In the name of Love

In the name of Love

7 July 2016

flower david galstyan pinterest com
Courtesy David Galstyan on

Their vision scorched me

Thousand soldiers of darkness

Of untruth their flag


Is this as it is

The sum of all our hardships

Walking on the knees


I roamed the deserts

My hair running its own way

Talks of centuries


My shadows cast light

In the silence of their screams

As the widow dreams


They hardened their hearts

In the name of freedom’s rings

As their chains tightened


Martial waverings

Their walks valleys of despair

As orphans huddled


The suns in me tire

Of the cycles of tales dire

Reinventing hope


The blind men will grope

Their hands panic stricken tools

Their hearts emptiness


Power’s not prowess

Only throne of loneliness

Rotten arm in glove


When I live again

Walk with me in the valleys

In the name of Love


Reading of the poem: 

heart of love rassouli

Kafartu – Dhafer Youssef

Soupir Eternel – Dhafer Youssef

In the name of Love – Dhafer Youssef

Funny times

Funny times

27 January 2016

funny goguart deviantart com 2
Courtesy goguart on


Funny times

Playing hide and seek

You cooked rhymes

Without salt

Neither of us was at fault

For wasted banquets


Spent morrows

Breakfast on the grass

Buttered bread

Goes to head

And wastes energy in class

Learning how to cheat


I don’t judge

Merely spectator

Of your taunts


Invisible specter haunts

Breaking the journey


Now we know

Truth a dictator

Merely points


No other options arise

Naked casts the lies


Fishing rod

An expedition

To North pole

Ice clad holes

Looking through frigid waters

Bears much decorum


We eat green

End harvests yellow

Worn out scythes

Cutting rough

Jagged edges the result

Of years of neglect


The lost sheen

Of Heart ne’er mellow

Closed with time

The crusts hard

It would take more than a bard

To liquefy rust


The songs shared

Lost inner ramblings

Of tepid heart

The ways cold

Fortune favours but the bold

Scared hares learn respect


funny rieskaparamita deviantart com
Courtesy rieskaparamita on


Funny times

Your expectations

Coughing mirth

Mind roams Earth

We leave on journeys of sight

The other a wall


Angels fall

Their wings clipped neatly

Bundled prize

Winners tired

All the things that I admired

I barely recall


We knew not

Time spins arrogance

Huddled groups

Dissect frogs

Princes relic of the past

Fairytales don’t last


Titles wrought

Imagination a curse

Misspelled dreams

Broken screams

Crossing rivers between logs

Hush baby don’t fly


I lost them

Twice forgotten wings


Morphing cast

Theatrical face aghast

He prays for my soul



Malice reservoir



Everything against the Love

Head bent weep o Dove


You spell wrong

God takes not an A

Yet you goad

Lost cattle

Against the odds I battle

Heart lost in dark road


This testing

I know it was honed

Yet I fail

Yet I wail

It cost my faith yet I hail

Your endless glory


Reading of the poem: 


funny animation-picture blogspot com

Voyage – Youn Sun Nah

Into Dust – Youn Sun Nah

Consider me gone – Youn Sun Nah


Blood in the moonlight

Blood in the moonlight

12 December 2015


blood pinterest com 2a



The dark rasping sounds

Heaving darkness closing in

Respite in sleep’s loss


The night spoke whispers

Into the Heart of sorrow

Laying in dungeons


blood celluoidz com


Irresolute paths

Between truths and concealments

Roads to perdition


Sleeveless in winter

For Heart to wear but in cloak

Through blistering storms


Crystal clear ripples

She forged a way in waters

Through liquid portals


blood incine fr


Doors closed tight across

Waning memories that lurched

From bowels to throat


Shutting out the screams

Hell’s kitchen let out oozing

Blood in the moonlight


blood paulnelson booklikes com (2)



Love’s Way – Human Drama

I Bleed For You – Human Drama

A Million Years- Human Drama

Oh My Love – Human Drama