Germs in each corner

Germs in each corner
13-14 October 2021

New virus attacked
Roll of thunder announced it;
connected minds roared

The disease flared through
Decay spread through synapses;
infection rumbled

Head counted microbes
The future resounded through
the boom of the bugs

Germs in each corner
Spelt name of a new species
that grumbled through space

Reading of the poem:
Azam Ali - PHANTOMS 
Written in the context of Ronovan writes weekly haiku challenge using the words “bug”, “rumble” or their synonyms. More on the rules and other poets’ contribution here.

Alternate Realities – Chapter Eight : Training the dragons

Alternate Realities – Chapter Eight : Training the dragons

1 June 2020

Courtesy wallpaperflare


She was awoken from her daydreaming about the dragons with a start when Horus touched her arm and pointed to a large clearing in the woods above which they were flying. Horus uttered a few words in the language of the light and the dragons swooped towards the clearing. She just had the time to cling on for dear life to the bony protrusion at the base of the dragon’s neck before they swooped as she had understood the command Horus gave just in time. The dragons had grown again in stature as she had been imagining them growing while they flew. They stood now in a circle around the large clearing.


Horus gave an order and the dragons took to the skies again before swooping down with their mouths open but without fires coming out of them. She realized that they were mimicking a flame attack but were just not using the full breath of the dragon as they did not want to set fire to the woods. Some of the dragon crossed each other’s paths and Horus asked them to stay at a safe distance from each other. He again gave the order for the attack and this time they came down swooping without crossing each other’s paths. After he had made them repeat the attack around 15 times, Horus told them that they could now play for the rest of the time.


The dragons scurried along the clearing and some wrestled playfully while the others flew about in the skies pursuing one another. A couple of dragons started getting overexcited and this resulted in them breathing out flames. Horus yelled out an order but it was too late. The flames had caught on to the adjacent trees that were very dry and immediately shot into a high flaming torch. The fire spread quickly to the nearby trees and it was soon a bushfire. The dragon she had rode on at the beginning swooped down from the skies and lowered his head so that she may climb up. She mounted and it immediately took off to the skies with the other dragons following closely. Horus was not very pleased with the incident but told her that the rains would take care of the bushfire in due course. He was still pleased with the rigour shown by the dragons in the training despite the incident as they were relatively young and inexperienced dragons. They are almost ready, he said with a smile.


Enigma – Amen (Official Video)

Missing steps

Missing steps

18 February 2020




The mind follows bends

Of pathways


A walk in Netherland stride

Reckoning of wild



Consciousness between

Allowed hues

Disowned blues

A patchwork of dreams

Uncovering streams



In waves comes the greed

From the depths

Missing steps

The soul recovering sheen

Of forgotten spleen


Reading of the poem:

Over The Ocean – I Will Be Silent



9 February 2020



Break me pot

Dancing tradition

Rhythmic feat

Balanced neat

On the verge of extinction

A race to repeat


Blow me hot

The egg shells within

Frame melting

Iron clad

Beyond the anklets tightened

Staggering demand


Find me not


Elbows still

Ache the ribs

As I disperse beyond sheen

Of matter unseen


Reading of the poem:

Under your scars – Godsmack

Come out of the dark

Come out of the dark

28 February 2017



Battles fought

Against the dark self

Writhing lies


Body of the consumption

Dancing to the Truth


Call me Ruth

Never mind the name

Build me frame

Like a game

I will play with you as tame

Before you’re in flame



The wood that implodes

Building spark

From the lark

Voices beckon to fire’s ark

Come out of the dark


Reading of the poem: 

Courtesy Christian Schloe

So close – Olafur Arnalds feat Arnor Dan


Waking Ophelia

Waking Ophelia

18 September 2016



She sleeps not

Slumber a migrant

Eyelids wane

Window pane

Glassy content of iris

Myriads of stories



Illusions of life

Power strife

Lost battles

Reminiscence of the spoils

Battlefield gargoyles


Self monsters

Darkness overcome

Or never

Mind clever

Constant crisscross of the word

Of puzzles unheard


Withered speech

The tongue bridge to breach

The outreach

A dark plunge

Like a drunken man will lunge

Into the bosom


Tales of ore

Constantly hammered

Crown jewels

Chest medal

In between a neck strangled

Studded star spangled


Throaty spells

Voicing world over

Sleep that dreams

Jolting bolt

The whiff of paraphilia

Waking Ophelia


Reading of the poem: 


