Flying is not for felines

Flying is not for felines

(a poem composed in shadorma form from funny thoughts that went through my head)

29 October 2017


Christian schloe pinterest com 24 pop-surrealism-surrealism-drawing
Courtesy Christian Schloe


Reduced frame

Angel came in size

Of fragment

Of herself

Offered to the elements

Raging throughout world


Cat viewed her

Mistaking for mouse

Gobbled her

Dorsal parts

Left her shivering in winds

That tore through the Earth


Shed the wings

Cough out the feathers

The Angel

Told the cat

Flying is not for felines

Even through tummies


Reading of the poem: 

I’m a bomb creator –

Flying with the kites

Flying with the kites

18 March 2017

blue deviantart com sea_dragon_by_lhianne-d5cgbzy (2)
Courtesy lhianne on


They tilted

Valentine tainted

Grey pitched sights

Smear painted

Merry and lone acquainted

With fruits of untruth


Give up knights

Whispered nightingale

Flying whale


Celebrating wedding rites

Looking up the sites


I kissed you

When the moon felt true


Waved along

Hearts a hammered path of blue

Flying with the kites


Reading of the poem: 


Cheers Darling – Damien Rice

The permanent game

The permanent game

17 June 2016

game george-redhawk-03


I am wind

Blowing through the ice

Kissing peaks

Lurking deep

Within caverns of the Earth

Beckoning to sun


I am sun

Hiding my glory

Behind clouds

Amongst crowds

Blue red and gold define me

Purple is my frame


I’m water

Flowing through the streams

Gushing forth


Glowing energy for all

As I rush to source


I am hole

Blacker than the night



Birthing rejecting matter

Parallel highways


I am Her

Eternal woman

My hand’s touch

Skies’ magic

The blue womb of creation

In red glove of Love


I am Time

Flowing forth both ways

Thrice forward

Once backward

Step back a recognition

Of the wayward path


I am storm

Darkest hues of skies

When lightning

Kisses Earth

When the sky-kissed lands give birth

To new promises


I am light

Brightening darkness

Waning moon

Fills herself

My inner core endless well

Where she transfigures


I am fire

Bottled in the skies

Like genie

Of heavens

Stormy dome my birthing field

I flying Phoenix


I am sun

Rebirth my credo


Of new shapes

Baring the rocky landscapes

That my glare begets


I am all

Impermanent frame

Inner core


Cells within replicating

The permanent game


Reading of the poem: 

game george redhawk ignant de

Kyrie – Antaeus

Through the flying times I knelt

Through the flying times I knelt

27 February 2016

knelt designisthis com

We are born

Like in a whirlwind

The hours strike

Our birth’s time

Like flame of burning candle

Sketched in the tempest


We grow needs

The crowning of life

Wilting through

What heart heeds

Within the morrows I sow

Food for my own thought


There are shades

Painted within me

Where I find


Possibilities to breathe

Scarcity of you


We are born

Like paper airplanes

The winds lift

The winds rip

They set us lone and adrift

From our shining selves


I am not

My death is open

Like a book


Each corner a tilting point

Where I die some more


The fate blind

She grants me token

Of morrows

Where I lie

A closed copy of myself

Within deep set grave


We are born

Like a flight of geese

Panicked flight

Left to right

The Northern skies ours to please

As we yearn Southern


Fortune said

She favours the brave

I forgot

How it felt

To wish upon a new day

Untainted by sigh


Holy grails

Within my faint grasp

Air leaving

As I gasp

Through the flying times I knelt

My tidings the nails


Reading of the poem: 

knelt commons wikimedia org


Black & Blue – Archive

Again – Archive

Distorted Angels – Archive

Axiom – Archive


I, flying Phoenix

I, flying Phoenix

4 November 2015

stairway divine love Lorraine cohen com (2)

I walked into Love

Fearful, aligning my steps

A timid creature


Love watched me serene

Blowing at me with her winds

Playfully sowing


I walked in bubble

Made of the finest white glass

The texture of frost


Love picked at me slow

Her pecking bird of heavens

Slow delivery


The silent tremors

As she hovered around me

Oh the knees that shake!


