I, flying Phoenix

I, flying Phoenix

4 November 2015

stairway divine love Lorraine cohen com (2)
Courtesy lorraine-cohen.com

I walked into Love

Fearful, aligning my steps

A timid creature


Love watched me serene

Blowing at me with her winds

Playfully sowing


I walked in bubble

Made of the finest white glass

The texture of frost


Love picked at me slow

Her pecking bird of heavens

Slow delivery


The silent tremors

As she hovered around me

Oh the knees that shake!


I craned slight my neck

She drew blood with her sharp fangs

The bloodied retreat


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Courtesy reachingforsoul.wordpress.com


I watched her now scared

Loathing her slight ugly form

Recollecting wits


Butterfly hovers

Caterpillar a mere slug

Loathing slimy trail


Love cast at me rocks

Hurling all within without

Sheared me, set me free


Naked and exposed

With my last shuddering sighs

I bowed to her slight


At last she then smiled

Mother and Father embraced

They showed me true Flames


Fire all consumed

From ashes I then emerged

I, flying Phoenix


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Courtesy pinterest.com

The process of your own creation could be a distorted one if you do not listen carefully to the rain and do not understand correctly the synchronicities

Sacrifice is in leaving the greater for the greatest knowing the tool is not the task.

Silence – Vargo

Porspero’s books – opening crédits

Talking to Satie – Alessandra Celletti

Venez venez haine implacable – Gluck

Bliss – A Quiet Conversation

Giovanni Marradi – Just for You

Alessandra Celletti – I Discend to You, You Ascend to Me

The Sacrifice – Michael Nyman

Shatter me – Lindsey Stirling

Rumi – One Whisper of the Beloved

Voices of Infinity – Yakuro

Rumi – Gently, gently open your eyes

Vargo – The moment

On the Wings of Love – Fusion of Rumi and Hafiz poetry