Primitive reorganised

Primitive reorganised

2 September 2016

streams pinterest com 4 (2)


Futile world

Throbbing to the beat

Of unseen

Hands too keen

To smite rather than unite

Split not gather sheep


Buried deep

Resolutions dead

Woolly head

Wobbly knees

Eye barely grasps what it sees

The mind lost distant


Quick to bite

A dog eat dog world

Wolves galore

Woman whore

The man with the largest jaws

Rabies a constant


Stand at ease

Your meek mind appease

None to please

Weak to tease

I gave up flicking through fleas

On bedraggled skin


Holy din

The prayer excuse

Will to use

Right abuse

Curdled blood my veins perfuse

Madness does bemuse


Skipping through

Primitive reorganised

Leaping frogs

Follow lead

The rest sit wallow in greed

They burn in two suns


Reading of the poem: 

streams pinterest com 6

Tribal – Instinct Primitif Intidhar Kammarti

Orange Rose – Instinct Primitif

Voyage en Orient – Instinct Primitif


Woman on the Top

Woman on the Top

27 August 2016

ten wallpapersxl com



Your empty wordings

Flowing free

Withered tree

Unwatered by your limp hand

A mouth to demand



Your hatred coursing

Black rivers

Bring shivers

Brethren replicate the quakes

Judges make mistakes



A burning willow

Nooses flow

Like the waves

Your mountains’ glory but caves

Sheltering the knaves



Congratulate self

Twisted doll

Tightly knit

Into clothes that barely fit

Reintegrates shelf



My nerves leading way

From decay

To dismay

Prosecuting intention

Witnesses galore



My fiery breath

Heated frame

Sorry lame

I will not stretch below tame

Woman on the Top


Reading of the poem: 

ten justingedak com

The Eternal Return – Irfan

Monsalvato – Irfan

Peregrinatio – Irfan


Dissolution Time

Dissolution Time

9 August 2016

stream pinterest com


Mind racking

Shelves of solutions

Magic books

Sever hooks

Tales twisted by clever crooks



Spell woman

Spirit spells nothing

Only heart

Shines bright through

The key to skies in the clue

Code in the heart’s light


Eye sees spark

The heart sees morrows

Brittle ends


Crossing over skulls and bones

Into new alleys


Shiver hard

I breed menestrels

Wilting bard


More than the feat of Moses

Dreamtime creation



Bellerophon slays

We have ways

Set in skies

Splitting they shatter the lies

Breaking all the ties



Measures peak at noon

Dissolution Time

In the rhyme

Where the quakes meet pantomime

Replicating chime


Reading of the poem: 

streams1 legallydark tumblr com
Courtesy legallydark on

La Paloma (No More) – Elvis Presley

Only You – Elvis Presley (The Platters)

It’s Now or Never – Elvis Presley


To blooming woman

To blooming woman

28 March 2016

faith youtube com



Twirling into world

Reborn blue

Stirred anew

Discover your inner shades

Walk between the blades


You are breath

Inscribed in divine

Beating heart

Birthing womb

Of all spate you are the tomb

Restless their questions


Hear the call

To blooming woman

Answer shine

Build the shrine

The Edge of Humanity

Achieving balance


Reading of the poem: 

