The Shaman Tales 6 : Molding Consciousness

The Shaman Tales 6 : Molding Consciousness

28 March 2020


When she had first started using the shamanic gift on a large scale to summon rains she had known that this would happen according to the Ancient magic rules. These dictated that whatever the outcome in the immediate physical it would be replicated within one year or up to eighteen months from the time the ceremony was carried out thereby molding consciousness at that time. This was known as the frontal projection of the consciousness stream and required the shaman to separate from his/her physical self and stay astral during the intended time. Conversely, in a backward timeloop, one had to make the astral body go three years before the present time to carry out a shamanic ceremony that would affect the present.


Initially, she was meant to migrate from her current city to a special place called Alice Springs. She had pondered about it when the city had come out as a result of her dowsing ceremony as she did not know what this meant. It was then that she realized that there existed an Alice Springs and it was in Australia. By coincidence her own helper was dreaming of going to Australia but rather to Sydney than anywhere else. She thought that consciousness combined with her spells should take her to Australia then in astral form if not in the flesh.


At first, she realized that it was the fires of the phoenix that had been let out in the combined consciousness and to combat the ensuing drought-like state it was necessary to summon the rains. Her location was quite far from the regions affected but she knew that consciousness could carry through the shamanic trance joined with the witches’ spell if she released them within the right level of consciousness and at the right moment for them to manifest.


She knew that GAIA’s program was to regenerate herself by reducing what she considered weeds spread amongst her beautiful flowers. As a good gardener knows, if a beautiful patch of the garden is contaminated by weeds or by parasitic flowers, it is necessary to sacrifice patches of those flowers to save the whole garden. As a result GAIA had decided to wipe out many of what she considered weeds and that were in effect human beings. She did not consider them as more important than others because humans had long lost their connection to GAIA. She decided to do this in the region that lent itself the most to this and entire cities in Australia had suffered raging fires. The shamanic trance and combined witches’ spell helped with bringing some relief with the rains to the lands although it was insufficient as not enough levels of consciousness were drawn in by the worded intention. In short, the magic was diluted…


Tulku – Trancendence

Shadows past

Shadows past

10 October 2017

Remedy2 george-redhawk-aka-darkangelone-untitled
Courtesy George Redhawk


Crimson flash

A heart beckoning

Heat waves crust

Turns to ash

Head reeling regenerates

The organ from sting


Bent at core

Arrow is blessing

Wanting more

Needing none

Pointing to where all the fun

Ends in unearthing


Shadows past

Glimpse of yesteryears



Traces of forgotten fears

Now paid in arrears


Reading of the poem: 

morse george redhawk plus google com Antonio-Mora_46_signature
Courtesy George Redhawk and Antonio Mora

Deep listening – Rumi (translated by Coleman Barks)

Summoning her Frame

Summoning her Frame

1 September 2017

ET woman
ET woman; 8th aquarelle of aquarelle challenge



Place of Miracles

Where we pray

Where we stray

Spending light through sun’s array

Countenance at bay


Seething sand

Makes me obstacles

Which I grind

In my mind

Through memories I unwind

Past hidden unkind


Singing band

Grant me spectacles

Unknown fame

Face no name

Shimmering through light path tame

Summoning her frame


Reading of the poem: 

Flying Elephants (part 1) – Gregory Colbert

Flying Elephants (part 2) – Gregory Colbert

Ashes and Snow – Gregory Colbert

Contours of ashes

Contours of ashes

2 June 2017

Contours gregory colbert life internet ru
Courtesy Gregory Colbert on


River grows

Winding through the streets

Heart that knows

In love glows

Riding through the tidal flows

Subdued version greets


The mind roars

Within hearts kindled

Knowledge stores

Thousand crores

Through forgotten wells it pours

An aching dwindled



The life in flashes


The ember

As it wades through September

Contours of ashes


Reading of the poem: 

Contours gregory colbert tumblr_mg06veRj9g1r4qzi9o1_500
Courtesy Gregory Colbert on

