Redesigning the future

Redesigning the future

30 January 2024

In prayers
I hear the Goddess
She speaks strong
twin voices
They resonate within soul
path where I belong

My birthright
piles through centuries
gifted skin
now akin
to scales of dragon’s body
harbours golden dawn

Pencil drawn
sketches shades of me
foregone hues
reds and blues
redesigning the future
for heart to nurture

Reading of the poem:
Law of THR3E – Past Lives

I slithered back home

I slithered back home
28 April 2022
Courtesy pinterest
I counted my scales
Irreducible creature
I was compounded

The dragon within
flew most immense distances
between sleep and wake

Iridescent wings,
chest multiplying colours
like serpent ablaze

A tail to tell tales
engorged with the wings’ passion
I slithered back home

Reading of the poem: 
Serpentine - Solace

The Dragon Egg

The Dragon Egg

7 February 2018


dragon egg woman_and_dragon_on_stairs_by_dashinvaine-d7r7hsm
Courtesy dashinvaine on


She could see that he was speaking but she could not hear him anymore. It was as if she was in a deep tunnel underground with the waters rushing above it. He sensed that she was not hearing him anymore and reached out to slightly shake her shoulders to jolt her back into awareness of what he was saying and she felt the sensation dim. He was telling her that she had a son who was now six years old and who was a hybrid. He was born from a relationship that she had broken off more than six years ago.

She was still puzzled as to how she could have conceived the baby without having to carry it within her womb. He told her that the hybrids did not require to be carried in the womb of a human mother until maturity but just needed to be conceived and kept within the womb for a number of weeks. After that they were able to be transported and kept elsewhere in certain conditions until they hatched. She felt a curious click when he mentioned the word hatched. It made her think back to a moment during the relationship when her boyfriend’s mother had come to meet her. They had met at the airport and the older woman had behaved strangely with her, her arms going all around her in an odd way before they had departed.

She remembered how her boyfriend had mentioned that his mother had come to retrieve the egg. She had dismissed the whole matter from her mind as being ludicrous at the time but now things seemed different. She thought back to the times when she could hear a baby crying in her head and had believed it to be linked to her children being away from her for a short period. She also thought back to the times when she had felt a telepathic communication of desperation from someone she could not identify as well as to her increasing obsession about dragons. She had still sent comforting thoughts to that being at each communication she felt although she could not identify who it was.

The final communication just before it had been cut off was the description of a young human being with a tail that could retract at will. It also described the way the mother of her ex-boyfriend had retrieved the egg from her. Apparently the egg was vibrating at a different frequency level than the one she was vibrating at. This difference in frequency allowed the older woman to isolate the egg in the womb from the womb and be able to pull it out in the open air where it remained invisible and keep it with her. She had then taken the egg with her back to South Africa where she had placed it in the incubator until it had hatched. The result was a handsome young boy who could move at will between the appearance of a dragon and that of a human with only the tail remaining sometimes when he did not use enough energy for the transformation.

She looked again at the man in front of her. He was telling her that the young boy needed her now because he was growing strong and would not listen to anybody else. For some reason, despite their separation, he had formed a very strong bond with her and had demanded to be reunited with her. She wondered what it would be like to mother this hybrid child. Would she have the strength to teach him right from wrong and be able to go through with any punishments if he did not obey. Rewarding a strong hybrid would not be an issue but how to punish a strong hybrid that could cut you to pieces if he wished to ?

The man could see all of these questions go through her mind as she thought and he reassured her that the child seemed to have already developed an immense loyalty to his mother he did not know. In fact, many of the things that would have otherwise happened to her when she put her ex-boyfriend out of her life were rendered impossible by his intervention. Right from the safety of his egg, he had projected a field of energy around her to shield her from any harm according to the man. She smiled with a mixture of pride and amazement. She would take care of him. He was her boy after all and would grow to be a fine dragon human.

Rockabye – Clean Bandit ft. Sean Paul & Anne-Marie



3 August 2016

crimson fields deviantart com My-Immortal-by-k-i-mm-i-e



Reality hums

It welcomes

This darkness

A gathering in prowess

Powers of shadow


We speak word

Of wavering flames

Time’s duress

Cloaked in steel

Edge grazing knees as I kneel

In sunken prayer


Heart slayer

Crouching dragon steams

Birth of Fire

In my veins

Blazing shards of them remains

As embers retreat


Time’s defeat

The waters will surge

Days to purge

Beings made

For the changeling lies the spade

Fire and water


Fourth daughter

Bringer of the realms

In dark ink


The growing heat to harness

Explosions of me


Flying free

In purple clad skies


Light the way

Renew temples where we pray

The newborn sunlights


Reading of the poem: 

