In my dreams

In my dreams

1 January 2018

Catrin W Stein pinterest com
Courtesy Catrin W Stein on


Changing sides

Black pawns in castle

Game hustle

Eyes sizzle

Stakes making my neck bristle

Hand on back that glides


Partner hides

Aces in the pack

Bring me back

Nerves that rack

Quest for needle in haystack

Lost with thread that slides


Careless rides

To edge of morrows

Puppet screams

In my dreams

Waking to my eyeborn streams

Wail in heart subsides


Reading of the poem: 

Sevdaliza – Bluecid

I See You Baby

I See You Baby

2 February 2017



Ma’s cradle

Always in the shade

No needle

Neither blade

Only mama’s white Sunshade

Baby everglade


Baby’s lost

Running in graveyard


Green backyard

Hearts and guts are beating low

Lost in dusty flow


Inky glow

Uncovering deep

Maidens sleep

Do they weep

All you see is frightening teeth

Perhaps none beneath


Ma’s paddle

Tells you what to trade

The weasel

Says the grade

All love by which you’ll abade

Losing the parade


The soul’s cost

Trimming in billard


Green orchard

Stunts and brunts are beating brow

Death is costly blow


Pinch me slow

Awakening sleep

Husbands creep

From wells steep

Now they see the edge of heath

My life now bequeath


He crawled out

In tatters from thorns

His head bled

Bloody red

Mama Dove shows blue in me

I See You Baby



Reading of the poem:  

City – Jain

Say my name – Jain

Makeba – Jain

Bad Day – Jain

You can Blame Me – Jain

All My Days – Jain



29 July 2016


blue angelslightworldwide com myangelas-she-dreams-by-mariska


Night-bred haunt

Lurking in passage

To nowhere

The ship sails

Passengers in vests no tails

Shortened evenings


The bell rings

Reminder of call

To children

Huddled small

Inside my bosom’s stairs flight

Beseeching the light


Pass through me

I am needle’s eye


With keen sight

All without now stark blindness

Only morrows’ fight



An art of living

The words dark

The craft deaf

Resonance but lonely theft

Forming the letters


Breath fetters

When guided by voice

Sunken deep

Into heap

Of sporadic movements sly

Catcher of the rye


Taste heavy

Laden with the guilt



To hate people but love things

Dissolute matter


Reading of the poem: 

butterfly pageresource com fairy-angel_210270

Yonderhead – Thomas Feiner

All that Numbs You – Thomas Feiner

Dinah and the Beautiful Blue – Thomas Feiner and Anywhen

Touched untouched

Touched untouched

22 May 2016

karol bak pinterest com 36
Courtesy Karol Bak on


Strange feeling

Floating in limbo


Caring strong

For the tribes where we belong

Intricate crisscross


Sense of loss

The bosom a rock

Twining strength

With frailty

To have and never to keep

Fluttering yet deep


Maidens weep

While the knights battle

Humans then

Or cattle

The answer is suspended

In between the breaths


Quest ended

Beginning in end


Curtain falls

Encore says the crowd cheering

For a new replay


Lost in hay

The needle of hope

The three Norns

Threading bare

Precision of unkempt hair

Fate chance encounter



Fluctuating point

Limbs collate

At the joint

Emotions bubbles in air

Love fear joy despair



The forces at work

Patchwork feel

Divine quirk

The chore handed down with smirk

Opposing contracts


Cast me net

The fish are lively

Their gills shine

Mirth divine

Repopulate holy shrine

Phosphorescent nests



Energies shift fast

Faith steadfast

Touched untouched

All is in blink of the eye

Peace profound balance


Reading of the poem: 

norns pinterest com2

A thousand times good night – Abel Korzeniowski

Song of Time – Abel Korzeniowski

Terra – Abel Korzeniowski

Inside hours

Inside hours

3 May 2016

masao yamamoto pinterest com 3
Courtesy Masao Yamamoto on


Pied piper

Inviting the crowds

Twin futures

Standing out

The searing darkness they flout

Starkest point of night



He braces our souls

Guiding throngs

Through crossroads

Sunlit paths to the morrows

Bordering sorrows


Brave New World

Flickering in void


Tilting point

A passage through needle hole

Compressed distances



Old definitions

They break word

With new light

Regaining the inner sight

Through transformation



Heart’s devices play

Muted tunes


The call comes from within soul

Where being is whole


Inside hours

There lie hidden realms

They unfold

To the wise

They who see with more than eyes

Only the heart sees


Reading of the poem: 

masao yamamoto laboiteverte fr

Storm coming up – John Williams

A new Galaxy – John Williams

Wonderland Discovery – John Williams

Where I watch you rest

Where I watch you rest

9 February 2016

Tomasz Alen Kopera 1976 - Polish Magical Surrealism  painter - Tutt'Art@ (1)
Thomasz Alen Kopera




Spinning wheels

Take me to rivers

Where love floats

Like blue thread

Searching for the needles’ eye

Lost in haystack spread


Sad banquet

Tasteless piece of straw

Her fingers

Like a claw

Reaching through amorphous frame

Death lays on me claim


Loosened sighs

A tight demeanour

Letting go

Of wits’ loss

Pale blossoms fading in light

As the end now nears



In between spaces

Of Angels

And corpses

Red with the beat of high fires

Consumption my seed


They feed greed

The undead that roam

Crawling Earth

With tired hearts

Unseeing eyes filled with dark

Their souls lost embers


Wooden cup

Holds blood of the son

They chase it

Their minds ache

Purpose leaves them in the wake

Morsel remembers



Play of light and dark


Rules play me

In he, mean he, mine he no!

Bring no corpse by tow


I travel

Light my burden’s weight

A compass

Golden age

An era running in Time

Friends like hair thinning


Keep the faith

Spirit words voiceless

A clean slate

Is the fate

Of those who walk in waking

Their hearts long dilate


Heartbeats throb

Through the ripping cage


Of eyesight

I am centered in the chest

Where I watch you rest


Reading of the poem: 

Stairway weary for pitcher Thomasz Alen Copera (2)
Courtesy Thomasz Alen Copera


Waiting in vain – Susheela Raman

What silence said – Susheela Raman

Oh my Love – Susheela Raman



16 September 2015

hatter filmschoolrejects com aliceinwonderland-poster2-header


Black shadows ran ink

Through the backdrop of my soul

Designed grey matter


Light and Dark blended

As joy and sadness fray not

For lives separate


Alice lost child’s dreams

As she threaded the needle

Through the looking glass


The hatter laughed high

Raising pitch black yet a notch

Rabbits’ clocks to smudge


Thoughts swirl on ceiling

Sink in dark bottomless pits

From all extremes two


Mermaid walked on legs

Stolen from the living dead



Bring me a lost light

Beyond ego turned to foam

As sun light hollered



The layers of mystery

Survive lab testing


hatter cineblog it