The Devil’s Wife 2: Return to Eden

The Devil’s Wife 2: Return to Eden

31 January 2016

moonfall wallpaperhi com


Belzebu was worried. The date of his official wedding had arrived and his promised was nowhere to be seen. He knew his family must have had something to do with it. They had not approved of his union to the half mortal who – what’s more – was also half angelic. They had let him know very vocally that they did not approve of being shamed to this extent. Though his loyal supporters both ethereal and human had blindly accepted his command, his family still opposed the idea of making his marriage official. They did not mind when the two were wedded in secret matrimony but spelling out this union to the world was blasphemy according to them. How funny they could speak of blasphemy he thought to himself with a dry chuckle. His mirth died immediately as he saw a trace of blood on the corner of the wardrobe that belonged to his future wife. Could it be that they had actually killed her? He could not believe they would dare challenge his wrath in that way. The room simmered and blackened as he blazed, his anger notoriously a carcinogen factor for everything around him. Eventually his blaze died out when he realised there was hardly any blood there for his wife to be dead. He clenched his jaw, deep in thought wondering how to get to the bottom of this.


She looked around. It was an unfamiliar grey place yet not scary. Her head hurt and she could not remember why. She just had faint memories of being surrounded by a lot of energy before it had surged against her and she had blacked out waking up here. Something tugged at her sleeve and looking down she saw a young boy pulling at her clothes for attention. “We must go out now” he said in a hushed voice. “They have opened the gates”. She did not understand what he meant but he jumped up on the small table next to her and reaching towards her face turned it toward two giant iron gates that were slowly opening with a horrible screech.

Outside, many people were pouring into the courtyard from cells that were neighbouring the one she seemed to be in herself. Before she could collect her wits someone jabbed her in the ribs and she turned around to find a small being similar in size to the young boy beside her but with a wizened old face that was clearly that of an adult’s. He prodded her again. When the boy told him he was not supposed to prod her this way owing to her ranking the leprechaun, because that was what he visibly was, merely laughed. He knew that she like the others was going for memory reboot and nobody would ever know anything about the jabbing. Besides, who would possibly know her up here on the moon. Neither her own family nor Belzebu would ever think of looking for her here as it was normally only the dead ones that came for the reboot. She walked into the courtyard where a big signpost read Branding with a capital B in flaming letters and for a second she felt something flutter inside her.


Belzebu felt her at that instant. Her heart was clearly reaching out to him but it was too faint. Was she dying? The anger simmered again and the room filled with coals. He felt her again, the flutter faint but so full of her distinctive scent and under her flutter a lighter though somehow multiple one, a new kind of flutter he had never felt before. He instantly knew what it was. She bore his breed and perhaps that is why they had gone to such extremes, taking her away before he had made his marriage official. His mind raced as he tried to think where they could possibly have taken her. He dilated expanding himself over the Earth in search of her but she was nowhere to be found.


She walked on, the young boy holding her hand and the leprechaun poking her along the way. System reboot said the sign on the doorway she walked into now. Suddenly she felt a flutter but lower than her heart this time and she reached to it in surprise. The boy whose hand was tightly in hers gasped with surprise as well before his surprise turned to horror. He turned towards the leprechaun accusingly.


  • I am sure you knew about it
  • What good will it do anyone now? She will be rebooted and you know that nothing inside can survive the reboot. It will all be gone by the time she is back on Earth a new leaf.


She looked from one to the other puzzled before the boy pointed towards her belly indicating to her that she was with child. Of course, she thought to herself. She should have recognized that flutter. She had felt it before but when? She felt that other flutter again and something like an ache.


Belzebu felt her again, stronger. She was calling for him but visibly not on Earth as he was all over it and felt her at no place there. Her scent was coming from elsewhere. He looked up and there was the moon, staring back at him balefully, a hint of malice in her shade. He collected himself in an instant and sprang.


