Overcoming thoughts of You

Overcoming thoughts of You

20 November 2016





The days fading fast

Into oblivion of nights

Detonation blast


The mind’s explosion

Into realms of darkness creep

Whispers of autumn


Widowed eyelids weep

Parting of the eyebrows raised

Holding soft the gaze


Remnants of spring’s path

Sun kissed blossoms now fading

The weeds invading


Gardens in simmers

Under a sun that glimmers

Dying rays wet kiss


Water down the hills

Dark tides flowing into sands

Ice into Islands


Ebb and flow pursue

Within the changing seasons

Shades of my mind’s blue


Hope of morrows faint

Reflux a lesson of tides

Tireless happenings


Rearranging stills

Breathing through invented gills

Dead canvas to paint


The brush strokes in clues

Overcoming thoughts of You

Bold red and blue hues


Reading of the poem: 


Soldier of Love – Sade

King of Sorrow – Sade

By Your Side – Sade

Eternity’s flights

Eternity’s flights

11 August 2015

eternity deviantart com twin_flame_by_januszka-d55o735
Courtesy Januszka on deviantart.com


Lightning strikes silent

Building in Heart high voltage

Expanding through minds


Bodies now shudder

Rising above Earth’s thudding

Eternal heartbeats


Ravens follow terse

Our flight across the oceans

As our souls glisten


Eye catches your form

Sliding across horizons

Beloved landscapes


eternity asibdsm com Image courtesy of anankkml FreeDigitalPhotos net 2
Courtesy Anankkml on FreeDigitalPhotos.net taken from asibdsm.com


All Heaven breaks loose

Hell shies away from our fires

Open embraces


eternity risinguptheladderoflove com 2
Courtesy risinguptheladderoflove.com


Lost in each other

We dwell God’s only people

As the Angels watch


Daybreak again wakes

The sadness of departure

Though I feel you slight


Agony of loss

To sunken Gods I now stray

In memory of you


Mourning is my cloak

Bodily reflection stills

Eternity’s flights


eternity risinguptheladderoflove com
Courtesy risinguptheladderoflove.com