flower wallpippo com

Waltz of the Roses – Eugen Doga

Love without limits

Love without limits

4 September 2015



Thank me for the rose

I will thank you for the thorns

Each will gift their spells


If you boil broth

I will drink it to the last

Drop of dark venom


Spell my name backward

I will erect you ladders

To ascend to hells


Whisper soft my name

I will sow you heavenly

Angels below thee


If mute you’re beset

Rake the Earth for alphabet

I will grow the crops


I shall teach you words

Woman uninterrupted

Has many a flow


I will spell you Love

From the depth of the dungeons

Where dragons dare not


Gather me like leaves

Be my wings when I’m falling

Make without within


Universe will twist

To the tune of flute in Time

Where only Love lives


Love without limits

Love me to your breaking point

Love me right beyond



Stack the wood, light the fire

St Patrick’s day  

St Jeanne’s way  

11 September 2010  

You took a second look  

A wish that came true  

For in that small book  

The colour was so blue  

Twas a new age Avatar  

In a world full of change  

Living in a coloured Bazaar  

That may a mind derange  

You feel good and I feel blue  

Rhyme in woods for me and you  

And as you will that blue admire  

Some just stack it for their bonfire  

Bring the wood and stuff the hay  

Hasten now your step you crowd  

St Patrick or else St Jeanne’s day  

All fire we’ll cheer clear and loud  

It might be that it’s St Patrick’s day  

They danced and feasted in delight  

For finally they’d have their way  

The witch will burn now in its light 


Reading of a modified version of the poem

Mon cri – My cry

Dans certaines traditions indiennes comme dans certaines arabes (berbères aussi), les familles qui vivent de grandes tragédies engagent une pleureuse qui, à travers ses cris et lamentations permet à la famille de rester composée et digne. Voici ma pleureuse. Une gitane, comme il convient pour mon esprit libre et voyageur.

In some Indian traditions as in some Arab (as well as Berber), families who live great tragedies resort to a mourner who, through her cries and lamentations allows the family to stay composed and dignified. Here is my mourner. A gypsy, as befits my free wandering spirit.

Les meilleurs ennemis – The best ennemies

Quand l’amour a été décimé, tout ce qui reste à un couple lorsqu’ils ont des enfants communs c’est de les partager sans les déchirer. Les besoins ainsi que les souhaits de ces enfants doivent primer sur les besoins et/ou les souhaits de chacun des parents. C’est sur cette base essentielle que la justice devrait construire ses principes législatifs

When love has been wiped out, all that is left for a couple when they have children they share is not to tear them while sharing. The needs and wishes of these children have to take priority on the needs and/or wishes of each of the parents. This is what justice legal rules should be built on essentially.

29 août 2010 / 29 August 2010

Les meilleurs ennemis

 Il faut de tout pour une vie

Les meilleurs amours, si unis

Cœurs épris  et meilleurs amis

Le partage de tout, des soucis

Le poids des années que l’on vit

La distance qui peu à peu s’établit

Le fossé se creuse encore et grandit

Plus rien, plus personne qui nous réunit

La découverte du réel, enfin le corps du délit

Le désespoir, la déchirure, le pardon, le doux oubli

Pour enfin se regarder et se voir là, les meilleurs ennemis

Et rebelote… ou peut être pas cette fois-ci..on espère, on prie

Best ennemies – why love is blind

It takes sorts to get life lighted

The best love, the so well united

Loving hearts, best friends invited

To share everything, all worries spited

The weight of years that one lived excited

The distance settling, by indifference incited

The gap widens and grows with solitude delighted

Nothing, none to go back, by nature’s rules we abided

The discovery of reality, finally the corpus delicti sighted

Despair, tearing, forgiveness, sweet oblivion sadly decided

To finally look on and see in us the best of enemies highlighted

And begin again ..or maybe not this time…we hope, we pray, blinded

Weathering storms

“Rather windy isn’t it?”  

28 August 2010  

Woman all over the world, suffering

We yield not in vain shuddering 

But pliable reeds, we flex in pain 

To spring back to our tall selves again 

While the strong oak may tower

Over us and want us to cower 

We welcome with love and consent 

All hate, anger and resentment 

To turn darkness into bright light

Despite the hate, despite the spite 

For when HE gave us to hold a womb 

HE knowingly gave within us a tomb 

For the world’s hatred as we can bear 

From suffering more than our share 

But with the womb he gave us the seeds 

To grow within us those slight, silken reeds 

A gift of love so, many a storm, we may weather

With a heart, though sinking, light as a feather 

So when the mighty oak from storms splits 

We resume our grace that us so befits