Tones of Blues

Tones of Blues

3-4 November 2016



Amber dunes

Stretching towards me

Sunburnt sands

The lost lands

Breathing slight before waters

Submerge all islands


Ember tunes

Crackling of the fire


Fading warmth

Desert night with bees in swarm

On blue tinged mountains


Old and tired

We will dismember

The fading bricks

The grey strands

Dissolution that withstands

Ringing of the Pi



Circles of our lives

Twining slow

Melding glow

I take you to tell and show

The past a lantern


The ransom

A lifetime kidnapped

As kids napped

The Grey woke

The Earth lines shook as they spoke

Of fledglings restored



Colours of minds hues

Tones of Blues

Height of ruse

The path where she had strewn clues

Within my bosom


Reading of the poem:


Ready to Dare – Praful

I saw you (Rumi Poetry) – Praful

Arabesque – Praful


Fleshy Trinity

Fleshy Trinity

2 October 2016



Choice in move


Vivid stance


Leading player to the dance

Unicorns follow


We find groove

In bloom of the wild

Inner child


Movements of unwritten slates

Between the three worlds


None to prove

Within shows without

The shoulders

Squared and stout

Witness what life is about

Wild horse to harness


Within us

Colours of the mind

Engorged boat

Willful float

Within trickles of sunshine

The rain to caress


Forget fuss

A twirl to remind

Of playgrounds

Blue garlands

When the oceans overcome

Deltas store Islands


Renewed thus

Remnants of the free

Moving tops

Twirling points

They move unmoved scattered joints

Fleshy Trinity


Reading of the poem: 

Couple Dancing Contemporary Over Background Of Souls

Dancing with The Muse- Chris Spheeris

Dancing with The Muse – Chris Spheeris

Dancing with The Muse – Chris Spheeris

Ramène-moi au temps de ces soifs d’absolus / Take me back to the time of such absolute thirst

Ramène-moi au temps de ces soifs d’absolus

(traduit en un poème en anglais ci-bas ou ici )

9 juin 2016

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Il est dans mon cœur rouge des ilots bleus tranquilles

Des étendues de terre bravant les océans

Dans un écrin qui bouge naviguent des chairs dociles

Au milieu des bruyères je vis tapie céans


Mal cueillie à la gouge fleur de champ qu’on empile

Les bouquets délétères un retour vers néant

Quand combat à la vouge envahissait les villes

Et les têtes bleues si fières roulaient bas en criant


Ramène-moi au temps de ces soifs d’absolus

Quand les plaines s’étendaient comme un tapis d’amour

Que je me perde longtemps dans amnésie voulue


Quand les chansons scandaient plus que sexe et glamour

Quand l’annonce du printemps était fête dévolue

Quand les cœurs s’entendaient en pureté sans détours


Lecture du poème: 

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Take me back to the time of such absolute thirst

(translation of a sonnet written in Alexandrin and Occitan sonnet form in French above or here)

June 9, 2016

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There is in my red heart blue islands that are still

Expanses of land that brave the oceans

In a landscape that moves docile flesh sails

Amid the heather I live lurking hither


Roughly plucked with a scythe field flower to be stacked

The suffocating bouquets a return to nothingness

When combat of spears invaded cities

And blue heads so proud rolled down screaming


Take me back to the time of such absolute thirst

When the plains stretched like a carpet of love

Let me lose myself in length in desired amnesia


When the songs chanted more than sex and glamour

When the nearing of spring was dedicated feast

When the hearts got along in purity and not ploys


Reading of the poem: 

merging youtube com

Je te rends ton amour – Mylène Farmer

Point de suture – Mylène Farmer

Pas le temps de vivre – Mylène Farmer