I craned slight my neck

She drew blood with her sharp fangs

The bloodied retreat


dragon reachingforsoul wordpress com dragonfire-woman2 (2)


I watched her now scared

Loathing her slight ugly form

Recollecting wits


Butterfly hovers

Caterpillar a mere slug

Loathing slimy trail


Love cast at me rocks

Hurling all within without

Sheared me, set me free


Naked and exposed

With my last shuddering sighs

I bowed to her slight


At last she then smiled

Mother and Father embraced

They showed me true Flames


Fire all consumed

From ashes I then emerged

I, flying Phoenix


elements twitter com 3

The process of your own creation could be a distorted one if you do not listen carefully to the rain and do not understand correctly the synchronicities

Sacrifice is in leaving the greater for the greatest knowing the tool is not the task.

Silence – Vargo

Porspero’s books – opening crédits

Talking to Satie – Alessandra Celletti

Venez venez haine implacable – Gluck

Bliss – A Quiet Conversation

Giovanni Marradi – Just for You

Alessandra Celletti – I Discend to You, You Ascend to Me

The Sacrifice – Michael Nyman

Shatter me – Lindsey Stirling

Rumi – One Whisper of the Beloved

Voices of Infinity – Yakuro

Rumi – Gently, gently open your eyes

Vargo – The moment

On the Wings of Love – Fusion of Rumi and Hafiz poetry

Internal workings

Internal workings

23 September 2015

Thomas allen kopera blackorchid com

Internal workings

External connections build

The weave of dreamers


The meltdown begins

Pursuit of inner core Truth

External movements

dragon ign com Tomasz Alen Kopera

Breathing in fires

Awakening Netherworld

Outside meets Inside


Baring the dark parts

Embracing connectedness

Reshaping the core

christian hopkins blackorchid com

Internal flying

Rediscovering the realms

Upper meets lower


Like fluid honey

As a Love’s gift to the world

Let your essence drip


Between Dark and Light

Choose not the extreme measures

Be only Balance


Find in you patience

Emerging from the bondage

No one-step matters


Choose it long and wise

Walking level or on edge

Only your own path

angel tumblr com

Love destiny make

Lose yourself to find yourself

Flow like a River


Images courtesy George Redhawk aka DarkAngel0ne who is blind and uses GIF to “see” art mainly transformed into gif from art works by Thomasz Alen Copera

I heard Spirit’s Heart

I heard Spirit’s Heart

18 September 2015

ark gaiaonline com

The will was shining

Shift in intention pursued

Weary traveller


A call from below

Winding steep into the guts

Set a new quaking


Life stretched out wanton

It laid ahead gifts of Toil

That grade men of Dark


All pieces showed bright

Last remnants glimmered daunting

Shimmering treasures


In frenzy of loss

My body feasted on them

Muted gate awaits


Snake slithered on all

Grey tasteless pieces of rock

Lay them back to sands


None adorned me now

Naked soul all to forsake

Transcending pleasures


I trod desert lands

A sheen robing my light’s frame

Flying with the winds


Spirit walked behind

His shadow extended, see!

Lighting path ahead


“Walk on hidden path

Forsaking worldly matters”

I heard Spirit’s Heart


“Save for innocent

Free the mind from Earthly ties

Time has met its Soul”


gaia todoterapias com


In Peace with the Flames

In Peace with the Flames

15 September 2015

come rebellesociety com Isabel-Bryna-e1392002267291


Seven days and nights

The task had me in waking

My feet bore no sole


I roamed wilderness

Through the thicket and the thorns

Gathering all fuel


Building the Bonfire

The twig like the log will serve

Awakening sparks


Rapture turned desire

Desire spent itself in Love

Making Light shadows


Human sacrifice

I threw myself into fires

Agni wept my Soul


As the fire soared

Hands extended in ashes

I dissolved in void


In Peace with the Flames

Bodiless and soul flying

I merged with the One


come meganneforbes com

Run through the light maze

Run through the light maze

11 September 2015

veils dailymail co uk


Shaking Truth casts stones

In souls that live in between

Fires and waters


Send me your love chants

I will spin them winter’s fleece

Stitch them spells in souls


veils pinterest com


Written words will fly

Spreading dark ink within sky

To paper planes bound


Where do you now look

Your eyes cast upon you dark

Building you shadows


Darkness will build creed

Faceless and blind without Love

Fears will surround Heart


veil 15minutenews com


Ropes in the mountains

Can guide you through thick and thin

Or bind you to grounds


Run through the light maze

Through the fog that all traps hides

Seize the flying veils


veils sargammishra wordpress com