Just as she was about to enter the station, she felt a gust of wind shake the whole place. Something was right in front of her terrorising the leprechaun who fell to his knees crying “Master, forgive me. I did not know she was yours”. The gust of wind howled back at the leprechaun in front of her unseeing eyes something unintelligible yet so frightening that the leprechaun became even smaller, his beady eyes fully open in horror while his long ears and scarce hair fell back with piles of skin that were melting under what seemed to be the heat of the tornado in front of him. She screamed and immediately the wind came to a halt. She felt a familiar presence and then the overpowering feeling of something she had known for a long time right in front of her, soothing, caressing, the ache on her head slowly subsiding. Belzebu gathered his wife in his arms together with the young boy. The others had already entered the station and their rebooted souls were slowly landing on earth in various bodies. He shook with rage at the thought of what could have happened to her and his breed that she bore and the station flamed to cinders. Soon the whole moon was blazing, hurtling off track into space while he flew back to Earth with her. When he arrived on Earth, his family was waiting for them, angrily watching him land while the blazing moon in the background continued its slow spin off to the depths of the cosmos.


  • Do you realise what you have done? said his mother angrily
  • You have ruined rebirth and karma system for Earth as a whole by blowing up the moon, cut in his father icily
  • I don’t care about rebirth and your karma system or any of that nonsense, Belzebu snorted. We will put in place our own system
  • Pray how do you plan on doing that? taunted his mother. You don’t even know how human beings live and how they survive.
  • I will learn in order to become their leader and guide them into a new way of life, answered Belzebu
  • Your wish is my command, roared his father


Belzebu found himself on Earth in a remote time and space. His wife and the little boy were with him. He checked her insides but there was no damage, neither to her nor to their breed. She smiled up at him and did not falter even as he told her what he understood his parents to have done. They would need to work their way out of this like normal human beings, both of them and not just her. He reassured her though that if he succeeded in showing them he could also be a proper human being and provide for all of them without his usual powers to protect and help him then they would have to grant him back supremacy and unfettered access to Eden with her.


She looked at him again with love understanding that this was going to be a difficult test. Yet she knew they would be able to pass it successfully. After all he had gone up to the moon to get her back. She stood against him as he slowly engulfed her with his love and care, his lips upon her full and fleshy. She liked the fact that he was no longer an invisible spirit and knew they would get through this and sure enough, the days flew and in no time he had proven his worth beyond any doubt.


When he had gone back to his family showing them what he had accomplished, his heavenly father hung his head low for having doubted his own son. Slowly he gave him the keys to Eden and walked away. She watched from afar as he opened the gates, beautiful tall green, golden or rainbow gates all over the place that opened all at once. He scooped up the boy in his arms walking into the meadows and turned towards her, beckoning. She ran, her hands caressing the green grass as she rushed towards him and the boy, her heart full of happiness. It was indeed Eden, just like she remembered it from her dreams. She looked back at Earth, blue and sparkling in the distance within her mind’s eye. Their times there and his courtship had been quite a string of events but that of course, was another story.

Eden youtube com 2


Tose naina lage with lyrics and Clips from Gangster

The Moon’s Death

The Moon’s Death

31 January 2016

moonsun walkingwithvision wordpress com


The moon shook and curled up like gentle fire. I held my hand up to her caressing the sparks, trying to cajole them back into unwinding. The night would end and if she did not unfurl her grace the sun would have a hard time rising. She resisted my touch, her eyes downcast and her lips pressed into dying denial. Beyond her head I could see the skies split into what was meant to be a sunrise but the sun had shunned the skies. I sensed his presence in the moon’s depths, beseeching her to uncurl her round petals. Behind me, the clamour of the city and wails of hungry infants were calling me back to the lands and I dropped back, helpless, drifting through the clouds.


