Master to pleasure

Master to pleasure

5 May 2019


Shadowed skies

Glow in sunlit moon

The closed palms

Open soon

Twist and turn to hidden rune

Heaving written lies


Silent start

Journey in the wake

Slave in part

Teacher’s art

Ice he laid upon my heart

Never to depart


Steep the cost

A pound no measure

In the frost

Words were lost

Riddles once all my treasure

Master to pleasure


Reading of the poem:

North – Hammock

Recovering soul

Recovering soul

29 October 2017

Christian schloe artflakes com 7 kingdom
Courtesy Christian Schloe on


Listen now

Once upon a Time

We alone

Shifted frames

Not needing passage through death

We occupied clay


Heated Earth

Magmatic stardust

Heart revelled

Mind excelled

The spirit soared young and free

Inside wilderness


Plastered names

We partook in death


Mute power

Master the servant now blames

Recovering soul


Reading of the poem: 

I am lost – Quin

The Scribes 4: Retro conjuring and Elohim’s blessings

The Scribes 4: Retro conjuring and Elohim’s blessings

1 October 2017

lightworkers org

Scribe 23 had now recovered from her disappointment and despair at having ruined the ceremony of releasing the primal. The Master had not come to visit her for a couple of weeks after the incident when a hurried act needed to be carried out instead of the beautiful ceremony that so many scribes had hoped to witness. She was not sure at first whether it was because she had caused the incident but he soon reassured her that it was simply because he was too busy with other ventures.

She walked around aimlessly in the house as she had already conjured all the items the people from the neighbouring cities requested with the help of all the energies that were available as well as to the residual energy in her heart. She realised that Elohim had only sucked the excess energy but left her enough to conjure all the imtes. Such was the power of the Masters that they knew to the milligram of energy what would be required. She sighed and thought to herself that she must forget this unfortunate event and look forward to when new items would be needed again for conjuring. Unfortunately now nobody would need her to conjure anything for several weeks. She realised that this meant she must keep away from the sun or she would involuntarily soak in more energy and risk reaching a point of combustion.

It was while she was walking aimlessly that the Master arrived. As usual she could feel his presence but not see his face. It seemed that he was not yet ready to disclose fully his identity and show his face.

  • I need you to come with me, he said
  • Whereto, she answered
  • We are having a ceremony and I want you to be a part of it
  • That would be lovely. Let me get my cloak and we can leave

Scribe 23 put on her cloak and followed her Master using her echolocation skills as she could not see him. They journeyed through portals that took them through continents in the same way that a joyride would take someone from one point to the other like a train in a twirling tunnel. Her Master seemed to always stay ahead of her and she was glad as she had no idea where they were going. When her Master finally stopped travelling into portals, she could see a small clearing in the woods where her Master was heading. Scribe 23 shook some of the ice that had formed around her cloak as some of the portals’ waters was frozen. She looked toward her Master and enquired why they were in the woods.

  • We need to go ahead with the releasing of the primal according to the ancient tradition, he said
  • Was he not already released?
  • Yes he was but he was put back to sleep to gather more forces and to be awoken at the right time
  • Why do a few weeks only make a difference
  • It is all about equinox calculation my dearest pupil. One day, one hour or sometimes even one second can change the overall design of the multiverse

Scribe 23 said nothing as her Master said this final truth that she herself had come to realise throughout her life. One minute could change everything sometimes between finding a door open or closed, between catching a train or losing it. She asked her master whether he would show himself now but he was unwilling to do so but mentioned he would after the ceremony was over.

They both sat on a small tree trunk in the midst of the clearing and waited. Scribe 23 wondered what they were waiting for and wanted to ask her Master but he seemed too engrossed in meditation so she did not dare disturb him. Just as this thought occurred to her, he opened his eyes and told her that they would not have to wait for long anymore. No sooner had he said that than a group of scribes started arriving and took seating at the other tree trunks. As she watched them getting seated she realised that the tree trunks were disposed in a circle and seemed to have been disposed that way by humans and not by nature.

  • We are in the midst of an ancient circle of life, said the Master
  • This is the first time I see one
  • It will not be your last. There will be many more to come

Scribe 23 was awed by the prospect of the ceremony and the appearance of other Masters. These were visible to the naked eye and had their own apprentice scribe accompanying them. They all smiled at her as if she were a child and she smiled back, a bit embarassed by their attention and how inexperienced she felt they thought her to be. The Master giggled by her side and she knew that he had sensed her embarassment. After everybody had gathered, some of the scribes lit a fire by projecting some of his energy onto the pile of leaves and tree trunks at the center of the clearing. As soon as the fires were high, the scribes starting throwing something that seemed like leaves except that they had aromatic scents to them when they burnt.

The Master asked Scribe 23 to sit as near to the fire as she could possibly do and he then proceeded to attaching a second locket at her neck. It looked very similar to the first locket he had granted her and he answered her mentally that it was. After attaching it, the Master asked her to circle the fire seven times before stopping in front of him again, which she did eager to please him. At the end of the seventh round, the Master slowly materialised in front of her eyes and she was amazed at his appearance. Before she could say anything, a sound of clapping made her turn around. On the opposite side of where she and the Master stood, there drifted the head of Elohim, the Primal Master.

