In swirling Oceans

In swirling Oceans

6 April 2017

Courtesy Christian Schloe


Heart dilates

Into other plates

Pulse translates


What star-born cell correlates

Sliding downward slates


The brush stroke

From the mind invoke

Colours spoke

Of egg yoke

Of the lost eye before poke

Dissolved it in smoke


Mind now harks

Remnants of the call

Song of larks

Catches me

Lifting me before I fall

In swirling Oceans


Reading of the poem: 

Courtesy Christian Schloe

The Seven Oceans of our mind – Kaipa

A Sky full of painters – Kaipa

Unique when we fall – Kaipa

Undulating frames

Undulating frames

14 November 2016

ghost pixabay com
Courtesy pixabay com

Lion’s Den

Land of the Dragon

Griffin wakes

In my mind

His tales my seconds rewind

The first wave pulsing


Chicken hen

The countdown pursues

Grown numbers

Burnt timbers

Fire raging match to torch

Sweeping through bosom


One to Ten

Waves overtaking

Smooth quiver

Cold shiver

Our bodies traces river

The sheets like spent tides


Taking sides

Obliqueness a must

Swords to rust

In waters

Of bodies liquid oceans

Dilution the fate


Mellow thrust

Remnants of the shore

Where the land

Calls for more

Liquids creating quicksand

Feverish demand


Dripping sweet

My fingers honey

Queen of bees

Mind to tease

Extrusion to intrusion

Undulating frames


Reading of the poem: 

lovers pixshark com



Seduction – David Arkenstone



24 October 2016

cocreate deviantart com floating_castle_and_flying_whales_sunset_by_emimartinic-d89ocsj.jpg



A floating of worlds

In my mind

World without

Percentages of choices

The outcome unkind


Build with me

With more than mortar

Less than stone

Future hone

We celebrate the Divine

In woodlands the vine


Of the growth

We have heard of tales

Flying whales

In Oceans

Floating into the blue skies

Where the strong willed lies


cocreate deviantart com flying_whales_by_donkeylawson-d5eboi8.jpg


Morrows suns

Warm the purple creed

Blended code

Love abode

They fused the Red and the Blue

We confused each clue



A lost path of Pi

Cut the wire

Flamed the fire

Moved around in circle dire

Consequences Grey


Monsters slay

The bright pave the way



Image of beauty translate

Way of Heart dilate


Reading of the poem: 

cocreate artstation com mario-koller-whales.jpg
Courtesy Mario Koller on

Arrival of the Birds – The Cinematic Orchestra (The Theory of Everything)

Les intentions palustres posent un tréteau si las / The marshland intentions lay a tired trestle

Les intentions palustres posent un tréteau si las

(Poème écrit sous forme de sonnet Italien, Petrarch, en Alexandrin traduit en anglais ci-bas ou ici)

6-7 octobre 2016

intentions pinterest com 3.jpg


L’entends-tu qui virevolte le temps de nos amours

La danse des cerises moites en tiédeur des étés

Les reflets qui miroitent dans tes yeux hébétés

Le silence de révolte points de croix en ajours


Le dédain qu’on récolte au royaume des atours

Où les yeux ne convoitent qu’apparence apprêtée

Champ de vision étroite fleur de chair appétée

Médisance désinvolte le déclin des toujours


Me verras-tu venir en un temps composé

Des océans illustres de blancheur des lilas

Verra-t-on avenir à nos pieds déposé


Les amarrages lacustres pour enseigne qui lit là

Clair de lune revenir dans un corps reposé

Les intentions palustres posent un tréteau si las


Lecture du poème: 

intentions buzzerg com.jpg

Cyclo – Zazie



The marshland intentions lay a tired trestle

(translation of an Italian sonnet written in Alexandrin form in French. See original above or here)

6-7 October 2016

ninerealms aliexpress com.jpg


Do you hear it twirling the old time of our love

Dance of sweaty cherries in the lukewarm summers

Reflections that sparkle in your eyes that were dazed

The revolt of silence cross points in openings


The disdain we harvest in kingdom of attires

Where the eyes but covet appearance that is primed

Narrow field of vision desired flower of flesh

The casual slander declining forever


Will you see me arrive within a composed time

Of illustrious oceans of whiteness of lilacs

Will there be a future at our feet to settle


The moorings of the lake for a sign that reads here

The return of moonlight in a rested body

The marshland intentions lay a tired trestle


Reading of the poem: 



Don’t Leave Home – Dido

Fleshy Trinity

Fleshy Trinity

2 October 2016



Choice in move


Vivid stance


Leading player to the dance

Unicorns follow


We find groove

In bloom of the wild

Inner child


Movements of unwritten slates

Between the three worlds


None to prove

Within shows without

The shoulders

Squared and stout

Witness what life is about

Wild horse to harness


Within us

Colours of the mind

Engorged boat

Willful float

Within trickles of sunshine

The rain to caress


Forget fuss

A twirl to remind

Of playgrounds

Blue garlands

When the oceans overcome

Deltas store Islands


Renewed thus

Remnants of the free

Moving tops

Twirling points

They move unmoved scattered joints

Fleshy Trinity


Reading of the poem: 