It was a grey daylight drizzle that welcomed me as I opened my sore eyes, spent weeping for moon’s demise. The sun was nowhere to be seen, without his bride of night to glow again he was not so keen. I looked around the city from my balcony anticipating sunrise but only amorphous grey met my eyes. I realised I had to dive again into Morpheus realm and cross the rivers of the shades of the night to try to coax her again into undying so the sun could shine his light.


When I emerged on the other side, the strangest sight met my eyes. The moon was lying down roaring with laughter as the sun was tickling her feet with his rays. Her woes of the night forgotten she seemed much besotted and the sun could barely contain his heat as he beamed at her, happy she was finding back the fun in the nights. Around them, the clouds were awash with a buzz of curiosity and anticipation – which explained the grey drizzle of that morning. I cleared my throat and asked timidly if we could finally have some shine and they could choose which one would go for it. When I left, they were sorting it out with a match of rocks, scissors and papers.


My eyelids fluttered, warmed by the sun’s beckoning. I woke up to another gorgeous sunny morning. All was well in the skies.

moonsun loveyourspirittumblr com

Reading of the flash fiction : 

Written for Friday fiction with Ronovan writes

Pingback and rules here

Stars Die – Porcupine Tree

Remember me lover – Porcupine Tree

Buying New Soul – Porcupine Tree




Man and sun conspired

Man and sun conspired

5 January 2016

vast clouds


The sun emerged white

Battling with moonlit traces

Broad skies twined two lights


The moon shied away

Night’s ample reach drowned in cold

Conceding fair skies


Sunny morrows rose

Shining petals shone through clouds

Limitless broad smiles




Awakening birds

Chirped through boundless horizons

Voices crystal clear


Winter clothed vast lands

In mocking fields of springtime

Luminous rain fell


Pleasant flowers laughed

Immense wit to trick seasons

Man and sun conspired


vast jasmine

This post is inspired by nature in Dubai in winter and by the prompts in Ronovan writes weekly Haiku poetry prompt challenge using the words vast, clear and their synonyms. Ping back and rules here

