The Edge of the Light

The Edge of the Light

24 June 2018

edge Christian Schloe
Courtesy Christian Schloe.


There is dark

On the road to Home

It revives


When we feel that we’re alone

It cloaks us like ink


We reach brink

Of our own limits

Fortune tells

Unheard Tales

The faithless the self impales

Carry no crosses


Heartbeats still

Raging fires cease

The disease

Self made ache

We commit the same mistake

Over and over


Withered eyes

Seek out the lanterns

Look outside

Not inside

Curtains ruffle as they slide

Concealing outcomes


The Light shines

I hold it within

Starry skies

Breath that cries

Outreach of my inner depths

When the will wavers


Seek the star

When the night is dark

Like a spark

It will guide

Know that in darkness you ride

The Edge of the Light


Reading of the poem:

Shine a Light – Banners


« When you come to the edge of all of the light you’ve known and are about to drop off into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing one of two things will happen. You’ll have something solid to stand on or you’ll be taught to fly » Patrick Overton


Elevation Time

Elevation Time

25 February 2017

Courtesy Christian Schloe


Transfixed deer

In headlights of fear

Stillness thought

Unsafe spot

The moving shadows cover

Limits of my heart


We restart

Engine of heartpath

Through stillness

In Oneness

Quantifying bliss in zest

Of Orange’s crest


Orange edge

Round and soft like sledge



Thoughts of water reviving

Taste of tangerine


Bluest spleen

When the songs hit a low tone

Undone words


The moon that the sun married

In the twilight zone


Sun moon shone

Within daylit skies

Undone lies


In Ttruth we find our best gear

Loss of fear now clear


Straightened spine

Warding off remains

Reddened stains

Slowly wanes

The Blue that shifted purple

Elevation Time


Reading of the poem: 

Courtesy Christian Schloe

Satori – Riley Lee and Gabriel Lee

Love without limits

Love without limits

4 September 2015



Thank me for the rose

I will thank you for the thorns

Each will gift their spells


If you boil broth

I will drink it to the last

Drop of dark venom


Spell my name backward

I will erect you ladders

To ascend to hells


Whisper soft my name

I will sow you heavenly

Angels below thee


If mute you’re beset

Rake the Earth for alphabet

I will grow the crops


I shall teach you words

Woman uninterrupted

Has many a flow


I will spell you Love

From the depth of the dungeons

Where dragons dare not


Gather me like leaves

Be my wings when I’m falling

Make without within


Universe will twist

To the tune of flute in Time

Where only Love lives


Love without limits

Love me to your breaking point

Love me right beyond
