

27 August 2016

tell alphacoders com


Holy wars

Within the ether

Infuse me

With the blood

It flows down like mighty flood

Channels in code red


When we bled

We showered the grounds

From the stars

To the dust

Where circles around us rust

In the steely rings


The three kings

They lost Northern guide

Soul divide

In landslide

By the tokens we abide

Our choice in the proof


Earthen roof

Covets inner skies

Maiden sighs

Knight denies

We gather countless replies

Confusion in cries


Who is where

Alice lost her hare

All turned wild

Lost the child

Rabbit tore hair in despair

No clocks to repair



Three quarters non sense

One quarter

In small change

Open Hearts closed minds derange

Uncommon is strange


Reading of the poem: 

redemption pinterest com

Return to Eden – Irfan

Fei – Irfan

Los Ojos de la Mora – Irfan

In floating

In floating

23 August 2016

floating abstract desktopnexus com 3


Lost in thought

Grey tendrils that sink

Absorbed ink

I spill mind

Windmills within me unwind

As the will decays


Tree’s branches

Reach out towards me

Its bark pulses

With my blood

My heart is a liquid flood

Nourishing its roots


Sweat and toils

Increase pulsations

The tree feasts

On the spoils

Winding flow does undoes coils

Self preservation


The soul shoots

Arrows of self loss

Across my frame

Withered tame

The lions face my dungeons

Where dragons breathed hard


Selves aligned

Face the roaring beasts

Random feats

Lone heroes

Misaligned in the death rows

Willful surrender


The heart beats

Like nothing matters

Soul repeats

In floating

Shimmering of blood coursing

New life pervades me


Reading of the poem: 

floating pinterest com

Mehman – Azam Ali

Dandini -Azam Ali

Neni Desem – Azam Ali

Alice did wondrously land

Alice did wondrously land

12 August 2016

Alice deviantart com comes_alice_to_the_wonderland___new_collection_by_wesley_souza-d61n2xh
Courtesy Wesley Souza on

Out of hats

Birthed the best rabbits

To follow

Trees’ hollow

The tumbling an experience

Otherworldly tales


The mind fails

When seeking lessons

In solemn

Straight-faced chalk

Classrooms for chicken that baulk

From the screeching hens


Lions dens

The cubs profuse meat

Feast to beat

Flesh and blood

Souls carry within the flood

Of the hearts matters


Ink splatters

From rooftops that leak

Dead that speak

Through my tongue

Dangling from heavens now wrung

Their bodies my kite


Bitter fight

Before birth in light

I let go

The failed care

The threads that tie slowly tear

Balloons now lift off


Weak hearts scoff

The mighty forgive

No Malice

In my hand

Alice did wondrously land

In the none sense band


Reading of the poem: 

hatter deviantart com alice_and_hatter_wallpaper_by_shaydedxlightning
Courtesy Saydedxlightning on


Alice in Wonderland – Vitaliy Zavadskyy

Little Lady in a Large World – Thomas Van Oosting

Alice’s Theme – Danny Elfman


Shells of Flames

Shells of Flames

5 August 2016

shells randomwallpapers net


In glory we set the purpose of Flames

The battlefield signed with blood of the hosts

The hearts we forget in thrill of the games

The endless confined by flags that mind posts


Now laden regret the tears of the Thames

For the bodies lined the conquests one boasts

Hearts aid and abet the hand that them maims

A closure to fret horizon of ghosts


Pray tell me now clear where do rivers flow

When thick with the blood they ravage valleys

I harbour no fear of underground glow


Oncoming the flood of tears that we know

The hearts that we smear in night-clad alleys

Shells of Flames in bud that silent we grow


Reading of the poem: 

shells malwaretips com

Back to You – Brett Anderson & Emmanuelle Seigner


In heavenly skies

In heavenly skies

25 June 2016


heavenly skies plus google com 2.gif


The hum rocks stone

Hurling all matter

Handing the key to glory

On silver platter

The deaf muted alone


Keep humming song

We will sing along

Like the streams that gather pace

When joining deltas

Flowing into the sea


You me and she

Sworn fraternity

Orchestrating symphony

Genderless voices

The roots bear our choices


She, he are we

More than eye can see

Do you count my ageless Time

Follow you my rhyme

I dine on the flood


Red blue my blood

Purple are my veins

In you I am what remains

Lavender my stains

Now see me out of chains


Speak my blessing

Mighty is the beast

Deadly breath remember ring

It reeks of hollows

When served all is but feast


Wine in tavern

Bring me your lantern

Let us in supper rejoice

As the night bleeds end

In shadows of valleys


Of left overs

Remains of the day

We gather light from sunrise

Never in the clay

By will is the deed done


Through thoughts we rise

In heavenly skies

Carving out a new kingdom

A new world to come

Of all atoms the sum


Reading of the poem: 