Om Shanti – Taruna

Varanasi Space Station – Taruna

Blessed Beauty – Taruna


Dans la gloire qui périt dans les cendres de nos urnes / In glory perishing in ashes of our urns

Dans la gloire qui périt dans les cendres de nos urnes

(Poème écrit sous forme de sonnet occitan en vers Alexandrin. Traduit en anglais ci-dessous ou ici)

13 janvier 2017

Courtesy Christian Schloe


De la lune nous voyons amas de faces obscures

De mille plaines érigées étendard argenté

De la veine essuyons larmes rouges en zébrures

Les faiblesses fustigées pâle sentier arpenté


Lendemains nous fuyons, points de croix en suture

De ces pages rédigées en mémoires présentées

En veine cave appuyons des doux cœurs écorchure

Les voltiges dirigées en falaises serpentées


Récolte-moi des abimes dans des terres désolées

Quand la nuit s’assombrit dans les pensées nocturnes

De nos souvenirs sublimes en presqu’îles isolées


Ravive lueur qui luit dans nos sursauts diurnes

Remontée des vieilles cimes en terrains décalés

Dans la gloire qui périt dans les cendres de nos urnes


Lecture du poème: 

Courtesy Christian Schloe


In glory perishing in ashes of our urns

(Translation of a poem written as a Occitan sonnet in Alexandrin. See original above or here)

13 January 2017

Courtesy Christian Schloe


From the moon we now see clusters of dark faces

Thousand plains erected like a silvery flag

From the vein we will wipe a criss-cross of red tears

Weakness castigated pale pathway travelled through


The morrows that we flee, patchwork of cross stitches

From these pages written in memories displayed

On cava vein let’s press the sweet hearts abrasion

The directed vaulting into the winding cliffs


Harvest me from abyss in the desolate lands

When the night will darken in the nocturnal thoughts

From our sublime memories in lone peninsulas


Revive glimmer that shines in our diurnal jolts

Rise of old mountain tops in the staggered terrains

In glory perishing in ashes of our urns


Reading of the poem: 

Courtesy Christian Schloe

Halfway out of the Dark – Aesthesys

Sailing to Byzantium – Aesthesys

I am Free that is why I am Lost – Aesthesys

The passage of sunken Time

The passage of sunken Time

26 February 2016



Scorching skies

Lighting up the night

Blazing warmth

Red heavens

Colours fusing in opposed

One and Contrary


Life arbitrary

Chancing upon smoke


Ashes strewn

Within the logs that we poke

Memories of havens


Black ravens

Announce the coals’ path


Souls in flight

Flames licking as they quiver

Suspended visions



Crossing out the tides

Backward seas

Stenciled hope

Carbon copy as I grope

In empty insides


The ice melts

Rivers of wonder

Heartbeats’ light

White thunder

Northern star that sets me right

As the space rock pelts


Pick pieces

Cherry on the cake

As I slice

Life’s relish

I often have the same dish

Served stale in arrears


Break the fears

We breathe in circles

Our echoes

Drums beating

The passage of sunken Time

Handing heart I mime


Reading of the poem: 