I got the Sun in the Morning – Doris Day

My Heart will not sleep

My Heart will not sleep

3 January 2016

god pinterest com 3


The mind called awake

To spirits that roamed in clouds

Genies and moonbeams


Eyes sunk horizons

Over the face of the night

As the moon breathed white


The soul in waking

Stood upon brink of morrow

Between hope and life


Once upon a Time

Between sorrow and blue rhyme

I saw morning light


god imgarcade com


Eyes scorched through the night

Met sunrise like white waters

The stillness redeems


I saw you in me

Physical awareness hit

The borders succumbed


Seek no more the frame

Whispered waterfalls in me

Everywhere is you


god karipatterson com


The rivers and seas

Joined with oceans in my soul

Sketched blue tidal waves


Play of ebb and flow

The shells left on the me shore

Spoke of Times’ matter


Matter cast away

Mind in wraps soul in light sparks

I walk the heavens


Eyelids will flutter

The racing of worlds in me

My Heart will not sleep


god dailymail co uk


Shams Tabrizi: My Path to God



Through Time I float

Through Time I float

30 December 2015

floating pinterest com


Of Pearls

They entwine

Circling my throat

Freefall of white tears

Candles of light breathe low

Into bright morrows soul wakes

None walk within jaded white strides

Striped feathers sought in a safe blemish

Will of Heart strives in penance to slow Times

Mind from Heart spacing rejects tarnish

Moon beckons through rising of tides

Ghosts of spirit will quell snakes

Blank hiss that subsides slow

Withdrawal dries fears

Through Time I float

Now combine

The twirls



floating thebeautifullist com



Where are you – Coil



Set against moonfall

Set against moonfall

30 December 2015

split fr forwallpaper com 2

The fleeting travels

Of bees, birds and of fireflies

Across winter skies


The breath of Thunder

Bolting through the cloudy shroud

A blanket of stars


Bright the eerie nights

As shadows slink into lights

Waning mysteries


Dissolve the cobwebs

Spiders’ work will blow no more

Chilly winds of Toth


Slaves of yesterday

Rise to seasonal high tides

Spring will set them free


The smiles of morrows

Etched in infinity’s bluebells

Between bow and tie


Days will cut fabrics

Nights will stitch together hems

Of blackbirds new flags


Weeping in past tense

Hearts dawn to new reckonings

Upon sunlit paths


The sun will set blaze

A cross tidal waves that climb

Within Heart’s waters


Christen the daughters

Ivy, Jasmine, Mistletoe

The winding creepers


Shutters braced open

With all of Heart’s bright vessels

Golden beginnings


Of Gold the linings

Stained red with tinmen’s droplets

Vessels of Copper


Of thirteenth the month

A backdrop of new life’s roots

Set against moonfall


moonfall pics-about-space com


As Night turns to Day – Arcana



Renewal Time

Renewal Time

24 December 2015


Just a short post to remind those who were not aware that this the first full moon on Christmas Eve since 38 years.

This is also a Time for letting go and renewal, a time for recovering soul memory so I am sharing a short vocal memo prayer from Dreamtime with all of you and hope you will like it however nonsensical it may seem to you. May our Hearts be strong for the Times ahead and may the knowledge that Dawn comes after the darkest point of the Night instill more courage into our hearts.

Blessed be our Hearts and Souls


Soul memory prayer

Of mice and dices

Of mice and dices

9 December 2015


dice photoshopcreative co uk


My toes in the sand

Chipped irregular paintings

Edges’ adornments


Colourless waters

Whisking away solid grounds

I stand through nowhere


The sea comes to die

On sinking sand that withstands

My frame as I lie


dice en wikipedia org  mice.jpg



Down crashes the moon

Picture perfect of night fall

Under rising sun


dice hdwallpapers im


The waves roared thunderous

Upon wild decaying shores

Swept dark moonlight’s blue


Winter’s rain beckoned

Fleeting recognition’s wink

Seasons bear their tides


I rose up to ends

Stammered stories, chattered pains

Of mice and dices



Skateboarding Mice On The Gold Coast
Courtesy Shane Wilmott and Tim on


Howards End sequence analysis clip

Howard’s End Trailer

May 9, 2015 Bluebells in Sussex

Shaking skies ink black

Shaking skies ink black

1 December 2015


moon andberlin com.jpg



The moon stood out white

On backdrop of cloudy might

Shaking skies ink black




Papercut – Στα σύννεφα



RonovanWrites #Weekly #Haiku #Poetry Prompt #Challenge #73 Black&White

Ping back Link

Mother’s spirits had risen

Mother’s spirits had risen

28 November 2015


rising youtube com 3


The sun regained cold

Petunias withered up

White and pink faces

Soft pastels played in my Heart

A bridge of purple faded


Jia Lu 2014 Dhyāna” oil on canvas 20×24 inches


Citrus evergreen

Haunted by orange speckles

Bore timid blossoms

A shade of penance hung low

Within branches of my thoughts


rising youtube com


Hibiscus rose red

Tussled with bougainvillea

Prominent flowers

The crimson in my mind’s shades

Spoke of bleeding memories


rising deviantart com spirit_rising_by_chvacher-d1kfqdh


Frangipani bloomed

Delicate orange on white

Its scent thief of Hearts

Captured throb within ribcage

Sought bloom’s renewed tenderness


rising knightofleo tumblr com



Grass ran through Earth’s brown

Carpet of fresh green kingdoms

Grasshoppers’ domain

Mother’s sprits had risen

Winding through me a new hope


rising youtube com2


The moon rose silver

Exhaling through jasmine’s breath

Faint springtime’s treasures

Hushed feeling of renewal

Coursed through my Heart lily white


rising pinterest com



Amethystium – Enchantment

Amethystium..Treasure ( Isabliss )(Stine Mari Langstrand)

Amethystium – Strangely Beautiful