bubbles george redhawk architecturenart com 2

Celtic Battle Song – Leah

Angel Fell – Leah / Kings and Queens

This Present Darkness – Leah

Naked tale foretold

Naked tale foretold

7 April 2016

indentures trac2015 com
Courtesy Brad Kunkle trac2015 com


Spoken thoughts

Saturating words

They misspell

Past intent

Agony souls underwent

Disdain bleak feature


Dark creature

Lies a solemn vow

Middle Earth

Its fiefdom

Shades of the greying kingdom

City of tales bent


The heart spent

In rivers of woe

Unwinds slow

The whirlpools

Amnesia its daily tools

As heartbeats quiver


Plains awash

With red of the blood

The eyes flood

Loss of life

Expunged in the shining pearl

The drops wild scatter


We will meet

When the ravens crow

Through midnight

Past the light

When early rays summon eyes

To twinkling mornings


Your shimmer

Rivalling with gold

Standing bold


On the brink of vanity

Naked tale foretold


Reading of the poem:

indentures thisiscolossal com
Courtesy Brad Kunkle

Last chance – The Black Heart procession



24 December 2015

love re-actor net Brooke shaden
Courtesy brooke shaden on



Feathers red

Sink into blood

Heartbeats of the hurt

You renew the old faith

Breathe magic and miracles

Flowing tides, new morrows ripple

Under your frame in shade of your wings

Pale shadows of hope walk into the change

While tables turn simple days into strange

Unbeknownst to burning heart that sings

The hands of fate churning cripple

The winding Times chronicles

Of lives now lost an eighth

Cleaning grime and dirt

In soul the flood

Now undead




This poem is written in Etheree (and reverse Etheree) form. For more information on the form, click here

Disturbed – The light

Time to let you go

Time to let you go

13 December 2015


lettinggo blogs psychcentral com


Embers’ trail

Dull feeling of fire

The core numb

The limbs frail

From unreal I beg a crumb

Dreaded woods to stoke


lettinggo liziahtherapies com


Ghostly trace

Whispers of your face


Slow fading

Your traits linings of dark clouds

Please summon the rain


lettinggo popan org uk_by_michellis13-d5ma8f4




The mind’s dread

Winding memory

Music box

Crimson scars

You twinkle now in the stars

Your song in my head


lettinggo elephant journal com



Memory’s lane

Walking on stray glass

Shredded feet

Eyelids’ flood

Your heartbeat alive in pain

Coursing through my blood


lettinggo soulbridging com



Heartbreak’s ebb

Time to let you go

Heartbreak’s flow

Heartache’s peak

Panic striking me so weak

The thought of goodbyes


lettinggo wellhappypeaceful com


It’s not goodbye – Laura Pausini

The power of your love قوة غرامك

قوًة غرامك

١٨ أغستس ٢٠١٥

asifa dektopnexus com



عن هذه العاصفة؟

لقد كذبت


كل الكلمات

بلعها توق الشِدَة

و ماتت قهرا



عن الطوفان الغامض؟

هزَني رعدا


أبرقت فيه

بغضب ألف زلزال




عن قوة غرامك؟

فاقت الإثنان


صمت اللبرق

هدأت الزَلازل

و نطق القلب

Translation added as a new Haiku

The power of your Love

18 August 2015

Did you speak to me
Of the strength of this tempest?
You had lied to me

For all of the words
Swallowed by need for intense
Died in frustration

Did you speak to me
Of this mysterious flood?
It shook me thunder

I struck it lightning
With anger of thousand quakes
Yet it doused my flames

Did you speak to me
Of the power of your Love
It surpassed them both

Lightning was silenced
While all earthquakes subsided
And then the heart spoke

asifa imgarcade com

Can Earthly love heal?

Can Earthly love heal?

7 August 2015


Path to down under

Heaving with the keen longing

Of forgotten Grace


Listless I walk sole

Survivor of gushing wounds

That severed my soul


Walking in my trail

Your eyes follow my blithe frame

In dreams we unite


While I catch your gaze

Stillness turns turbulent flood

Lucid reverie


The warmth of your breath

Rekindles love’s memories

That stood still in time


The heat of your smile

Pierces through the icicles

That clung to my lids


The fire in your heart

Setting ablaze liquid soul

That dissolved in love


My fingers lay slight

Asking of the edge of you

Can Earthly love heal?


Love 4