

11 November 2017

Christian schloe pinterest com 33
Courtesy Christian Schloe on pinterest.com


Shake me soft

Keep me in waking


Breath in deep

Harnessing before the sleep

Sands through fingers seep


Sigh my name

In between the heaves

Gather me

Autumn leaves

Shine me like summertime spent

By widow that grieves



Moonlit passages

Keep me still

Wave instill

My being on ledge’s edge

Twixt heart and mind wedge


Reading of the poem: 

Prelude 13 – Ketil Bjornstad

Travelling through waves

Travelling through waves

26 May 2017

light georgi stankov higherdensity wordpress com
Courtesy Georgi Stankov


Spirits speak

In clues to living


The lost paths

Where mind roams all forgiving

The soul a free hawk


Our hearts leak

In secrets restored

We did hoard

Meanings key

The widow bowing on knee

The willful penance


Light entrance

Warming my fingers


Mind lingers

Encroaching beehive’s stingers

Travelling through waves


Reading of the poem: 

light shift is (2)
Courtesy shift.is

Through the Ghost – Shinedown

Frontal collision

Frontal collision

19 July 2016

tabularasa david galstyan pinterest com 12
Courtesy David Galstyan on pinterest.com


Black widow

Mourning lost vigil

Of her death

Rancid breath

Hovering in morning chill

As Time sweeps over



Hammering vision


Stuck in loop

Stroboscopic impression

Frontal collision


We were strands

Twirling through eras

Fear disbands


Scorching lips smothering fate

Melancholy’s slate


Burning pyre

My inner realms dire

Desert space

None to face

No judgement but fall from Grace

Upon green-blue fields



Mind’s repetition

Your kisses

Heal my wounds

That flay my every layer

Between core and skin


Hope runs thin

Time is a slayer



A move away from fences

Disturbed defenses


Reading of the poem: 

frontal youtube com 3 (2)
Courtesy youtube.com

Late Goodbye – Poets of the Fall

War – Poets of the Fall

Daze – Poets of the Fall

Heal my wounds – Poets of the Fall

Dreaming wide Awake – Poets of the Fall

Rebirth – Poets of the Fall

In the name of Love

In the name of Love

7 July 2016

flower david galstyan pinterest com
Courtesy David Galstyan on pinterest.com

Their vision scorched me

Thousand soldiers of darkness

Of untruth their flag


Is this as it is

The sum of all our hardships

Walking on the knees


I roamed the deserts

My hair running its own way

Talks of centuries


My shadows cast light

In the silence of their screams

As the widow dreams


They hardened their hearts

In the name of freedom’s rings

As their chains tightened


Martial waverings

Their walks valleys of despair

As orphans huddled


The suns in me tire

Of the cycles of tales dire

Reinventing hope


The blind men will grope

Their hands panic stricken tools

Their hearts emptiness


Power’s not prowess

Only throne of loneliness

Rotten arm in glove


When I live again

Walk with me in the valleys

In the name of Love


Reading of the poem: 

heart of love rassouli
Courtesy Rassouli.com

Kafartu – Dhafer Youssef

Soupir Eternel – Dhafer Youssef

In the name of Love – Dhafer Youssef

Like a ghost in decay

Like a ghost in decay

14 April 2016

ghost fubiz net
Courtesy fubiz.net


Look upon horizon see the trees that will grow

Through the empty playgrounds where the voices holler

They fabricate reason for a token to show

Cinderella makes rounds for midnights to colour


The king tries for treason as the daffodils slow

Fading garland surrounds the beard like a trawler

Flowers out of season smother traces of snow

Flickering net makes grounds for souls to grow taller


You called upon me once like a ghost in decay

The moon shone through your frame like a weeping willow

Head hung facing two suns as three to music sway


For beating heart to tame shoulder to cast pillow

I offered you sun’s bunce web of golden threads’ play

You resumed aging game sliced orphan and widow


Reading of the poem: 

ghost ohbythewayblog blogspot com
Courtesy ohbthewayblog.blogspot.com

Xibalba – Clint Mansell

Not at Home – Clint Mansell

Together we will live forever – Clint Mansell

Walk swim fly anew

Walk swim fly anew

20 March 2016

siren pinterest com
Courtesy pinterest.com



The preparation

Of witness

Time’s harness

Four horses ride into dusk

Emblem of movement


Guns resound

In the wilderness

Lone bullets

They fly high

Above reasons and meaning

They carve the ether


What is dead

Stays forever down

The lost crown

Ne’er retrieved

Widow and orphan bereaved

Hate composes dread


There are lands

Etched in the kingdoms

Of the sky

Where I lie

My hands gifting the green wheat

Gift of the morrows


Threading fate

Twin are my bright suns

My rivers

Purple clad

Indistinctly good and bad

People of my Heart


Take the twin

From breaking waters

Births’ fusion

Red and Blue

Decompose the Times landscapes

Walk swim fly anew


Reading of the poem: 

