The Silent Tree

The Silent Tree

21 June 2016

good and evil bhelas co uk garden-of-eden-tree-of-knowledge-of-good-and-evil-rzatlm63p


The Silent Tree

It bustles around

With keen promises of words

Hanging like dead fruit

Adrift the swaying leaves


The Silent Tree

It sheltered my frame

With a hundred drops of shade

Casting spells of dark

Amidst the scorching sun


The Silent Tree

I climbed its branches

Making merry of the ground

My hands tools of skies

Beyond reach of the mind


The Silent Tree

We had carved its bark

With tomorrows nevermore

Basking in todays

In fading centuries


The Silent Tree

We had cut its branches

When dying sun passed away

Snuffed out like candle

Within eye of the Storm


The Silent Tree

We both watched it fall

Its roots decaying  tunnels

Where the rats ran free

Through eras of regret


The Silent Tree

Its hushed memories

Shivered within my bosom

When the moon sang shrill

With voiceless agony


The Silent Tree

I shake off its leaves

From desperate clinging arms

That embraced me tight

Before I emerged free


Reading of the poem: 

tree woman 2

Death is a disease – Clint Mansell, Kronos Quartet, Mogwai

Xibalba – Clint Mansell, Kronos Quartet, Mogwai

Together we will live forever – Clint Mansell, Kronos Quartet, Mogwai

Weavers in dungeons

Weavers in dungeons

16 May 2016

The_Scream en wikipedia org


Crawling Earth

Heavenly nature

Wasted flight

Burnt candle

Amorphous remnants of light

Hybrid beings roam


Scorching rays

A prison so bright

Morning sun

Shunned glory

The rebels face fate gory

Beads of consequence


The hand counts

Remainders of days


Fly in hours

Counting the traces of scars

From wings’ extraction


Monster park

Theme of a nightmare

Creepers seed

With tight veins

Thickening branches restrain

Every free movement


Running still

Mouth a gaping hole


Screaming void

Face of expressions devoid

Legions of stillness


Eerie lights

Decorate their frames


Ancient names

Lie in books to raise them free

Weavers in dungeons


Reading of the poem: 

the scream pinterest com

The offering – Shaman’s Harvest

Dragonfly – Shaman’s Harvest

In chains – Shaman’s Harvest


Through the flying times I knelt

Through the flying times I knelt

27 February 2016

knelt designisthis com

We are born

Like in a whirlwind

The hours strike

Our birth’s time

Like flame of burning candle

Sketched in the tempest


We grow needs

The crowning of life

Wilting through

What heart heeds

Within the morrows I sow

Food for my own thought


There are shades

Painted within me

Where I find


Possibilities to breathe

Scarcity of you


We are born

Like paper airplanes

The winds lift

The winds rip

They set us lone and adrift

From our shining selves


I am not

My death is open

Like a book


Each corner a tilting point

Where I die some more


The fate blind

She grants me token

Of morrows

Where I lie

A closed copy of myself

Within deep set grave


We are born

Like a flight of geese

Panicked flight

Left to right

The Northern skies ours to please

As we yearn Southern


Fortune said

She favours the brave

I forgot

How it felt

To wish upon a new day

Untainted by sigh


Holy grails

Within my faint grasp

Air leaving

As I gasp

Through the flying times I knelt

My tidings the nails


Reading of the poem: 

knelt commons wikimedia org


Black & Blue – Archive

Again – Archive

Distorted Angels – Archive

Axiom – Archive


Ten was the Number

Ten was the Number

23 October 2015

nine justjared com 6 led the way (2)



You led strong the path

Stark contrasts blinded the eye

That dwelt in the mind


nine justjared com

I walked yesterday

Within your footsteps’ clamours

We both lost the way


nine justjared com 10 recovering sight

Recovering sight

I shook the night’s salty waves

And brought you the light


nine justjared com 4 breathed

You breathed into me

Heat of a thousand dragons

Forgotten treasure


nine hollywood com chilled

I frosted your mind

Brought to it a chilling peace

My deadly waters


nine casopisinterfon org

Tendrils lily white

Reaching out to ink pitch black

Rewrite nuances


nine rogerbert com

Softly exploring

I opened the Heart Channel



nine etc-iste blogspot com tomorrow buds

Tomorrow’s bud stems

From roots that creep within Earth

Nine reaching for skies


nine trailers apple com global

From nine we split Three

As you and I climbed the Tree

Climbing us becomes


nine -povcrystal-blogspot-com-from-movie-the-fountain ten

Ten was the Number

We had decomposed from nine

As the candles hung


 nine moviefancentral com ten was

nine seriousmovies com tree 2

Beyond Connection

Beyond Connection

2 September 2015

Melting image and mans mind

I constructed you

You then deconstructed me

Laughed, hid the pieces


The key to the mind

Lies within thoughts’ meanders

Keys to heart flicker


Captured and released

Unwilling pact of freedom

Misplaced denied bonds


My hands lay helpless

Numbness then blood flowing back

Tingling sensations


Phantom cords cut all

Wounds that had crusted over

Where salt cauterised


Seeking the prison

Of mind that had most mattered

Cotton for the soul

connection spiritscienceandmetaphysics com


Beguiled mind relived

A lifetime of servitude

To masters that fleeced

Connection Suzanne lie blogspot com


A shiver calling

To birth of a new era

Where slaves buy life back


A penny for Love

No quarters given today

Dime dozen’s fickle


Your form bathed in light

Cast against my darkness spelt

Chance of renewal


The candle’s flame lisped

Slithering towards my heart

Whispering new tongue


Every language ours

My thoughts trail off into yours

Beyond Connection


Ears pick up no sound

Artful measures a hiss feigned

Lungs filled in silence

connection whatdoesitmean com

What is this madness?

What is this madness?

19 August 2015




I wake before dawn

Having slept at its onset

Verily refreshed


If you are handler

Let my body be handles

That you may hold me


Thoughts of you suffuse

My very core as they light

Every handle’s fires


I became candle

That you may see in the dark

During your journeys


I became your feet

That I may lift your being

To the highest states


Elevated, free

You trod upon me never

We flew in heavens


Like your cloak of skies

I sleep with your sweet setting

Within me you rise


The suns wilting, skulk

At this radiance of you

As your soul unfolds


The moon unabashed

Held mirror to your image

And stole your silver


Sun and moon conspired

In wake of your glorious light

To cast you shadows


What is this madness

That day is night, night is day

And you stay the One?

fire diaforetiko gr fire-woman-felice-monda

The foghorn blows not

The foghorn blows not

2 August 2015

foghorn pinterest com 3


Mist covered the Earth

As she exhaled past sorrows

Pervading all thoughts


The lighthouse faded

Jaded memories walk past

Flickering in dark


A light shines sudden

Like a candle in the house

As shooting star falls


Footsteps in the night

Weary traveller is lost

The foghorn blows not


Earth shifted again

Countless stories washed over

As pale new dawns rose


Memories cords loosened

Strumming to toneless voices

Bees hum in playground


The fog now thickens

Let wilderness spread around

Don’t blow the foghorn

foghorn pinterest com