatures

Subtle might


Sharing stark pride with penance

Light and darkness fight


Molten core

Beating in the heart



Gateways to multiple worlds

Combined in the soul


Reading of the poem: 

moon illusion scene360 com federico bebber
Courtesy Federico Bebber on scene360.com

Not about Angels – Birdy

Veil so thin

Veil so thin

3 February 2016

veil fanpop com
Courtesy fanpop.com

She was freed

Twice in a neat row

The bluebirds

They sang so

Their beaks memories of honey

The bees had gathered


I flew high

Keeping company

With her wings

Lost anthems

We move in skies with phantoms

The moon our witness


We all die

Before we can live

My years stretch

Into skies

Desolation I forgive

I love green meadows


The true love

It is never lost

Just sleeping

Beauty fades

We may exchange hearts for spades

Breathe within shadows


The night’s kiss

A story of dark

Of lovers

And clovers

Clubbed to death by the wit game

In love we place shame


Nothing moves

The wind is dead cold

The breath warm

Tired bees swarm

Just around my window sill

As I face the winds


Flies hover

Suspended wings gleam


Noise sullen

Picking up the mornings din

I soak it in skin


It vibrates

Snakes crawl up my spine

Sun troubling

Dream divine

We were free upon a rhyme

When teeth clicked tight shut


Fleeting Time

I gather my hands

Rubbing oil

Through snakes kin

The true which people think false

The best hiding place


All numbers

They are but targets

Floating within

Veil so thin

We discover what we choose

The rest we let loose


Reading of the poem:

veil fanpop com 2
Courtesy fanpop.com


Painted Veil – Walter & Kitty

The Painted Veil – Love Scene – Gnossienne 1 (Classical Piano)

A la Claire fontaine – The painted veil

In dreams I live our spent lives

In dreams I live our spent lives

20 July 2015

sanity article wn com
Photo courtesy article.wn.com


Dark waves washed ashore

Seashells that glistened to moon

Cast out like orphans

Roaming soul without a kin

Outcast like banshee I wail


Twilight highlighted

Lost landscapes that lived within

Lands of nevermore

Exiled into wilderness

My heart parted from yours froze


Ice-clad watches ticked

To arms that pricked through time’s watch


Thoughts etched in timelessness gleamed

With new meanings that sprouted


An owl hooted once

His call an omen of when

Fantasy world lights

In dreams I live our spent lives

Neverlands’ hopes of times scars

sanity newscientist com
Photo courtesy newscientist.com