The Queen of new Times

The Queen of new Times

26 February 2016



You tied me

To winds that shook sands

In deserts

Where sky lands

In burning temples that shake

With tremors now past


They slew fast

Emblem of the faith

More than spate

Less than fate

I offered Heart to relate

To sunken Time’s wheel


The motion

A picture of Age


Under suns

Thighs tightly pressed like stern nuns

Banishing the love





They offer

Slates of repentance

The woes swift

Soul adrift

None in Heart for remembrance

Of miracle’s dove


She flew low

Battlefields hurled through

Lost ages

Time backward

The regained wings now awkward

Seagull in making


She calls me

A cook for all broths

Glory spent

In baking

As the light gathers the moths

Darkness now vanished




Wishing hells

They forsake purpose

Throttle days

Whisper nights

We fly through the drunken plights

Lights fading in eyes


Winding wells

To bottom of souls


Light’s darkness

Silent breath a lone witness

Of body double


They shrink rhymes

Within my heart’s sighs

Dreamtime flies

Words gather

Liquid honey from mother

The Queen of new Times


Reading of the poem: 


All pictures courtesy

Sovereign – We Fell To Earth

Careful what you wish for – We Fell To Earth

Lights out – We Fell To Earth

The Double- We Fell To Earth


Love without limits

Love without limits

4 September 2015



Thank me for the rose

I will thank you for the thorns

Each will gift their spells


If you boil broth

I will drink it to the last

Drop of dark venom


Spell my name backward

I will erect you ladders

To ascend to hells


Whisper soft my name

I will sow you heavenly

Angels below thee


If mute you’re beset

Rake the Earth for alphabet

I will grow the crops


I shall teach you words

Woman uninterrupted

Has many a flow


I will spell you Love

From the depth of the dungeons

Where dragons dare not


Gather me like leaves

Be my wings when I’m falling

Make without within


Universe will twist

To the tune of flute in Time

Where only Love lives


Love without limits

Love me to your breaking point

Love me right beyond
