Heavenly Father

Heavenly Father

27 December 2015

rising newoma wordpress com
Courtesy newoma.wordpress.com


They cried of foul play

That white were black and tar snow

Gyrating tables


They spoke of wisdom

From bottomless pits that stank

Of guileless treason


They heard no sorrow

Gave life no choice founded cause

For death all reason


soul pinterest com
Courtesy pinterest.com


They kneaded hundreds

Merciless bread for the damned

Agony’s children


They cried and beat stones

Jewels of splendour and loss

In chest that echoed


They raised green idols

That fanned all mildew and spate

Instilled in heart hate


They embraced the dead

Sucking mortified blank breaths

Blankets of glory


They unwound the life

Slow top that reeled unending

Their task dark, gory


soul imissmyhomeplanet wordpress com the_universe_inn_you_by_matkraken-d5w77b1
Courtesy Matkraken on imissmyhomeplanet.wordpress.com


Of one the undead

Through pulsating Heart expressed

Words that rang through me


Heavenly Father

Ripped open my Heart’s ribbons

Gifted me to world


One to ten thousand

Ten thousand million summons

Of the ones that swirled


soul hillspugh com
Courtesy hillspugh.com


Pretender – Sarah Jaffe

Life is calling – Beth Hart

Soul Shine – Beth Hart


I crossed the river

I crossed the river

10 December 2015


darkside  fastcocreate com
Courtesy fastcocreate.com



Breathless and aching

Every fibre agony

Sanctuary’s walk


Mismatched memories

Winding pathways and meadows

Dollhouses and trains


Tremors in whispers

A cold call to wrong numbers

Dialling the waves


Oceans hung on cliffs

Between skies and the valleys

Cheating gravity


darkside adventupreneur com
Courtesy adventupreneur.com




Clockwork ticking core numbers

Precision like sword


Caterpillar crawled

On leaf flying to nowhere

Reddened veins that flared


darkside humansarefree com
Courtesy humansarefree.com



Tick tock said the clock

Nightingales like mocking birds

Sang shrill the needles


A leap through thin air

Ashen leaf fell to the ground

The night carried me


Hushed party zone cries

In midnight’s celebration

Of butterflies’ wings


I crossed the river

Wound up in dark blue shadows

Other side of Time


darkside ayahuasca-vision-by-paulo-jales-2
Courtesy Paul Jales on ayahuasca-vision.com


The Dark Side of Time – Eric Serra


Closing Heartpath Core

Closing Heartpath Core

23 October 2015

drowning renatabautista tumblr com

More than sheer madness

Tattered walls, agony’s thrill

That the ill beguiles


water air deviantart com and_only_crows_circling_____by_irinaponochevnaya-d98xzu7
Courtesy deviantart.com

Rescuing sister

From descending flaming tongues

We then reunite


angel pinterest.com
Courtesy pinterest.com

Etheric watches

Over your silent crisis

As will still spirit


chains creativeeveryday com
Courtesy creativeeveryday.com

Joining path of Heart

Shining like new-born phoenix

She regenerates


lovers sangria com SCHIELE_LOVERS
Courtesy Schiele from sangria.com

O mortal silence

Lost in lust is the treasure

Of thousand Heartbeats


balance esnpconsulting com
Courtesy esnpconsulting.com

We shall walk alone

On knees behind you she sits

Pacing in between


chains beyond the senses tumblr com
Courtesy beyond-the-senses.tumblr.com

I wept for you Eye

Withered lids had brought you down

With snakes that low crept


heartpath flowwithjo com
Courtesy flowwithjo.com

The walls grow narrow

Closing Heartpath Core

We dance renewed peace


blue conquestconsciousness com
Courtesy conquestconsciousness.com

Warding away fears

Mother watches over all

Keeping watch of Time


chains deviantart com synchronicity_pt__1_by_digitalreflexion-d3h2d6y
Courtesy deviantart.com

In Time you will come

To the greenest of Meadows

Where we all walk free


balance community humanityhealing net
Courtesy humanityhealing.net

In the Peak of the Darkness

In the Peak of the Darkness

17 October 2015



The years rolling by

Bring to memories lost Love

That stood its own ground


The clouds kissed parted

Intricate weavings of Fate

The moon shone again


What say you and me?