She cried out in surprise and this caused Elohim to come closer. It was a strange sight to see this head floating without a body but Elohim answered her that he did not need a body, nor a head for that matter but that it helped create a link with people who could not see beyond the physical. Elohim offered to create himself a body if she felt uncomfortable talking to a head but she said she was fine so he stayed as a head. The Master then introduced her officially to Elohim as being his disciple and Master at which Elohim smiled. When he smiled, the whole forest seemed to shine with a beautiful golden ray and the trees seemed on fire although she knew that this was not possible.

Slowly and carefully, Elohim materialised outstretched hands and placed them on her shoulders. With a slight pull to her frame, he brought her closer to him and blessed her three times announcing that she was now a Master in her own right. After he had blessed her, all the scribes rose and she was hailed as a Master before they all clapped. Once the clapping had subsided, the Master asked her to lead the dance around the fires and she led them heartily, dancing a gig, her hand tightly held by the Master who followed her every step. As they danced around faster and faster, it seemed to Scribe 23 that they were literally dancing on the fire that seemed to coil around itself like a fractal snail so she asked the Master whether they would hurt themselves. The Master merely gazed at her and smiled.


Aphrodite – Stive Morgan

Southern bound

Southern bound

5 May 2017

Southernbound pinterest com 3


Look around

Forlorn beaten ground

None to hound

Southern bound

The pathways never astound

Master of the sound


Reading of the poem: 

Southerly signals – As Seas Exhale

Vers l’Avant – As Seas Exhale

The Healing process – As Seas Exhale


Inside Dust and Rain

Inside Dust and Rain

18 December 2016




The plans grand

Breathless humour brand

Shifting sand


Sum of all insanity

Equators disband


They demand

Spin out of control

Two-way land

Rising stand

Ruling factions reprimand

Mind traps beyond bland



More than mind to know

Heart to show

His hands slow

Curving matter beyond glow

Where light meets the pulse


Past regret

Bids no future time

Spoken rhyme

Broken spine

You will bring back what was mine

Beyond cherry trees


Tragic quirks

Inside shadow lurks

Tight-lipped smirks

Leveled perks

Renouncing calamity

Master derails train


Magic works

Inside Dust and Rain

Wipe the stain

Heal the pain

Teardrops falling on the plain

Where we meet again


Reading of the poem: 

Come cgfrog com George-Redhawk-Animated-GIFs3

Song for my Father – Brett Anderson

Back to You – Brett Anderson & Emmanuelle Seigner

Dust and Rain – Brett Anderson

The Empress – Brett Anderson

With You Within You – Brett Anderson

The infinite Kiss – Brett Anderson


Blue kingdoms my fleet

Blue kingdoms my fleet

16 December 2016




The light in the mind

Two of kind

Blood rewind

A twin bird from a dark cell

Ripping cage corners



Brittle Heart’s outcry

From the split

Of close knit

A chest breaking teeth to grit

Skies path candlelit




Kings respect

None to fret

We hasten to seconds met

Within Earthly Times



Mid of my circle

Riddled Pi

My mind’s eye

Takes me places where I lie

Within God’s bosom



Unveiled symphonies

Mind at ease

None to tease

Cradled lion on his knees

Master of the breeze



Final encounter

Your footstep

In Heartbeat

The bells ringing as we meet

Blue kingdoms my fleet


Reading of the poem: 


Closure – Arcana

Medea – Arcana

Lost in Time – Arcana

In Memoriam – Arcana

Icons – Arcana

God of the Winds – Arcana


The Scribes 2 : Releasing the Primal

The Scribes 2:  Releasing the Primal

14 December 2016

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Courtesy elreviae on


Scribe 23 was holding a locket that belonged to her Master and had been sent to her through his representatives. It was attached to a gold chain that had hung from her Master’s neck and was now swinging around her own. In the locket were inscribed the words invocatio and opposite the words there was a tiny vial that contained a few drops of the blood of the first Master, Elohim, who had passed the locket on to his first disciple Gabriel. She played around with the locket nervously while pondering whether her Master would deem it was the Time to leave yet and join him. Outside, in the outline of the sky, she could guess the dawn arriving but the city was still sleeping.


In one swift movement, she leapt out of the window and flew to the nearest building. She had first been exhilarated about having acquired this new skill but now it was getting tedious as she had to keep using the energy to do that. She had conjured items with too many usage times for the city and nobody needed anything anymore so she had to reduce the overflowing energy floating around so as to avoid the fate of those who had imploded. Throughout the years too much energy had accumulated within her as she had conjured very often and people had rewarded her immensely with their flow.


Perched on the top of the nearby building, she observed her own dwelling lying several meters below. She knew that she was not supposed to as they were essentially nomads but she had grown fond of this dwelling where she had stayed longer than with the others. Despite her attachment to it, she knew though that in an instant she would leave it if the Time did come. She wondered when the Master would summon her and why it was that his teachings had only been from afar unlike how it was for all the other Master-disciple relationships. Ever since the first time he had transferred half of his energy to her, it had been a period of enchantment going from one discovery to another but she had always wondered why he had not simply come into her life openly. Yet she could hardly complain as he accompanied her every step and watched over her at every moment, giving her guidance on every small matter she required assistance on.