Daytime Dreamer – Omar Akram

Love of my Heart  -Omar Akram

Dancing with the Wind – Omar Akram


Shells of Flames

Shells of Flames

5 August 2016

shells randomwallpapers net


In glory we set the purpose of Flames

The battlefield signed with blood of the hosts

The hearts we forget in thrill of the games

The endless confined by flags that mind posts


Now laden regret the tears of the Thames

For the bodies lined the conquests one boasts

Hearts aid and abet the hand that them maims

A closure to fret horizon of ghosts


Pray tell me now clear where do rivers flow

When thick with the blood they ravage valleys

I harbour no fear of underground glow


Oncoming the flood of tears that we know

The hearts that we smear in night-clad alleys

Shells of Flames in bud that silent we grow


Reading of the poem: 

shells malwaretips com

Back to You – Brett Anderson & Emmanuelle Seigner


Paced footsteps

Paced footsteps

29 May 2016

memorylane pinterest com 4


Lonely times

Gathering instants

Cast battles

Shades of scars

Revisiting lost ventures

In twilight’s shadows


Cancer grows

Where the truth falters



Foundations of cells shaken

By the rampant lie



The past shielded fruit

Covered space

Brittle lace

Icings falling off a cake

Of mouldy sweetness


Bitter taste

Of stale emptiness


Surging bile

Opposites in mind beguile

The waning sweet smile


Lost a while

In the frenzied pace


Of resolve

The tides of rebirth absolve

Every living soul


Scent of space

Time immemorial

Renewed grace

Paced footsteps

Walking down the hedged lane

The trees exhale scents


Reading of the poem: 

memorylane fanpop com

Song of the Stars – Dead Can Dance


I cannot sleep the night through

I cannot sleep the night through

7 December 2015


starlight dailymotion com



Before break of dawn

Luminescence stirs me up

With traces of you


I follow the trails

Passive tracks in starlit steps

The walk to nowhere


starlight korinnathemaiden com (2)



Like a lost atom

Rotating in my own world

Eons from myself


You breathe into me

Through dreamtime that lies across

The rivers divide


starlight theicewoman tumblr com



We walk in shadows

In between dark and the light

Separate glances


Whirring like clockwork

In between what’s you and me

The moving fences


starlight theartofkorinnayolasite com



Wrestling with chaos

I cannot sleep the night through

Battles of moonlight


A day will soon rise

When sleep will be no longer

The waking Times shine


starlight pinterest com 5


Angels Fall – Breaking Benjamin

Theory of a Deadman – Angel

A Journey of no return

A Journey of no return

29 November 2015

journey horizons332 rssing com



Tireless feet move

Anticipated rising

Woodworks hush the call


Intricate weavings

Tapestries heave, fall apart

The needle’s tremors


Sun in the zenith

Bellows with a thousand rays

Freckled shards’ yellow


(c) Salford Museum & Art Gallery; Supplied by The Public Catalogue Foundation
(c) Salford Museum & Art Gallery; Supplied by The Public Catalogue Foundation


A belly growls low

Tides of a million answer

The great floods prepare


A head out of will

Reaches out from yonder stones

All for the keeping


Winterlands will foam

Bubbles of a crimson sea

As the shores beckon


journey flickr com


Icy with ravens

Black kingdoms rise in deserts

The breathing sands’ tombs


Flutters in Temples

Eyes staring at white ceilings

The curse of the sight


Of many the brave

A Journey of no return

Hails the inner flesh


journey thetimes co uk



Empire of Angels – Thomas Bergersen

Fearless – Thomas Bergersen / The Dance of Colours

Immortal – Thomas Bergersen

Final Frontier – Thomas Bergersen

Starchild – Thomas Bergersen

Emergence – Thomas Bergersen