Did you look into the Well?

Penny dropped soundless


well pinterest com
Courtesy pinterest.com


I gathered piglets

Broke their side on concrete world

Tossed in vain wishes


balance tauksuzanne com
Courtesy tauksuzanne.com


Through the seen Waters

Looking glass sights dispelled Dark

Wisps of Tomorrow


Dismembered slight thoughts

Turn to agony of mind

Twisted downtrodden


I wiped chalks’ inking

In the Peak of the Darkness

Feathers bore me Light


fractal woman 2
Courtesy pinterest.com

Practising still life

Practising still life

29 August 2015

stilllife fr forwallpaper com 227796__black-white-woman-a-piano-candle-fire-smoke-a-glass-bottle-glass-still-life_p
Courtesy fr.forwallpaper.com



Walking on eggshells

Toiling through the days planted

A slippery path


A parade for none

Balance maintained by sheer will

For pain to withstand


Life is always such

That calm relays agony

Rainbow to be felt


Kick off calm and dance

Raging with the elements

That battle within

stilllife photographyheat com Creative-and-still-Life-Photography-14
Courtesy photographyheat.com


Spending you in throes

Fight and you are overcome

You fight only you


Blinded spectacle

Lending itself to ashes

The blind will behold


Practising still life

A lifetime to reach the point

Of abandonment


Look into my eyes

I will raise you now my peace

For shelter you bring

stilllife sheryl maree reilly womeninphotography com
Courtesy Sheryl Maree Reilly on womeninphotography.com



Flawless and silent

Flawless and silent

26 August 2015

Courtesy diolex.org
Courtesy diolex.org


The sun set like stones

Over valleys of despair

And sunk into me


Newly found nerves twitched

Endlessly replicating

The agony felt


Pleasure, agony

Through the same circuits altered

Every inch of me


Earth shivers then frowns

What cruelties it beheld

Bestowed upon me


Cutting inch by inch

Separation sliced us both

Into oblivion


Only piano played

Symphonies hushed to nude form

Of faceless sorrow


Stones raised me pillar

Of unswaying devotion

That angels cried for


You cried as I did

My heart bids you not goodbye

I yearn for your hand


You will sail on boat

I will await you on shores

Weaving our new fate


The Earth will renew

Time will stand still as we merge

Flawless and silent


dark forwallpaper com
Courtesy forwallpaper.com

Eternity’s flights

Eternity’s flights

11 August 2015

eternity deviantart com twin_flame_by_januszka-d55o735
Courtesy Januszka on deviantart.com


Lightning strikes silent

Building in Heart high voltage

Expanding through minds


Bodies now shudder

Rising above Earth’s thudding

Eternal heartbeats


Ravens follow terse

Our flight across the oceans

As our souls glisten


Eye catches your form

Sliding across horizons

Beloved landscapes


eternity asibdsm com Image courtesy of anankkml FreeDigitalPhotos net 2
Courtesy Anankkml on FreeDigitalPhotos.net taken from asibdsm.com


All Heaven breaks loose

Hell shies away from our fires

Open embraces


eternity risinguptheladderoflove com 2
Courtesy risinguptheladderoflove.com


Lost in each other

We dwell God’s only people

As the Angels watch


Daybreak again wakes

The sadness of departure

Though I feel you slight


Agony of loss

To sunken Gods I now stray

In memory of you


Mourning is my cloak

Bodily reflection stills

Eternity’s flights


eternity risinguptheladderoflove com
Courtesy risinguptheladderoflove.com