Purity Blue-Heaven hdwpics com

Labyrinth of Dreams – Nox Arcana

In Memoriam – Arcana

Un passage silencieux – Arcana

Inner Pale Sun – Arcana

Promise of the Fall

Promise of the Fall

24 July 2016

promisefall baghira com

All is spent

Efforts and prayers

The Dragon


Scales and gills under layers

Mistaken for flesh


Blue genies

Sing of oncoming


Silent flights

When we will roam into nights

Deeper than cyan


Man lion

Keeper of the sun

We are one

Under oath

What seeps in one seeps in both

The blazing branches


Dining smoke

Ribs a black anthem

He inhales

I exhale

Withered lungs flailing ribcage

Burning in the rage


The regrets

They serve no purpose

The chest dark

The heart white

Intervals give me respite

Between mighty breaths


In due time

My rhyme will explain

The meanings

Of the pain

When the dewdrops will recall

Promise of the Fall


Reading of the poem: 

morse krasivie-kartinki ru

A matter of Time – Dillon

Your Flesh against Mine- Dillon

Lightning Sparked – Dillon

Counting my changes

Counting my changes

15 February 2016

dragon taringa net

Dragon creed

Our wings are shelter

For the weak

Our souls meek

We shun the glitz and glitter

Though we’re born of stars


The old code

Is more than adage

Not mere tale

Past glory

We have none to assuage

That time may erode


Soul swollen

Eternal homage

Bursts in me

Thwarted plea

Now forgotten I don’t flee

The waking moments


Bosoms bare

The heart of thunder

You wonder

Why not fear

The shield is but for the feud

No destiny’s spear


Knave and lewd

They gather hell’s fire

Rake fallen

Spew desire

There is a riddle I admire

She says it on Nile


We crawl slow

Then we stand proud tall

Before age

And fate’s weight

Curb in us the springy gait

And three are our legs


We cover

Our humanity

And frailty

Saucy words

Invisibility’s cloak

Weapons of the mind


There is truth

In between the lies

Where we find


Overhauling weaknesses

Pennies in the sun


They shine slight

She innerves them light


Daily task

In their brittle light I bask

Counting my changes


Reading of the poem:

dragon widewallpapershd info

It’s Time – Imagine Dragons

Demons – Imagine Dragons

Roots – Imagine Dragons

Dragons in Heart

Dragons in Heart

13 December 2015

dragon loyalty.png


I was nominated for the dragon loyalty award. While I don’t usually follow up on awards in general, I was inclined to do it for this one because of the person who nominated me, Tosha Michelle, a wonderful writer and musician who writes artfully and with a lot of insight, passion and beauty in what she expresses. If you do not know her writing or her songs, please do check her out at

She also has many other aspects to her that I will let you discover from her blog.


The rules are 1) Display the award on your blog. 2) Announce your nomination with a post and link the blogger who nominated you 3) Present 6 deserving bloggers with the award (see below) 4) Link your awardees in the post 5) Write 7 interesting facts about you


So here I go with the facts (I had to remove the OCD part because the person nominating me already got there before I did  and also because it has become thankfully almost non existent in my life now)


  1. I was a hyperactive kid with a very high IQ but with absolutely no sense of being social so I liked to be a lot by myself. Thankfully through the years of growing up my IQ went down and what is now called my EQ went up so I became more sociable
  2. When I was a child, I used to spend most of my time day-dreaming and gazing at the stars because I was convinced that my home was up there and that I was not meant to be here on Earth. I still have a big attraction for the skies but the sense of longing, unbearable nostalgia and wanting to go away immediately has thankfully reduced over the years.
  3. I was called “swallow the moon” (“gobe la lune” in French) because you could make me believe just about anything when I was a child and an adolescent. I never failed to believe that people were telling the truth no matter how far-fetched what they said seemed, which earned me my first nickname
  4. I was extremely lazy and barely studied but always scored the highest marks and consistently was the first in class except for the last year of my school (graduation year to my parents’ and school teachers’ utter dismay) when I went through a rebel phase and decided that I was not going to study at all but just go to the beach almost all the time  because I was fed up of being first and wanted to be just like everyone else for a change. I actually wanted that since a while but that was the first year I got the courage to disobey.
  5. My latest nickname which has stuck with me since my young adult age – first uttered by a boyfriend long gone now (may he RIP) – is Blue. You can consider that I have a very very long Blue period unlike Picasso because I have not yet changed my nickname to anything else. I feel good being Blue
  6. I love playing 3 to 5 minutes chess games called blitz on a website called and sometimes can get totally engrossed by this to the point that I can forget to eat until night falls when I am alone (when my kids are away). Thankfully my children are with me except for school holidays so that keeps me on track for eating most of the time.
  7. I wanted to be an artist and had always loved drawing and sketching but am self-taught as I was not able to take art courses (directed by my parents when I was younger and then hogged up by life’s constraints later). To console myself for not being able to follow art orientation instead of sciences at school I used to draw on my pants and paint them much to my mother’s dismay and the anger of my school teachers as it was back in the 80s and having painted jeans was not fashionable yet. I still like to draw and paint though on canvas since a while and find it very comforting and a good way of expressing myself.


Moving on to the awardees, I would like to nominate the following people (I would have loved to include Tosha and Eric but the first nominated me and the second was already nominated by the first). I have to say there are so many more who should be nominated in general because their work is so beautiful and interesting but as this list has to be limited to 6 I stopped it at that figure choosing those who made me somehow think of the characteristics of a dragon as I see the creature.

