

16 September 2015

hatter filmschoolrejects com aliceinwonderland-poster2-header
Courtesy filmschoolrejects.com


Black shadows ran ink

Through the backdrop of my soul

Designed grey matter


Light and Dark blended

As joy and sadness fray not

For lives separate


Alice lost child’s dreams

As she threaded the needle

Through the looking glass


The hatter laughed high

Raising pitch black yet a notch

Rabbits’ clocks to smudge


Thoughts swirl on ceiling

Sink in dark bottomless pits

From all extremes two


Mermaid walked on legs

Stolen from the living dead



Bring me a lost light

Beyond ego turned to foam

As sun light hollered



The layers of mystery

Survive lab testing


hatter cineblog it
Courtesy cineblog.it

A soul to soul will now promptly relate

A soul to soul will now promptly relate

13 August 2015


Courtesy networkedblogs.com
Courtesy networkedblogs.com

Waters of wells will dwell soft in my eyes

As I give in to songs’ beautiful vibes

Timeless the note of Love with soul now flies

Mind free hovers above, rapture describes


Wisdom blossoms in ache growing in Heart

Body to Earth hastens, plunges, it dives

While souls would soar so free, bodies apart

Condemn the souls to live separate lives


Listless daily life is never so whole

Pining for thrill of night will day refuse

The pang of loss would Heart never console

Fragile feelings opposed would mind confuse


A soul to soul will now promptly relate

Bodies melding will time’s restraints dilate

twin hiddenlighthouse wordpress com
Courtesy hiddenlighthouse.wordpress.com