There is a garden

There is a garden

19 August 2016

game george redhawk architecturenart com 3.gif


Hush listen

There is a garden

It speaks soft

Of springtime

Of sources below the sands

That nourish the lands


Flutter on

There is a garden

It sparkles

With dewdrops

As they glisten on Flora

Bosom plethora


Now enter

There is a garden

It rustles

With the leaves

As they fall memory heaves

In the blowing wind


Lick your lips

There is a garden

It expands

It dilates

Lush with golden apple trees

That melt into mouth


Now repose

There is a garden

It circles


In my mind lost eclectic

Millenary fate


Reading of the poem: 

come tumblr com


Quotes of Love and Life – Rumi


I am only the House of your Beloved – Rumi

Desire – Rumi


Withered Time

Withered Time

22 July 2016

queens pinterest com 3


Hushed signals

Calling in morse code

Eyes stutter


The bark falling off the trees

The cuts spill lather


Clouds gather

Raging thunderbolts

Pointing claws

Clenching jaws

The war is in the dark place

Between Time and Space


Bubbles lift

To lands of seizure



People of undercurrent

Tastes of the oceans


Kicking shins


Mistakes made

In maps read

The undead rebooting dead

Unearthed Hastiness


Three times three

Violins that cry

Twice the light

Covered sight

Vigil kept in the painting

Of the Queen mother


Nursey rhyme

Reinventing fields

Withered Time


Waking through desert landscapes

Planet of the Apes


Reading of the poem: 

queen dark pozadia org

Signals –  Dreamstate Logic & Protocat

Ad Astra (To the Stars) – Dreamstate Logic

Unknown Future – Dreamstate Logic