Scribe 23 floated down from the building and walked back to the entrance of her dwelling. Dawn submerged the horizons in a growing light until she could slowly feel the sun rising behind her, its warmth slowly invading her back. She turned and gazed at it wondering at its amazing energy that they could harvest from so far away. What most of the population did not know was that the Scribes actually did not need the Earth conduits or the star gazers to derive the energy for the Conjuring. In fact, most Scribes actually were able to harness both energies themselves but they chose not to do it most of the time as they collected too much of it at a time. One of the rare times the Scribes would harness both energies was when they were making a disciple because that was the only way to create the Bond, which was the sacred link that tied a Master to his/her disciple and through which all the teachings were enhanced.


The dwelling in front of her was also waking up like the city behind her which had turned from sleepy to bustling in barely a few minutes. She knew she could no longer float to the balcony now but would have to walk upstairs if she wanted to watch the rising sun. She felt her Master beside her and greeted him. He greeted her back addressing her as Master too which was another oddity in this Master-disciple relationship. When she had asked him about it, his answer had been that she already was what he was preparing her to be. The answer had puzzled her but so had many things with her Master and she had learnt to accept the apparent contradiction and not push further than he was willing to go.


He smiled noticing her confused mood and made her understand that it would soon be the Time. When, she asked excitedly and he responded just a little over a fortnight. He made her understand that they would need the contents of the locket and they would need to perform the Conjuring together to release the Primal for the birth of the second sun. Would a second sun not fully scorch the Earth, she asked but he merely laughed off her question. She wondered what it would be like to have a second sun warming the Earth as he left her temporarily to perform some other task. She pondered that perhaps a second sun would finish off the remaining life on Earth as the heat would then become too intense.


He was back with her as she walked up the stairs and back to her room, onto the balcony where they both watched the rising sun. In over a fortnight, together they would be releasing the Primal. She wondered what that meant really but consoled herself with the fact that soon enough she would know.


bluegreenloss deviantart com jupiter_rising_by_flewdesigns-d72f3vl
Courtesy Flewdesigns on


Wings of Gabriel – Arcana

Someone else’s dream – Avi Rosenfeld

Far Away – Diana Boncheva


My Master my Slave

My Master my Slave

9 December 2016

Courtesy Devadevil on


Crossing gates

Of purgatory

The lives held

In barbed wire

The breath through which we expire

Kindling a new fire



More than mere penance

My backbone

Marble stone

Holding through stormy weathers

Loss of my feathers


We carve path

In cloud-rimmed blue skies

Where dark creed

Count the spies

They gather around the lies

Their fear unending



The only option

Giving in

Cloaked and thin

The source errors wanton glitch

Correctional twitch



Elevator pitch

I quote Heart

Sing bloodlines

Of all from which we are rich

Before sunset switch


He calls me

My Master my Slave

As we pave

A New World

Building with all that was hurled

The oncoming Wave


Reading of the poem: 


The Inferno – Emma Shapplin

The Lovers – Emma Shapplin

Nothing Wrong – Emma Shapplin


Picking up the pieces right

Picking up the pieces right

2 October 2016



Illusion of you

Tendrils reaching out tickle

Mind of the fickle


Shimmering carpet

Palpable incandescence

Restoring essence


Jigsaw a flavour

The taste a blend of futures

Daunting promises


Path in needle’s eye

The bosom lost in the sigh

Throat in constriction


Secrets scattering

Master of the ancient ring

Whiff of ocean’s breeze


Blowing with the wind

Picking up the pieces right

Recomposed mind shapes


Reading of the poem: 

Courtesy Robert Hefferan on

Dancing with the wind – Omar Akram

Shimmering Star – Omar Akram

Passage into Midnight – Omar Akram

Keys of the Kingdoms / La clé des Royaumes

Keys of the Kingdoms

(Shadorma loosely translated into a French shadorma below or here)

19 August 2016

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How softly

Eternity speaks



The Angel lost in diving

Into oblivion


Wither me

Palaces of sighs

Purple skies

Steep pleasures

The master of all leisure’s

Yesterday’s servant


Entrust me

Keys of the Kingdoms

A thatch roof

Floor fireproof

Fallen Angel resumes flight

Earth rotation light


Reading of the poem: 

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La clé des Royaumes

(Traduction en forme Shadorma d’un Shadorma en anglais. Voir l’original ci-dessus ou ici)

19 août 2016


Qu’elle est douce

L’Eternité parle


Exquise force

Le saut de l’ange en divorce

Avec l’éternel



Palais de soupirs

En cieux pourpres

De plaisirs

Le maître de tous les loisirs

Mon serf anobli



La clé des Royaumes

Toit de chaume

N’embrase sol

L’ange déchu reprend l’envol

Terre en rotation


Lecture du poème: 

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Tumi Bhaja re mana – Manish Vyas