Couple Dancing Contemporary Over Background Of Souls

Dancing with The Muse- Chris Spheeris

Dancing with The Muse – Chris Spheeris

Dancing with The Muse – Chris Spheeris

Masters ending in my release

Masters ending in my release

22 September 2016

Courtesy Adanethiel on

The golden dragons multiplied

Within the monsoons of the wild

The Gods of dark that we reviled

Shed weight of cloaks in which they lied


The secrets you and me confide

They grow like the stream meek and mild

Within the bosom of the child

Through rivers oceans amplified


I bore within me mysteries

Raked leafy lives revealing none

Blowing in winds through centuries


Call of soul echoing through breeze

Tribe of one outer world would shun

Masters ending in my release


Reading of the poem: 


The Messenger – Anilah


Blood pearls drip

Blood pearls drip

30 July 2016

bloodpearlsdrop carlosquevedoart com
Courtesy Carlos Quevedo on



Minds reek of the fear

Hearts stay clear

On the fence

Truth is the line of defense

Against night crawlers


The faith wanes

When the stones shatter

Window panes

My remains

Pick up the pieces of me

Oceanic grave


Lines tighten

The net scourging sea

Blood pearls drip

Against skin

Swallow the hurt now within

Red ink diluted


Reading of the poem: 

bloodpearlsdrop carlosquevedoart com 2
Courtesy Carlos Quevedo on

The Rainbow – Thomas Feiner

Withered Time

Withered Time

22 July 2016

queens pinterest com 3


Hushed signals

Calling in morse code

Eyes stutter


The bark falling off the trees

The cuts spill lather


Clouds gather

Raging thunderbolts

Pointing claws

Clenching jaws

The war is in the dark place

Between Time and Space


Bubbles lift

To lands of seizure



People of undercurrent

Tastes of the oceans


Kicking shins


Mistakes made

In maps read

The undead rebooting dead

Unearthed Hastiness


Three times three

Violins that cry

Twice the light

Covered sight

Vigil kept in the painting

Of the Queen mother


Nursey rhyme

Reinventing fields

Withered Time


Waking through desert landscapes

Planet of the Apes


Reading of the poem: 

queen dark pozadia org

Signals –  Dreamstate Logic & Protocat

Ad Astra (To the Stars) – Dreamstate Logic

Unknown Future – Dreamstate Logic


Ramène-moi au temps de ces soifs d’absolus / Take me back to the time of such absolute thirst

Ramène-moi au temps de ces soifs d’absolus

(traduit en un poème en anglais ci-bas ou ici )

9 juin 2016

merging youtube com 4


Il est dans mon cœur rouge des ilots bleus tranquilles

Des étendues de terre bravant les océans

Dans un écrin qui bouge naviguent des chairs dociles

Au milieu des bruyères je vis tapie céans


Mal cueillie à la gouge fleur de champ qu’on empile

Les bouquets délétères un retour vers néant

Quand combat à la vouge envahissait les villes

Et les têtes bleues si fières roulaient bas en criant


Ramène-moi au temps de ces soifs d’absolus

Quand les plaines s’étendaient comme un tapis d’amour

Que je me perde longtemps dans amnésie voulue


Quand les chansons scandaient plus que sexe et glamour

Quand l’annonce du printemps était fête dévolue

Quand les cœurs s’entendaient en pureté sans détours


Lecture du poème: 

merging youtube com 5


Take me back to the time of such absolute thirst

(translation of a sonnet written in Alexandrin and Occitan sonnet form in French above or here)

June 9, 2016

merging youtube com 2


There is in my red heart blue islands that are still

Expanses of land that brave the oceans

In a landscape that moves docile flesh sails

Amid the heather I live lurking hither


Roughly plucked with a scythe field flower to be stacked

The suffocating bouquets a return to nothingness

When combat of spears invaded cities

And blue heads so proud rolled down screaming


Take me back to the time of such absolute thirst

When the plains stretched like a carpet of love

Let me lose myself in length in desired amnesia


When the songs chanted more than sex and glamour

When the nearing of spring was dedicated feast

When the hearts got along in purity and not ploys


Reading of the poem: 

merging youtube com

Je te rends ton amour – Mylène Farmer

Point de suture – Mylène Farmer

Pas le temps de vivre – Mylène Farmer

Solitary Dream

Solitary Dream

28 March 2016

dream thomasisrael be


She roams Earth

In illusion’s frame

Her pace slow

Her Heart still

Her staff semblance of Oceans

Waters toil uphill


From afar

He divides waters

Promised lands

Splitting sands

Temples of the past resurge

From deepest callings


More says less

Concern with banal


Mere boredom

A whipping cane for the sane

Tripping on folly


Like cancer

Silent ills resume

Throbbing growth


Body’s short persuasion

Dying in white noise



Metastasis cure

Journey’s end

Stepping point

Like Siamese from head joint

Ad-libbing the words


Anchor me

The waters rise high

My ship sways

With the storms

I have lived beyond the norms

Of daily winters


I see gleam

Solitary Dream

It shines through

Lost lighthouse

Promises of forgiveness

New found tenderness


Reading of the poem:  

dream artistsinspireartists com

Dream – Peruquois