Images courtesy

Wardruna Naudir

Wardruna – Völuspa

Wardruna – Bjarkan

Wardruna – Helvegen

The bearer of truth extinguishes fear

The bearer of truth extinguishes fear

9 January 2016

bearer 7-themes com


In my mind’s spaces desert flowers bloom

Deep within the cracks a parched land breathes life

Of freedom’s faces many spin the loom

Where unity lacks the thread knots a strife


The push and the pull thug war of others

The will that is weak follows suit head bent

A mind that is full wings not new feathers

A future so bleak wakes in soot the pent


Ashes in flashes a war will displace

Of keen hidden fruit emergence so clear

Wall inwards smashes by might of His Grace

The bearer of truth extinguishes fear


Hail to thee Mother your blood in my veins

To Earth-bound brother calls strong steady reins



bearer directlyrics com



De Profundis – – Arvo Pärt

Tabula Rasa – Arvo Pärt

Nunc Dimittis – Arvo Pärt

Stabat Mater – Arvo Pärt

A Tale of wincing virtues

A Tale of wincing virtues

5 December 2015


walking gifs alphacodes com 2



Of broken items

Furniture, relics and dreams

She had a room filled


The bustling places

Livelihood of ghostly gait

Simmering ashes


Mocking birds’ speeches

Tunes of ivory and stone

Cast in slow pavements


Slippery ridges

On banks leading to nowhere

From rivers of ice


Stretches of treasures

Meaningful pebbles of Life

Appealing to none


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Cruises for the dead

Box of chatter for leisure

Frigid drooping shores


Songs of soft nothings

Of quiet little measures

Distilling poisons


A hymn to the knaves

The unrelenting few dazed

Strewn astride her past


Book of small paces

Featuring starlets and sods

Blank fading faces


Of quirks of the game

A Tale of wincing virtues

Of falsehood and blame



walking gifs alphacodes com



Boulevard of Broken Dreams – Greenday

I walk Alone – Tarja Tarunen



Fear Ego’s highest Level

Fear Ego’s highest Level

17 November 2015

 fear chris cuningham darius khondji pinterest com


Walk in the valley

Where shadows are only sight

Cracked Earth stretches


Reinventing paths

Build destroy and build anew

Within the cracks Breathe


Look upon the Lands

Liquid thoughts penetrate seams

All glory now spent



Three crows sang to nightingale

Over land’s watchdog


fear fanpop com


Fall through listless cracks

Offering is not in pride

The living Confines


Grasping all within

Blowing it to Northern winds

Darkened eye meets Ice


fear dailymail co uk


Rise to covered skies

The fall and the rise unite

Cold sun Witnesses


Anointed useless

Fear Ego’s highest Level

Parts with Sacrifice


Stand within the grounds

Be the dragon and the prince

All tides Overcome


Silent tunes will flow

From the hands that knead the air

Bright new Sunrises


fear theexperiencejunkie com

Frozen – Madonna


I, flying Phoenix

I, flying Phoenix

4 November 2015

stairway divine love Lorraine cohen com (2)

I walked into Love

Fearful, aligning my steps

A timid creature


Love watched me serene

Blowing at me with her winds

Playfully sowing


I walked in bubble

Made of the finest white glass

The texture of frost


Love picked at me slow

Her pecking bird of heavens

Slow delivery


The silent tremors

As she hovered around me

Oh the knees that shake!


I craned slight my neck

She drew blood with her sharp fangs

The bloodied retreat


dragon reachingforsoul wordpress com dragonfire-woman2 (2)


I watched her now scared

Loathing her slight ugly form

Recollecting wits


Butterfly hovers

Caterpillar a mere slug

Loathing slimy trail


Love cast at me rocks

Hurling all within without

Sheared me, set me free


Naked and exposed

With my last shuddering sighs

I bowed to her slight


At last she then smiled

Mother and Father embraced

They showed me true Flames


Fire all consumed

From ashes I then emerged

I, flying Phoenix


elements twitter com 3

The process of your own creation could be a distorted one if you do not listen carefully to the rain and do not understand correctly the synchronicities

Sacrifice is in leaving the greater for the greatest knowing the tool is not the task.

Silence – Vargo

Porspero’s books – opening crédits

Talking to Satie – Alessandra Celletti

Venez venez haine implacable – Gluck

Bliss – A Quiet Conversation

Giovanni Marradi – Just for You

Alessandra Celletti – I Discend to You, You Ascend to Me

The Sacrifice – Michael Nyman

Shatter me – Lindsey Stirling

Rumi – One Whisper of the Beloved

Voices of Infinity – Yakuro

Rumi – Gently, gently open your eyes

Vargo – The moment

On the Wings of Love – Fusion of Rumi and Hafiz poetry