rope corbiscrave com
Courtesy corbiscrave.com


13.Mozart’s Requiem – VI. Agnus Dei

8.Mozart’s Requiem-Lacrimosa

6.Mozart’s Requiem – Recordare

I died yesterday

I died yesterday

9 November 2015

Courtesy bestmedium.co.uk
Courtesy bestmedium.co.uk


She sacred victim

Not to death but more to life

I died yesterday



The Heart the mind churned

Eating from the humblest Pie

Learn to Square Circle


Twenty three my roots

As the atoms with the breath

Cross rays to dissolve


Dynamics of Love

Unstable equilibrium

Above Delta spin


Sacred was the dance

Within skin circumference

Lead the light-filled rays


Essence now free me

Staircase counts end of Heartpath

Metatron’s dark side


Infinity’s fumes

Took stillness to Twenty-two

Through moonlight’s chamber


Dark I was widow

I flowed as tomorrow’s bride

I died yesterday


Heart grieved seven years

The underdogs’ power surged

Resistance in Ohm


I chanted behind

Four more arrows’ golden sphere

Little bones’ white noise


Pink sphere’s future veil

Backward source in sonic wall

Pink circles my trails


Suicide sheep now shift

Trancescape’s aqua forest fog

Cast away reeds’ sparks


Of dancing feathers

Waves crack opening heartpath

North stillness in storm


Maya dying swan

How graceful your fluttering




Shift in downward frequencies

I died yesterday


Sixty one in grace

Three stages of innocence

As sixteen turns wise


Opening the shaft

Electricity simmers

Yellow in the red


The kraken approached

Land of nevermore dissolved

In Eye of Monster


I like Mother quaked

Our bones in poles now shifted

To bluest graveyards


As the chants now hummed

I lived in the bloodied flood

Red was my garment


They sprinkled waters

Led bees to our choicest source

Red rose gives honey


Perhaps another

She offered me a new chance

I died yesterday


Now with all consumed

In Heart only renewal

I live on Today

rose pinterest com 3
Courtesy pinterest.com

Dorothy Meets The Tinman (The Wizard of Oz 1939)

Gurdjieff Sacred Dance – Ho Yah

Rumi Poem, Iranian Music and Divine Dance

Darkside – Metatron (Music Video)

Darkside – Heart

Darkside (Psychic) – Golden Arrow

Etherwood – Cast Away

Maya Plisetskaya, age 61, dances Dying Swan

Hans Zimmer – Duduk Of The North

Hans Zimmer – The Kraken

Hans Zimmer – Aurora

Hans Zimmer – Injection

Love was only chance

Love was only chance

17 September 2015

ark infinityblade wikia com
Courtesy infinityblade.wikia.com


Once upon a time

An ark gathered them by pairs

Two of each soul tribe


Look upon the sets

Playground built itself child’s needs

Love grows but in Heart


Groomed but not by spouse

White brides will turn black widows

Creeping through undead


Shifted from axis

The Great Mother spun astray

Distances melted


Minds transform liquids

Only salt for scorching spared

Greed bred Life’s meltdown


We shall meet fires

With our essence of waters

As they flow fluid


Gushing from pure souls

Salvation came from Heart’s tears

Love was only chance

ark youtube com
Courtesy YouTube.com

Living in split worlds

Living in split worlds

3 September 2015

split deviantart com galaxy_woman_by_ivankorsario-d2o9du0
Courtesy IvanKorsario on deviantart.com


I touched your cold face

On a bright summer morning

As the dewdrops fell


The Earth welcomed cool

Steaming with the hiss of light

Water fire sinks


The cold was your tears

As night’s wake had gifted these

To your marble skin


A sob rose in throat

For future lived in past tense

Where hearts would flutter


You and I then cried

The loss of what was to be

As neither moved moss


Growth is from cutting

Seedlings in another land

Must then be potted


I cut through an inch

We winced from the incision

And withdrew silent


Hand on your shoulder

Mortal experiences

Treachery of pain

split fansshare com
Courtesy fansshare.com


All senses fail me

A sixth came to the rescue

Enhancing your sight



Friends reproach me your essence

That they will feel not


You dwell in my mind

Your heart reaching through the space

In between photons


Mind said you were dead

Perhaps I am your widow

You painted me black


Milliseconds’ fleet

From one beam to the other

As I catch your depth


Coded in the words

Meaning of a mind spirals

Through a timeless void


Loophole carries me

Writhing spirit did battle

Fragmentation tires


Living in split worlds

My soul divides a fractal

Embedded in time

split chris-chrisangeldorado blogspot com
Courtesy chris-chrisangeldorado.blogspot.com

Hai Dil Ye Mera – Arijit Singh