  1. Deborah aka dancingpalmtrees ( a fine human being and writer who has a very fiery spirit and does not hesitate to speak her mind. Aside from being an amazingly insightful and sensitive writer, she is also a much needed support and beacon of light for her brother Stephen who is a grown man suffering from autism. Her current battle is to ensure that siblings get the same rights as parents in terms of days of leave to take care of a family member in need.
  2. Thomas aka FT Ledrew ( an amazing writer and Senryu master aside from his photography and baking skils. He introduced me to many art forms (alas by inference and not by direct contact) through the beautiful poetry he wrote in those art forms. I always look forward to reading his poetry.
  3. Annie aka pixieannie ( a very creative lady who amazes me not just with her outreach into the world of poetry, photography and drawing but also with her capacity to cut down trees, use tools that in my limited upbringing I thought only men could master. We can safely say she is my Heroin because she is capable of doing so many things I could only dream of doing
  4. Dajena aka moonskittles – her name is pronounced like Diana – ( a witty and very talented writer who multiplies herself between her family/worldly life and a beautiful blog which she populates with creative output in the form of poems, beautiful photography or sometimes recounts whether fiction or stories about things that actually happened in her daily life
  5. Paul aka Paully ( a writer with an extreme sensitivity and a very generous heart who writes beautiful poetry
  6. Tony Single ( whom I “discovered” not so long ago and who is an amazing cartoonist (I am a fan of the strange crumble world now), poet, keen observer of human nature and who also likes and expresses himself through photography. All of these talents are showcased in different sites that you can discover when you visit his crumblecult site.





And so they lived happily ever

And so they lived happily ever

11 December 2015


dragon hdwallpapers cat
Courtesy hdwallpapers cat


Once upon Time, not so long ago

There lived fussy woman who always loved to say no


forest io9 com


Many a suitor would come as knight

With most shining armour but with teeth yellow in light


Our woman raised princess would look, say

I like ye outer shell but ye rotting inner nay!


Try as they might to remove decay

All the knights one by one were only faced with dismay


Plan they concocted for her to sway

The mightiest dragon for their princess they would slay


dragon fantasywallpaper cat (2)


Calling creature she puckered lips

And lo and behold through fantasy world here he slips


dragon hdwallpapers cat 2 (2)


You summoned me for a lifetime’s span

But forgive me my Lady I forgot my best man


The Lady said that was not the plan

But the Dragon blew upon the knights in their tin can


And as the knights panicked and then ran

To finally dawn upon her the story began


dragon youtube com



She realised that Dragon was King

And she being his Queen was now the story’s ending


dragon elisabethwheatly wordpress com (2)
Courtesy Anne Stokes from


And so they lived happily ever

She bore him fifty children and all were so clever


dragon pinterest com blue (2)



The Old Code – DragonHeart

Final Scene – DragonHeart 1996

To the Stars – Randy Edelman

Dragon Age – Lindsey Stirling




Ten was the Number

Ten was the Number

23 October 2015

nine justjared com 6 led the way (2)



You led strong the path

Stark contrasts blinded the eye

That dwelt in the mind


nine justjared com

I walked yesterday

Within your footsteps’ clamours

We both lost the way


nine justjared com 10 recovering sight

Recovering sight

I shook the night’s salty waves

And brought you the light


nine justjared com 4 breathed

You breathed into me

Heat of a thousand dragons

Forgotten treasure


nine hollywood com chilled

I frosted your mind

Brought to it a chilling peace

My deadly waters


nine casopisinterfon org

Tendrils lily white

Reaching out to ink pitch black

Rewrite nuances


nine rogerbert com

Softly exploring

I opened the Heart Channel



nine etc-iste blogspot com tomorrow buds

Tomorrow’s bud stems

From roots that creep within Earth

Nine reaching for skies


nine trailers apple com global

From nine we split Three

As you and I climbed the Tree

Climbing us becomes


nine -povcrystal-blogspot-com-from-movie-the-fountain ten

Ten was the Number

We had decomposed from nine

As the candles hung


 nine moviefancentral com ten was

nine seriousmovies com tree 2

Dominions to come

Dominions to come

16 October 2015

heartpath deviantart comon_the_path_to_the_truth_by_chryssalis-d32afov


Eyes will see not

Only Heart sees shimmering

Trails of the Glory


dragon reachingforsoul wordpress com dragonfire-woman2 (2)


Surround me in Light

Dragon Heart beats to music

That sings in the Souls


ghost raptureintheairnow (2)


Doorways will flutter

In between the Heartbeats that drip

Traces in Circles


water adashofsunny com


Surround me Waters

That I may flow into Space

That abounds in Time


Dragon deviantart com (2)


Bring into my Hands

The waves that open Doorways

Whispering Access


godswarriorSpiritual Warrior 2 (2)


Dipped in Love’s Honey

No bounty so beautiful

Dominions to come




Will you grasp the Sight?

The lands open to whispers

Familiar Faces


heartpath zengarden com