Into a New Age

Into a New Age

29 October 2017

Catrin Welz Stein pinterest com 5
Courtesy Catrin Welz Stein


Fairy dance

Nibbles at my feet

At Midnight

Witching hour

Time opens up the flower

Petal at a Time


I blow rhyme

She blows the bubbles

They reach me

In music

Overcoming the rubble

Of a life crumbling


Frame tumbling

Hastiness reflects


Set so deep

Inside Heart promises keep

What the mind rejects


Send me note

Summon me a flute

We will play

While they shoot

Shadows on the wall the same

Intention in game


Hurried steps

Down winding staircase

That the winds

Whistle through

Patterns projected untrue

The light sometimes lies


Hear my sighs

I bleed contr’alto

Bridges lift

Heart’s gusto

Takes frozen frame in tempo

Into a New Age


Reading of the poem: 


Celine Ricci bird and fish
Courtesy Celine Ricci

The Mercy of the World – Quinn

I will believe – Quinn

Things once held dear – Quinn

Jagged intentions

Jagged intentions

5 May 2017

Jagged pinterest com 2


Soul mentions

The Truth contentions



False ignite misconceptions

Jagged intentions


Reading of the poem: 

The Long Night – As Seas Exhale

Wind and Words – As Seas Exhale

Good Men Mean Well, We Just Don’t Always End Up Doing Well – As Seas Exhale



24 October 2016

cocreate deviantart com floating_castle_and_flying_whales_sunset_by_emimartinic-d89ocsj.jpg



A floating of worlds

In my mind

World without

Percentages of choices

The outcome unkind


Build with me

With more than mortar

Less than stone

Future hone

We celebrate the Divine

In woodlands the vine


Of the growth

We have heard of tales

Flying whales

In Oceans

Floating into the blue skies

Where the strong willed lies


cocreate deviantart com flying_whales_by_donkeylawson-d5eboi8.jpg


Morrows suns

Warm the purple creed

Blended code

Love abode

They fused the Red and the Blue

We confused each clue



A lost path of Pi

Cut the wire

Flamed the fire

Moved around in circle dire

Consequences Grey


Monsters slay

The bright pave the way



Image of beauty translate

Way of Heart dilate


Reading of the poem: 

cocreate artstation com mario-koller-whales.jpg
Courtesy Mario Koller on

Arrival of the Birds – The Cinematic Orchestra (The Theory of Everything)

Les intentions palustres posent un tréteau si las / The marshland intentions lay a tired trestle

Les intentions palustres posent un tréteau si las

(Poème écrit sous forme de sonnet Italien, Petrarch, en Alexandrin traduit en anglais ci-bas ou ici)

6-7 octobre 2016

intentions pinterest com 3.jpg


L’entends-tu qui virevolte le temps de nos amours

La danse des cerises moites en tiédeur des étés

Les reflets qui miroitent dans tes yeux hébétés

Le silence de révolte points de croix en ajours


Le dédain qu’on récolte au royaume des atours

Où les yeux ne convoitent qu’apparence apprêtée

Champ de vision étroite fleur de chair appétée

Médisance désinvolte le déclin des toujours


Me verras-tu venir en un temps composé

Des océans illustres de blancheur des lilas

Verra-t-on avenir à nos pieds déposé


Les amarrages lacustres pour enseigne qui lit là

Clair de lune revenir dans un corps reposé

Les intentions palustres posent un tréteau si las


Lecture du poème: 

intentions buzzerg com.jpg

Cyclo – Zazie



The marshland intentions lay a tired trestle

(translation of an Italian sonnet written in Alexandrin form in French. See original above or here)

6-7 October 2016

ninerealms aliexpress com.jpg


Do you hear it twirling the old time of our love

Dance of sweaty cherries in the lukewarm summers

Reflections that sparkle in your eyes that were dazed

The revolt of silence cross points in openings


The disdain we harvest in kingdom of attires

Where the eyes but covet appearance that is primed

Narrow field of vision desired flower of flesh

The casual slander declining forever


Will you see me arrive within a composed time

Of illustrious oceans of whiteness of lilacs

Will there be a future at our feet to settle


The moorings of the lake for a sign that reads here

The return of moonlight in a rested body

The marshland intentions lay a tired trestle


Reading of the poem: 



Don’t Leave Home – Dido

Come undone

Come undone

27 August 2016

ten pinterest com


Whirling Times

Teach us winds’ lessons

Old treasures


In chest with papers rotten

From centuries past



The spine a pillar

Houses built

Without ground

Scarce the love to go around

Intentions that wane


Hearts we shun

From webs they have spun

Searing wings

Come undone

In pursuit of happy nest

Place for bones to rest


Reading of the poem: 

ten pinterest com 2

How can you mend a broken heart – Al Green

For the Good Time – Al Green

Let’s Stay Together – Al Green


Miracles in the palm of my hand

Miracles in the palm of my hand

23 November 2015

blue jattdissite


As seconds’ drifting Time within sand

Seeping through the gaps in the places within my clutch


Shapes shifting through morrows now disband

Invasion now quietened, subdued the old seasoned Dutch


Wars in memories’ echo waged

Intentions thrust upon the space of strife now mental


The boiling point steams creation raged

Recipes for metamorphosis elemental


The sword rests upon dark woodened land

In words the pillar, the power, the firm rock thus such


I lean upon you make no demand

The nearness enhances sweetness you would say as much


Miracles in the palm of my hand

Awaiting the injured for vibrations’ healing touch



Blue playingwiththeuniverse blogspot com 2



Trobar de Morte – Rise and Fall

Trobar de Morte – El Vals de las Hadas de Otoño

Trobar de Morte – Yule : The End of the Darkness

Trobar de Morte – Esperit de Recerca

Trobar de Morte – Excalibur

Trobar de Morte – Aqualuna

Trobar de Morte – In Nomine Filius Mortis